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1、一般疑问句,否定句课题一 I: 一般疑问句general question重点:辨别一般疑问句,掌握一般疑问句语法结构和使用方法。 难点:1.一般疑问句的句子结构。2. 一般疑问句和陈述句之间的转化。动词时态的变化。 教具准备:教学讲义练习题。教学过程:1. 复习:P17,P32重新朗读课文。复习单词和语法。2. 提出课题:Does.like.(doing)?Yes,.does./No,.doesnt.Is/Are.(doing)?Yes,.is/are./No,.isnt/arent.由以上例句总结一下一般疑问句的定义:一般疑问句是疑问句的一种。它是一般只用yes (是)或no (否)来回答

2、的句子。朗读一般疑问句时用升调。3教学步骤:a.举出更多例句.Egl. 问句: Is t his your pen?肯答: Yes, it is.否答:No, it isn t.Eg2. 问句: Are t hese your books?肯答: Yes, they are.否答: No,t hey aren t.Eg3. 问句: Can you speak English?肯答: Yes, I can.否答: No,I cant.Eg4. 问句: Do you like apple?肯答:Yes, I do.否答:No, I dont.b.总结一下一般疑问的句子结构及回答。(句子结构的记忆方

3、法:就是讲前面2个词调换 位置了。)Is/Are+主语+其他部分?。是。?Egl. Isyour pen?当只有一支笔的时候就用Is,回答:Yes,it is/No,it isn t .当有两只及以上用时用Are,而且要讲这个(this) /那个(that)变为这些(these)/ 那些(those).笔要加s变成复数。女口: Are these/those your pens?回答:Yes,they are/No,they aren t.Can/W il l+主语+V-原型?(后面动词都用原型)Eg. You can open the doorCan you open the door?Yo

4、u will go to school next Monday Will you go to school next Monday ?Do/Does+主语+V-原型?Eg. Do you like apple?Does Mary like cat?第一,二人称(I,You)用Do;第三人称(Mary)用DoesParents等复数也用Do.举例:我需要现在回家吗? Do i need to go home now ?回答: 你父母喜欢英语吗? Do your parents like English?Alice 喜欢花吗? Does Alice like flower?C. 辨别以下是否为一般

5、疑问句。Are you a student?Is it his pet?What is that over there?Can you swim?Do you have a storybook?This is a toy bear,I think.D. 将陈述句转化为一般疑问句。 句子中有is/Are/can: (some改成any, my改成your等)一加:把句中的Is/Are/can.到主语前;二改:改换主语称谓,即将句中的主语Imymineweourours等第一人称分别改为相 应的第二人称youyour yours等;三问号:句末的句号改为问号。如:Eg6. I am an Engl

6、ish teacher. f Are you an English teacher?Eg7. We can speak English fluently. f Can you speak English fluently? 句子中没有Is/Are/can (some改成any, my改成your等)一加:即在句首加助动词Do或Does;二改:1、把谓语动词改为原形;2、改换主语称谓(同); 三问号:句末的句号改为问号。Eg8. We read English every morning. f Do you read English every morning?Eg9. Toms father

7、listens to English on the radio every evening. fDoes Toms father listen to English on the radio every evening?特别注意:对于第一定要注意动词的还原,因为时态与数的变化已经体现在助动词上 了。E. 将下面的句子转换为一般疑问句。1.1 am from china. Are you from china?2. This is my sister ,Nancy. Is this your sister,Nancy?3. You can have a look. Can I have a lo

8、ok?4.1 play football.Do you play football?5. Kitty has a yellow purse.Does Kitty have a yellow Purse?6. There is a birthday cake on the table? Is there a birthday cake on the table?课题二:一般现在时否定句重点: 1掌握一般现在时否定句的基本构成方法。 2了解一般现在时否定句的基本用法。 3能灵活的运用一般现在时的否定句形式。难点: 1.一般现在时否定句的构成,掌握行为动词一般现在时第三人称单数。 2.能灵活的运用一

9、般现在时否定句。教学过程:1. Be动词的否定式:be+notEg:I am a teacher. Im not a teacher.You are a student. You arent a student.She is a doctor. She isnt a docor.We are friends. We arent friends.要求学生写出类似的句子。如:I am a girl.2. Do/Does(实义动词)的否定句。Do+not/Does+not. 第一人称(我/我们)、第二人称(你/你们)一Do第三人称(他/他们)一Does改为否定句时,一定要记得讲句子中动词恢复原型。E

10、g. I like English I dont like English.Mary likes playing the piano Mary doesnt like playing the piano. 注意:球类前一般都不加定冠词.play foot ball 踢足球play baseball 打棒球play t ennis 打网球play table tenneis 打乒乓球Play badminton 打羽毛球乐器前一般都加定冠词.play the guitar 弹吉他 play the violin 拉小提琴 Play the drum 打鼓 We go to school by b

11、ike. We dont go to school by bike.3. 练习一下。 将词组或单词写成一个完整的句子,并改为否定句。My mother read books every morning.Lily sing song every nightPlay basketball Tom like on weekendsAt the mid-aurumn eat we mooncakes课结束前总结课堂讲义1. 否定句:将词组或单词写成一个完整的句子,并改为否定句。My mother read books every morning.Lily sing song every nightPl

12、ay basketball Tom like on weekendsAt the mid-aurumn eat we mooncakes2. 般疑问句:辨别以下是否为一般疑问句。Are you a student?Is it his pet?What is that over there?Can you swim?Do you have a storybook?This is a toy bear,I think.3般疑问句:将下面的句子转换为一般疑问句。1.1 am from china. Are you from china?2. This is my sister ,Nancy. Is

13、this your sister,Nancy?3. You can have a look. Can I have a look?4.1 play football.Do you play football?5. Kitty has a yellow purse. Does Kitty have a yellow Purse?6. There is a birthday cake on the table? Is there a birthday cake on the table?HOMEWORK一般疑问句及否定句专项练习一. 请将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并作出回答。1. I am a st

14、udent. a student?2.She is a girl. - a girl?3.His first name is Tom. name Tom?4. This is a ruler. a ruler?6. There is a book on the desk. a book on the desk?7.There are some dictionaries on the floor. dictionaries on the floor?10. My friend wants to know about my morning. to know about morning?11.Ton

15、y has a computer. Tony a computer?12.Mr.White is very busy. Mr.White very busy?13.He teaches us art. us art?14.She watches TV in the morning.TV in the morning?15.I watch TV in the evening.TV in the evening?16.He runs every day.every day?17.I want to know his name.to know his name?18.They study at home.at home?19.She studies English at school.English at school?


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