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1、动词时态与语态过关检测60题 (含解析)【题例精析】【例1】 It seems water _ from this tap for some time. Well have to take it apart to put it right. (2007南京模拟卷)A. had leaked B. is leaking C. leaked D. has been leaking【易错点悟】解答该题的关键是要准确把握句中的时间状语for some time所强调的时间段以及所使用的动词时态。【要点精析】根据句中时间状语for some time以及后一分句的动词时态可知,选项动词动作强调到现在为止

2、并仍在继续,故应排除选项A、C。由于选项B现在进行时不可与一段时间状语连用,所以排除选项B,选D现在完成进行时。【答案】D【例2】 Dont you feel surprised to see Bruce at the meeting?Yes. I really didnt think she _ here. (2006四川卷)A. has been B. had beenC. would be D. would have been【易错点悟】解答该题的关键是根据上下文语境准确理解选项动作所表达的时间发生点。【要点精析】根据上下文语境可知,选项动作已在过去发生或完成。但根据I really d

3、idnt think可以判断出从句中的动作是从过去某时间看将来要发生的事,故应选过去将来时。【答案】C【过关检测】1. Is Paul playing both soccer and tennis for the school? He_. But now he has given up playing tennis.A. is B. has C. was D. had2. Look! It looks as if it _ going to rain. We must hurry. OK. A. was B. is C. were D. will be3. Isnt it hard to dr

4、ive downtown to work? Yes, thats why I _ to work by train. A. have been going B. have goneC. was going D. will have gone4. Look! Someone has spilt coffee on the carpet. Well, it _ me.A. isnt B. wasnt C. hasnt been D. hadnt been5. Ive bought a box of chocolates for our daughter. Oh, how good a dad! B

5、ut she doesnt like sweet things. _that?A. Dont you know B. Havent you knownC. Didnt you know D. Hadnt you known6. Hello, Jim. I_ to see you today. Sonia said you _ ill. Oh, Im OK. A. dont expect; were B. havent expected; areC. am not expecting; are D. didnt expect; were7. Look! How long _ like this?

6、 Three weeks! Its usual here that rain _ without stopping these days of the year.A. has it rained; pours B. has it been raining; poursC. is it raining; is pouring D. does it rain; pours 8. Our team was ahead during the first half, but we _ in the last ten minutes.A. had lost B. would lose C. were lo

7、sing D. lost9. You neednt hurry her; she _ it by the time you are ready.A. will have finished B. will finishC. will be finishing D. has finished10. Who is the old man talking with your teacher? I dont know. I _ him before.A. was never seeing B. had never seenC. never saw D. wouldnt see11. Tom came b

8、ack home the day before yesterday. Really? Where _ at all?A. had he been B. has he beenC. had he gone D. has he gone12.Can I help you, Madam? No, thanks. I_.A. have just looked around B. just look aroundC. just looked around D. am just looking around13. I havent seen you for ages. Where have you bee

9、n? I _ on leave in Europe.A. have been B. am C. was D. had been14. Have you heard from Janet recently? No, but I _ her over Christmas. A. saw B. will be seeing C. have seen D. have been seeing15. What were you up to when she dropped in? I _ for a while and _ some reading.A. was playing; was going to

10、 do B. played; didC. had played; was going to do D. had played; did16. He was hoping to go abroad; but his parents _ that they wont support him unless he can borrow money from the bank.A. were deciding B. have decidedC. decided D. will decide17. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of

11、good earth _ each year.A. is washing away B. is being washed awayC. are washing away D. are being washed away18. My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I _ half of it.A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed19. The news came as no surprise to me. I _ for some time that the facto

12、ry was going to shut down.A. had known B. knew C. have known D. know20. One of them told me, “This is the first time I _ to the capital to attend the flag-raising ceremony.”A. came B. come C. have come D. had come21. Do you have anything to do this afternoon? Whats up? Lets go shopping. Its said tha

13、t Jinying Shop _, and all the sweaters are sold at half price. Why not?A. has closed down B. was closing downC. closes down D. is closing down 22. What about 10 oclock tomorrow morning? Im afraid I cant make it. I _ then.A. am going to take an exam B. am taking an examC. will be taking an exam D. an

14、 to take an exam23. Whats the matter? You look worried and restless. Oh, nothing really serious. As a matter of fact, I _ of my graduation thesis. I have to hand it in soon.A. am just thinking B. just thoughtC. have just thought D. was just thinking24. Twenty dollars, please! How terrible! I _ to bring my wallet with me.A. was forgetting


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