Unit6 Clothes教案、反思、评课.doc

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1、教研主题:听常规,研教法教研方式:听评课教材:剑桥英语1册年级:四年级教师:李静Unit 6 Clothes (5)一、 Teaching content1. The pupils understand、read and remember the poem2. Playing the guessing game in the class.3. Using the sentences : What am I wearing? I think, a (green shirt) and (blue jeans). Put on your二、Teaching aim1. 知识与能力:The pupil

2、s can read and remember the poem; play the games in the class.2.过程与方法:listen, read, speak and remember; play games.3.情感态度价值观:Pupils can use sentences to describe the clothes that they wear. They are interested in learning English.三、The key points: Pupils can use the sentence: Put on your四、Difficult

3、teaching points: Pupils can use the sentences: What am I wearing? I think, a (green shirt) and (blue jeans).五、Teaching aids: Teaching pictures of clothes, ppt. radio, cassette.六、Teaching processStep1.Review the words and phrases1. Present the title- Unit6 Clothes 2. Read the words: T-shirt/dress/ je

4、ans/sweater/ shirt/ socks/ shorts/ shoes/ trainers/ skirt/ cap Pupils read the words in lines; spell some words3. Say the phrases as: a yellow shirt/ brown jeansShowing the pictures in ppt.; pupils say out the phrasesStep2. Learn the poem.1. Read the title: Explain: poem; Can you remember the text?P

5、upils can understand the text.2. Listen to the poem for the first time.3. Listen to the poem for the second time and learnRun out of the doorActions: Stand up/ Sit down/ jump/ Fly like a budgie/ Get out of the bed/Run like a rabbit/ Run slowly/ Run quicklyxx, run out of the door. (Pupils understand

6、the text.)Using the similar phrases and word to learn the sentence- Run out of the door 4 groups read one group by one group; read in lines; boys and girls read4. Listen and read one sentence by one sentenceSome pupils read; boys read, girls read; read together5. T remember the poem; A pupil remembe

7、r; Practice in pairs; Some pupils remember; remember together6. Expansion:Put on my.Step3. Play the game1. Look at some pupils to describe the clothes of the childrenWhats she/ he wearing? She/ He is wearing2. T:What am I wearing?/Whats Miss Li wearing? Ss:3. Look at part 10: Learn to sayWhat am I w

8、earing? & I thinkExplain the word- “I think”4. Play the game-some pairs5. Practice in pairs and actStpe4. Home task Draw parents clothes, use the sentences to describe their parents clothes 七、Blackboard design Unit 6 Clothes Get out of the bed. Run. Run out of the door. Put on your/my What am I wear

9、ing? I think教学反思注重知识的理解运用,注重学生的整体参与本节课是英语组“听常规,研究法”的启动课,因此我认真的研读教材并备课,精心地准备了课件。在听课和评课的过程中,教研组共同研究,取长补短,共同研教材探教法。一、我的反思在英语课堂教学中,我注重全体学生的参与,每个学生都在课堂上发展进步,一节课每位学生至少发一次言。因此,在读单词和学语言的过程中,经常采用学生one by one,line by line开小火车读,group by group, boys & girls等方式,让不同层面的学生有多次说英语的机会。在复习单词和看图片描述(a black T-shirt)的环节,我

10、特意加入拼单词spell的环节,一般的学生可以读词,需要挑战的学生可以拼词;再从易到难,学生能用短语描述衣服的颜色,学生从个别描述,再到全员齐读,看似简单的过渡,其实是让每个学生都参与到了八个短语的朗读,为新授课的play a game in the class 环节也起到了铺垫的作用。学生如果理解了所学知识,才能更好的运用。在这篇诗歌的学习中,我首先教学生要会读题,了解题目的意思后再学语言。如:poem、 Can you remember the text?学生在教师的讲解下明白是“听、读和背诗歌”,任务明确,再学新知。听两遍诗歌,找出难点“Run out of the door.”,运用T

11、PR全身反应法,趣味的突破难点,并运用旧知突破新知,这两种方法结合是最佳的教学方式。因此我让学生play the game-listen and mime, 用Get out of the bed.& Run. 导入 “Run out of the door.”学生能熟练运用Put on your 若进行灵活运用则更好,由此设计了 Put on my最后学生能在小组合作的基础上,熟练背诵诗歌。本环节的不足之处是:Run out of the door.部分学生读起来仍然比较吃力。从旧知的巩固到新知的学习,能让学生对新知的学习有熟悉感,并增加学习的自信心。因此我用Whats she/ he we

12、aring? She/ He is wearing,描述五幅已学的图片,导入“What am I wearing? I think”学生学起来更加轻松。在Play the game环节,学生能将知识灵活运用,确实用英语思维理解和表达所学。二、教研组老师评课组内老师从不同的角度对这节课进行了评课和剖析,让教研活动颇具灵性。教师1:在课堂上运用了小组竞争的方式,让课堂更具生动。教师2:运用了小组合作的方式,每个学生都能参与语言的学习之中。学生发言的覆盖率广。教师3:教学中时间与流程的把握适宜,从旧知的巩固到新知的呈现,再到新知的运用,符合学生的认知规律。课堂上旧知的巩固好新知的学习衔接的较巧妙。教

13、师4:运用做动作的方式理解文本是较好的教学方法。采用Greeting的方式开课,很亲切:Good morning./Nice to meet you./ How are you today?教师5:教师注重了学生的全员参与,照顾不同层次的学生有发展。教师6:学生能灵活变通和扩展语言知识。从Put on your到Put on my等教师7:教学环节的衔接可以更加自然,如:Fly like a budgie./Run out of the door. 用过渡语衔接则更好。 教师8:在课堂上要注重学生语音语调的渗透教学,将能更加激发学生学习语言的兴趣。听评课的方式,促进我们的教学水平不断改进和发展。2009-2-22


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