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1、Please Hold the Last Chance!启迪中学高三单词拼写专练必修1-选修6注意:1. 注意单词形式。 2. 本练习均按课本单词表排列。 3. 本练习中所有句子均可在牛津字典第七版中查到。启迪中学:高三英语备课组启迪中学高三单词拼写专练必修1-选修6注意:1. 注意单词形式。 2. 本练习均按课本单词表排列。 3. 本练习中所有句子均可在牛津字典第七版中查到。1. There is no point being _ (不安)about it.2. He _ (无视)all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette.3. He

2、waited inside until the storm _ (平静)down.4. She was _ (担心)that she might miss the turning and get lost.5. The audience was almost _ (全部)female.6. The ship was helpless against the _ (力量)of the storm.7. Come to my birthday party and bring your _ (搭档).8. It is time you _ (解决)your differences with your

3、 father.9. It can take many years to _ (恢复)from the death of a loved one.10. The magazine is aimed at _ (青少年).11. You havent changed at all - you still look _ (完全)the same.12. Im extremely _ (感激)to all the teachers for their help.13. The countrys _ (官方)language is Spanish.14. The Titanic sank on its

4、 maiden _ (航行).15. You can always tell the differences between the tourists and _(当地人).16. I didnt want to say anything without _ (实际)reading the letter first.17. Your children will _(逐渐)understand what you have done for them.18. The only way to improve your English is to enlarge your _ (词汇量).19. He

5、 presented two solutions. The _ (后者)seems much better.20. He is _ (流利)in Polish.21. You are _ (要求)not to smoke in the office.22. The _ (神色)in her eyes told me something was wrong.23. I _ (认出)him as soon as he came in the room.24. She spoke English with a strong _ (地方口音).25. Come _ (直接)home after sch

6、ool. 26. He kept a _ (日志)of his travels across Asia.27. Blood _ (传输)oxygen around the body.28. I much _ (喜欢)jazz to rock music.29. One major _ (弊端)of the area is the lack of public transport.30. Children travel (at) half _(费用).31. I allowed myself to be _ (劝说)into entering the competition.32. He _ (

7、毕业)from York with a degree in Psychology.33. The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of _(计划).34. She has been determined to overcome her _(缺点).35. He was too _ (固执)to admit that he was wrong.36. The proposal had been dropped in the face of _ (坚决)opposition.37. They went on a long train _ (

8、旅程)across India. 38. If you want to pass your exams youd better change your _(态度)!39. We are looking for someone who is _ (可靠)and hard-working.40. She heard the clock strike _(午夜).41. The building was in _(着火).42. We set up a monument in memory of the people killed in the _(地震).43. There were _ (数以百

9、万)of people there.44. A large number of churches fell into _ (毁坏)after the revolution.45. We are studying under _ (极大)pressure at the moment.46. Three people were killed and five _ (受伤)in the crash.47. Before leaving, they _ (破坏)all the evidence.48. He knew it was _ (无用)to protest.49. They were even

10、tually _ (营救)by helicopter.50. We were all _ (震惊)at the news of his death.51. Dont turn on the lights at day. Its a waste of _(电).52. _ (祝贺)on your exam results!53. People were desperately seeking _ (藏身之处)from the gunfire.54. Thousands of people died in the _(灾难).55. This could cause serious _ (损害)t

11、o the countrys economy. 56. Their _ (质量)of life improved dramatically when they moved to France.57. This beautiful old building has been resorted to its _(往日的)glory.58. Dont be so _ (刻薄)to your little brother!59. Although hes nearly 80, he is still very _ (活跃).60. It was _ (大方)of him to offer to pay

12、 us both.61. It was _ (自私)of him to leave all the work to you.62. They are _ (深爱)to their children.63. The town was _ (建立)by English settlers in 1790.64. The PRC stands for the Peoples _ (共和国)of China.65. In _ (原则)there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day. 66. It was _ (平静)out there in the country.67. A _ (律师)is a person who is trained and qualified to ad


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