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1、完美音标-精雕细琢 完美音标精雕细琢一 、元音:: 疯狂外号:“感叹祖国大好山河音”小胖老师的话:就像在大发感叹:“啊!祖国的山河都么秀丽啊!”,照着镜子,嘴巴上下打开,张得越大越好,上下齿距离3厘米,发音2秒!必须苦练的三个单词:confidence hot operation economy 王牌精品句:I have a lot of confidence in you. Sorry to bother you. I have a problem with my car. Solving this problem is my top priority. 疯狂外号: “经典收小腹急促短啊音”

2、,嘴巴自然张开,上下齿1cm小胖老师的话:这个发音有点像发“啊”时忽然被谁卡住了脖子的感觉,且轻轻收小腹哦!必须苦练的三个单词:fundamental love government 王牌精品句:Enough is enough! Just shut up.If you want to double your income, you must double your effort. : 疯狂外号:“中嘴长元音”小胖老师的话:张开口,双唇稍稍收圆,并向前突出,要拉长一点,夸张一点!必须苦练的三个单词:more for four door I always thought I would go a

3、broad someday. She is lost in the thought. He almost always walks to work.: 疯狂外号:“重读卷舌音 ”小胖老师的话:这是一个元音加卷舌的动作,但舌尖上卷时注意不雅接触口腔任何部位,以免发生摩擦,这是个费力的音,请拼命卷舌。必须苦练的三个单词:work first learn early 王牌精品句:Im leaving now.I have to work early tomorrow.Thats a perfect solution.Im sure it will work. 疯狂外号:“经典收小腹减肥放松鹅音”小胖

4、老师的话:“这是英语中最普遍的一个音,和汉语的韵母“e”相似,发音时口放松”必须苦练的三个单词:anonymous apologize convenient王牌精品句:I love China.China is an amazing country.China is the future of the worldChina and America should always work together.i: 疯狂外号:“穿针引线长衣音”小胖老师的话:“发音时,上下唇微开,嘴唇扁平。嘴角尽量往两边移动,边微笑边说“衣”。拉得越长越好,一定要超过两秒钟!”必须苦练的三个单词:he she see

5、reasonable treatment王牌精品句:If you want speak good English.you need to repeatPlease have a seat.Please make yourself at home i 疯狂外号:“经典收小腹减肥短衣音”小胖老师的话:“发音的口型和i:基本相同,口型扁平,嘴唇稍松开。疯狂收小腹,越短越好,每天坚持练,练出小蛮腰”必须苦练的三个单词:administrate distinguish limitless王牌精品句:Im finished.It was very good.It was delicious. Its a

6、little bit too big.u: 疯狂外号:“小圆唇长乌音”小胖老师的话:“这叫“乌”音!发音时,将双唇收圆,收小,并向前突出,口腔肌肉始终保持紧张。注意,这是长音,要超过两秒。”必须苦练的三个单词:improvement opportunity universal王牌精品句:Ill be back soon,please wait for a few minutes.Dont lose the opportunity.u 疯狂外号:“经典收小腹减肥圆唇短乌音”小胖老师的话:“发这个音,双唇稍收圆,小而稍微突出,就像汉语的“乌”,这一个短元音,要急促有力,收小腹”必须苦练的三个单词:

7、booklover bulletin understood王牌精品句:She is a good-looking woman.She also has a good personality.How do I look? Do I look good?e 疯狂外号:“小开口45度音”小胖老师的话:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。上下嘴唇打开约45度,同时发出声音。必须苦练的三个单词:Elementary healthy represent 王牌精品句:Lets get together again soon. Well, lets get everything ready. Every day in

8、every way, everything is getting better and better. 疯狂外号:“大开口夸张90度音”小胖老师的话:这是一个最具美国味儿的发音!发音时,张开嘴,逐渐压低舌头和下颚,尽可能夸张,嘴巴越大越好!每天坚持练,你可以做到!必须苦练的三个单词:fantastic ambitious satisfaction王牌精品句:Thats fantastic. Thats absolutely fantastic. I have a happy family. 双元音(8个)ei 疯狂外号: “嘴角咧到耳朵上音”小胖老师的话:先发e,在发i。 嘴角咧到耳朵上!发音

9、的时候有一个滑动的过程,音量由强到弱,由长到短,由清晰到含糊。必须苦练的三个单词: available appreciate eliminate 王牌精品句:It is a great day today. Eat here or take away? No pain ,no gain!ai 疯狂外号: “大嘴阿姨音”小胖老师的话:尽可能的张大嘴,有点类似汉语中的“阿姨”,饱满到位!必须苦练的三个单词: available appreciate eliminate 王牌精品句:Dont be shy just try ! Five times five is twenty-five. The

10、price is twenty-five.i 疯狂外号: “中嘴短衣音”小胖老师的话:发音饱满!口型由“稍大而圆”变为“小而扁”必须苦练的三个单词: enjoy choice moisture 王牌精品句:Dont spoil your little boy. Spoiling is poison. That noise is very annoying. 疯狂外号: “咧嘴卷舌音”小胖老师的话: 由第一个音e,向第二个音r 滑动必须苦练的三个单词: enjoy choice moisture 王牌精品句:Take care! Where there is a will, there is a

11、 way!There is one over there and there is another one upstairs. u 疯狂外号: “短乌卷舌音”必须苦练的三个单词: insurance tourism cure i 疯狂外号: “短衣卷舌音”小胖老师的话: 由第一个音i,向第二个音r 滑动必须苦练的三个单词: atmosphere disappear experience 王牌精品句: I can not hear you clearly. Dry your tears. Cheer up! This experience will make you stronger. u 疯狂

12、外号: “舀水音”小胖老师的话: 由第一个音a,向第二个音u 滑动,嘴型由扁到圆。必须苦练的三个单词: hope smoke promote 王牌精品句:I hope you dont mind my smoking. I feel hopeless, lonely and heartbroken. au 疯狂外号: “狼吼鬼叫音”必须苦练的三个单词: encounter foundation undoubtedly 王牌精品句:I am proud of our team. Our team is outstanding. 二 辅音(28个)1.爆破音b d gp t k 2.鼻辅音m n

13、3.舌侧音l (两种发音方式) 4.破擦音tr 小胖老师的话:清辅音,送气强,声带不振动。双唇稍稍突出,成圆形。用气说:“戳”必须苦练的三个单词:introduce tradition trust 王牌精品句:Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you. dr 小胖老师的话:浊辅音,声带振动。双唇稍稍突出,成圆形。用气说:“桌”必须苦练的三个单词:dramatic drink dress ts dz 小胖老师的话:这两个音口型舌位很相近,有爆破的感觉。舌尖抬起,抵住上齿龈,堵住气流,然后下降抵住下齿,气流泻出口腔。ts 是清辅音,声带不振动。dz 是浊辅音,振动。很简单,就是用气发“次”和“兹”就ok 了哦!Lots of people have cats, birds and dogs as their pets. f 疯狂外号: “唇齿相依摩擦音”,俗称“咬唇音”必须苦练的单词: friend fire faithful


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