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1、总共71题共100分一. Choose the best answer(共10题,共10分)1. This crop does not do well in soils _ the one for which it has been specially developed. (1分)A.outside B.other than C.beyond D.rather than .标准答案:B2. You will be punished if you break the _. (1分)A.sense B.rule C.practice D.reality .标准答案:B3. He _ his wa

2、y out when the film ended. (1分)A.kept B.broke C.smoothed D.made .标准答案:D4. Its no use _ that you did not know the rules. (1分)A.your pretendingB.for you pretendingC.by you to pretendD.if you to pretend.标准答案:A5. The poor girl walked _ whole day in _ snow. (1分)A.the . a B.a . a C. . the D.a . the .标准答案:

3、D6. Coffee _ be drunk while it is hot. (1分)A.has to B.must C.ought to D.will .标准答案:C7. It was such a day _ we rarely (很少地) see in Chongqing. (1分)A.as B.so C.that D. .标准答案:A8. The importance of saving gas _ be stressed too much. Automobiles use up some 70 billion gallons of gas a year. (1分)A.shouldnt

4、 B.mustnt C.cant D.may not .标准答案:C9. It was a matter of _ would take the position. (1分)A.who B.whoever C.whom D.whomever .标准答案:A10. Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially _ containing as many different subcultures as the United States, is a difficult task. (1分)A.one B.it C.t

5、hat D.the one .标准答案:A二. Error Finding(共10题,共10分)1. My supervisor promised that he will come to help me immediately.( ) A B C D (1分)A.supervisor B.that C.will D.immediately .标准答案:C2. In United States, people attach more importance to words on a thank-you card. () A B C D (1分)A.InUnited States B.to C.

6、on D.thank-you .标准答案:A3. A hour is a short time to spend in a university library. () A B C D (1分)A.AhourB.isC.toD.in a university.标准答案:A4. Lizzy is the prettiest than all her sisters. () A B C D (1分)A.is B.the C.prettiest D.her .标准答案:C5. Her grandpa had passed away before she had arrived at the hosp

7、ital. () A B C D (1分)A.grandpaB.awayC.she had arrivedD.at.标准答案:C6. I hear he has gone abroad. I wonder when he had left.( ) A B C D (1分)A.hear B.abroad C.wonder D.had left .标准答案:D7. The yellow river is the second long river in China.( ) A B C D (1分)A.yellow B.is C.long D.in .标准答案:C8. Mary is the goo

8、d player of the two. () A B C D (1分)A.Mary B.is C.good D.player .标准答案:C9. We are going to play the tennis in the afternoon. () A B C D (1分)A.are B.to C.play the tennis D.afternoon .标准答案:C10. The shop keeper offered him the better hat in the shop with the lowest price. () A B C D (1分)A.keeper B.bette

9、r C.in D.with .标准答案:B三. Translate English Sentences into Chinese(共5题,共10分)1. The girl looked at the small animal with pleasure. (2分)标准答案:女孩高兴地看着那只小动物。2. Mary looks much younger than she really is. (2分)标准答案:玛丽显得比实际年龄要年轻。3. We should learn to respect otherslife style. (2分)标准答案:我们应当学会尊重别人的生活方式。4. This

10、girl dresses in the most fashionable way in her class. (2分)标准答案:这个女孩的穿着是班里最时髦的。5. Speaking of greeting, would you please give me an example in English? (2分)标准答案:谈到打招呼,你能用英语给我们举个例子吗?四. Imitating the English sentences given above, translate Chinese into English.(共5题,共10分)1. Whats the use ofyour going

11、there? 他只作出承诺而不遵守有什么用呢? (2分)标准答案:Whats the use of his making promises without keeping them?2. It is not unusual inJapan to offer a gift toa person who is leaving. 在新加坡听人们用不同的语言交谈并不罕见。 (2分)标准答案:It is not unusual in Singapore to hear people talking in different languages.3. This idea is expressed inthe speech “I have a dream”. 这一愿望被表



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