Unit1 Friends Reanding2导学案 牛津译林版八年级上册英语.doc

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1、Unit1 Friends课题: Reading (第二课时)班级: _ 姓名:_ 【学习目标】1 学习用形容词描述朋友的外貌和个性2掌握下列词和词组willing, ready, singer, almost, smart, sense, bored, joke, advertisement, trueas slim as, be willing to do, be ready to do, someone in need, want to be a singer, travel around the world, because of, make someone look smart, t

2、ell funny jokes, make me laugh, walk past, a true friend, keep a secret, say a bad word about, knock off【自主预习】1 读以上单词,理解他们的意义。2 试着用这些问题去描述你的朋友。 What does your friend look like? What kind of person is your friend? What does your friend like?3 预习课文内容,尝试着判断下面的几句话是否正确1.Betty is generous to old people on

3、ly.2.Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world.3.Max does a lot of computer work.4.Max is very good at telling jokes.5.May is a true friend.6.May likes to tell others her friendssecrets.【课堂学习】1听录音回答下列问题:Betty:Is Betty slim? What kind of person is she? What does she want to do when she g

4、rows up?Max:How tall is Max? Does he wear small round glasses? What kind of person is he?May:Is May pretty? Why is she a true friend?2 读课文完成下列表格NameAppearancepersonalityBettyMaxMay3 再读课文完成 P9 B2部分,判断正误。4小组讨论: What do you think the best friend should be like? What kind of person would you like to be?

5、【课堂检测】一、所给词的正确形式填空1 Jay Zhou is a famous _ (sing).2 He is _(will) to help others.3 He is very good at telling f_ stories.4 He is _(慷慨的) and all the children like him very much.5 Who is your _ (真正的)friend.6 Tom feels_ (无聊) ,because this film is not interesting.二、用所给的单词填空helpful, srtaight, travel, sli

6、m, generous, singer, willing BettyShe is a _ girl with _ hair. She is _ to share things with others. She is _ and _. She wants to be a _ and _ around the world when she grows up.三、阅读理解。 Are you a friend? What are qualities of a good friend? Trustworthiness(值得信赖) is a great quality to look for a frie

7、nd. But in order to have good friends, you have to be a good friend. Are you a friend? Do people trust you? Do they tell you their secrets? What do you do with their secrets? If you tell As secrets to B, then B would find it hard to trust you with their secrets. B may be thinking, “Since(既然) you tol

8、d me about As secrets, you would be telling somebody else my secrets,” Then A would find out that you havent kept his secrets and not open his heart to you any more. Maybe its the end of your friendship. So if you want to be a good friend, you need to hold your tongue(舌头) and zip(关上) your lips.根据短文判断正误:( ) 1. Trustworthiness is a great quality of a good friend.( ) 2. We are good friends, so I can tell you somebody elses secrets.( ) 3. If you tell me somebody elses secrets, I think you will tell my secrets to somebody else, too.( ) 4. “Friendship” means “友谊” in Chinese.


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