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1、倒装句完成句子专练 高考回顾】Not only(给予帮助)people to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it(help).答案:will help be given to.倒装句成为历届高考看好的热点.湖北高考采用新题型(完成句子)以来,今年仅第二年,大家对这个题型还比较陌生,现就倒装句考点以完成句子的形式精选29题供大家参考。1.Not until she had supper,_ (她妈妈才回家)。(come)2._(尽管她累了),she helped her mot

2、her to do the homework.(as)3.Should_(你被开除),your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.(fire).4.Never in my wildest dreams (我能想像)these people are living in such poor conditions.(imagine)5.Only with the help of the local guide_ (那些登山者获救了)(rescue)6.Greatly loved in China_(是英国浪漫

3、诗人)(poet)7.So (我觉得难)to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. (find)8._ (尽管他是个教师),he wasnt able to educate his own child well.(as)9.Ive tried very hard to improve my English, but by no means (老师对我的进步满意)。(satisfy)10.No_ (铃声一响)than the teacher came in.(sooner)11.Hardly_ (我一回家)when

4、it began to rain.(get)12.So_ (湖浅了)that no fish can live in it.(shallow).13.Not only_ (他被迫留在家里),but also he had to do his homework.(force)14.Standing beside the window_ (是一个约6岁的孩子)(age)15.Little_ (他关心自己安全),though he was in great danger himself.(care)16.Had (看电影),I would have told you something about

5、it.(see)17.At no time_(教师打学生)。(beat)18. After that we never saw her again. Nor_ (也没收到她的信)her.(hear)19.You disliked him,_ (我也不喜欢他)。(so)20.We have been told that under no circumstances _ (我们可以使用电话)in the office for personal affairs.(use) 21.Such_ (它是一部动人的电影)that they were all lost in thought after it

6、was over.(move)22.Only he told me secretly that not only _(她笨)but also she was lazy.(stupid)23.Youve no idea _ (多么重要)to help the snow-bit victims out of trouble.(how)24.“I have been to many places, but nowhere else _(我能找到如此)beautiful palace”.said my father excitedly.(find)25.Everyone has his or her

7、special skill and interests, and only by discovering what we can do best _(我们希望实现目标),and truly make a difference.(reach)。26. Scarcely_(把粮食收进来)when it began to rain.(gather).27.Before dark, we arrived at a small town, east of which _ (是一个大农场)。(lie).28. _ (不管他怎么努力),she failed.(try, as)29.He shouted, s

8、uch _(他是如此兴奋).(excitement)答案:1. did her mother come back2. Tired as she was3. you be fired4. could I imagine5. were the mountain climbers rescued6. are the English Romantic poets7. difficult did I find it8. teacher as he was9. is the teacher satisfied with my progress10. sooner had the bell rung11.

9、had I got home12. shallow is the lake13. was he forced to stay home14. was a boy aged about 615. did he care about his own safety16. I seen the film17. will / should the teachers beat students18. did we hear from her19. so did I20. can we use the telephone21. a moving film was it22. was she stupid23

10、. how important it is24. can I find such a 25. can we hope to reach our goals26. had we gathered in the grain27. lies a big farm28. Try as he might29. was his excitement特殊句式包括强调句型与倒装句(部分倒装与完全倒装),成为历届高考的热点,同学们一定要反复练习,确保记忆的准确和全面。下面以完成句子的形式对上述考点进行精选精练并附以答案解析,供同学们参考。一、强调句型1、_ (究竟是谁)broke the window?(it)

11、2、I have no idea_ (到底是什么)you want me to do?(it)3、It was midnight _ (我来到这儿)yesterday(get)4、As is known to all,it was_ (他酒后驾车)that resulted in the terrible car accident (drive)5、Jack is a student and studies at the NO2 Middle school ._(也是如此)Mike. (with)6、How long do you think_(需要多久)the computer compan

12、y brings out a new product? (before)7、_(直到)ten oclock that he went to bed. (until)8、It must have been his father_(他正在考虑) (think)9、It was at midnight_(我回到家)last night (return)10、_ (不久)they get married. (long)二、倒装11、In a lecture hall of a univesity(坐着一位教授)(sit)12、_ (事实就是这样);no one can deny them. (such

13、)13、Only in this way_(我们才能学好英语)(learn)14、Never before_ (我看过)such a moving film. (see)15、_ (我一上火车)When it began to rain. (hardly)16、_ (他绝不同意)to move to a new place far away from her workplace,because it isnt convenient. (means)17、So clearly_ (他讲英语)that he can always make himself understood. (speak)18、Not only_ (给予帮助)to people to find jobs,but also medical treatment will be provide


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