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1、CABLE 相关词汇cable 电缆cable armor 电缆铠装cable armoring machine 电缆铠装机cable attenuation 电缆衰减cable bearer 电缆支架cable bond 电缆接头cable box 电缆套cable bracket 电缆架cable bridge 电缆桥cable capacitance 电缆电容cable car 电缆车cable charging current 电缆充电电流cable chart 电缆图表cable chute 电缆沟cable circuit diagram 电缆电路图cable clamp 电缆夹c

2、able compound 电缆膏cable conductor 电缆芯线cable conduit 电缆沟cable connector 电缆接头cable core 电缆芯线cable coupling 电缆套cable coupling sleeve 电缆联接套管cable current transformer 电缆用电隶感器cable dividing box 电缆分线盒cable drum 电缆盘cable duct 电缆沟cable engineering 电缆工程cable fault 电缆损伤cable fault detector 电缆故障点检验器cable fault l

3、ocation 电缆故障点检验cable gallery 电缆廊道cable grease 电缆滑脂cable grip 电缆夹cable hanger 电缆悬挂钩cable head 电缆终端盒cable hook 电缆挂钩cable hut 电缆配线房cable industry 电缆工业cable inlet 电缆入口cable insulation 电缆绝缘cable insulation compound 电缆膏cable joint 电缆接头cable junction box 电缆接线箱cable laying 电缆敷设cable layout 电缆敷设图cable liftin

4、g 电缆垂直敷设cable line 电缆线路cable locator 电缆探测器cable lug 电缆终端夹cable manhole 电缆人孔cable map 电缆图cable marker 电缆标志cable oil 电缆油cable pit 电缆井cable protection 电缆保护cable quad 电缆四芯线组cable rack 电缆架cable railway 缆车铁道cable reel 电缆盘cable run 电缆敷设路径cable sealing box 电缆密封盒cable sheath 电缆外皮cable ship 电缆船cable short cir

5、cuit 电缆短路cable sleeve 电缆接续套cable splice 电缆接合cable splicing 电缆接合cable stranding machine 电缆绞合机cable subway 电缆廊道cable suspender 电缆悬挂钩cable tank 电缆槽cable terminal 电缆端cable test 电缆试验cable testing apparatus 电缆试验装置cable testing car 电缆测试车cable trailer 电缆盘拖车cable trough 电缆暗渠cable vault 电缆地下室cable winch 电缆绞车c

6、able with pilot core 有控制芯的电缆cableway 死cabling 敷设电缆cabtyre cable 厚橡胶软电缆cabtyre cord 厚橡胶软线电线电缆行业词汇湿式中拉机medium wet drawing machine 中拉机medium wire drawing machine 中拉intermediate drawing 中拉机intermediate wire drawing machine 中拉机、大拉机coarse wire drawing machine 粗-细线拉线机、中拉机coarse-fine wire drawing machine多根拉

7、线-退火-束线机组multi-wire drawing-annealing-bunching line 四节距束线机four twist bunching machine 双节距束线机double twist buncher 双节距束线机double-twist bunch strander 双节距双倍束线机double-twist bunching machine 双节距高速束线机double-twist laying-up machine 复合束线、复混合束线compound bunch 磨光机、束线机buffing machine v束线、束绞 n束线bunch v束线、束绞bunch-

8、strand 束绞铜束线bunch-stranded copper conductor 束线、绞合线bunched wire 束线机buncher 束线机bunching machine灌注potting 双面双层十六头纱包机 16- head double-side douoble-rosette cotton covering machine) 立式双层鼓轮vertical double draft bull block 双层编包风雨线weatherproof double braid 双层挤出(机)头twin (extruder) head 双层鼓轮拉线机twin capstan dra

9、wing machine 双头挤出、双层挤出twin-head extrusion 双层的twin-layer 橡皮绝缘双层编包线rubber-covered double braided 双层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线heavy epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire 泡沫皮绝缘、泡沫/实心双层绝缘foam skin insulation 双层编织机double tier type braiding machine 双层钢丝铠装double wire armour 双层钢丝铠装电缆double wire-armoured cable 双层挤出(机)头double(

10、extruder)head双层编织的double-braid 双层编织式外导体同轴电缆double-braid type coaxial cable 双层鼓轮拉线机double-capstan wire drawing machine 双层滚筒六头拉线机double-deck 6 head type machine 双层鼓轮double-deck bull block 双层拉线鼓轮double-deck drawing block 双层绝缘的double-insulated 双层的double-layer 双层一次挤出(法)double-layer coating co-extrusion 双

11、层挤出(机)头double-layer extrusion head 双层纸double-ply paper 双丝包的、双层丝绝缘double-silk covered 双层挤出(机)头dual (extruder) head 泡沫/实心双层绝缘、泡沫绝缘dual expanded plastic insulation 双层挤出机dual extruder双层绕包头dual lapping head 双层的duplex 双层纸duplex paper 双层护套、焊接的皱纹金属管护套duplex sheath 双层绕包头duplicate lapping head 双层铠装double armo

12、(u)ring 双层鼓轮double block 双层鼓轮拉线机double block drawing machine 双层拉线鼓轮double deck drawing capstan 双层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线double epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire 双层绝缘导线double insulated condutor 双层直角挤出机头double layer crosshead 双层钢带铠装double layer of steel-tape armour 双层钢带铠装d.s.t.a.(double layer of steel-tape armo

13、ur) 双层护套电缆的内护套直径DOIJ单层纸simplex paper 单层滚筒七头拉线机single deck 7 heads type machine 单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire 单层金属编织机single tier type wire braiding machine 单层的single-layer 单层电缆single-layer cable 单层绞线single-layer strand 单层纸包圆铜电磁线single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire 单

14、层纸single-ply paper 单层纸single-wire paper 单层monolayer单层甲板大帆船galley管式绞线机、管绞机tube strander 管式绞线机、管绞机tubular closer 管绞机tubular strander 管式绞线机、管绞机tubular stranding machine 管绞机筒体stranding rotor 高速管绞机high speed tubular stranding machine光纤拉丝 optical fibre drawing拉丝乳剂 drawing compounds拉丝润滑剂 drawing lubricants拉丝用皂 drawing soaps8模湿式拉丝机、八模湿拉机 wet drawing machine with 8 dies拉线、拉丝 wire drawing拉线模、拉丝模 wire drawing die拉丝润滑剂 wire drawing lubricant拉线机、拉丝机 wire drawing millv拉丝、拔丝 wire-draw拉丝机、拉丝工 wire-drawer拉丝架机 wire-drawing bench拉丝设备车间 wire-drawing plant拉丝、拔丝 wireddrawin



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