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1、假期作业三单选(本大题共小题,每题1分,共15分)( )31. m es hing_luchatome, becaus e lways has _ ood lunch. a; . ; C.; D. ; ( )32. Is _ today. I inkitsging to_.来源:Z,xx,k.CmA. loud; ai B. cudy;raiing C.cloudy;in .coud; rainy( )33 e get_hanou henoebody heps oAsay B to say C. tote D tell( )34.Welcome to Cha TeChinese eopl_.A

2、.r frends B.i frien C. are frienly . s find.( )5 Outacher is _ u,but somtimes se is _ strct.A. kindto;ind of B. kin o; knd to . kind to;s o D in ih; a knd of( )36. Its 9:0.Werlate, Tom. Hee re yor sear an trouers,lease_ quiklyA. get rsd .pu n rit D.gt dress ( )7.- Ill takatriptoShanghi.- Wel. I hve_

3、 hse i Shaa, you cn styhee.Aa 3 rooms B.n tree roms ahe-rom D. one hre-os( )3.- wk at aradostation. suallyeat befat at 9 nig.- _funny ime for reft!.Aht a BWh .How D.How( )3.Mary ant to know_ t trp?A. t Tom thiso B.h Tthiksof C hat dos Tomtnk of .how os Tom hink of( ) . -What does yor str uully do n

4、Sturday moing?-She _plys the violin _des heromewk,he busy.eite; o B.eithr;nd C.alo ; an .also; or( )4WeCat Py(微信支付) is anew wytobuy tgs. an you _me ow touse it?-N prle.A.ring Bow jn Dfolow( )42. Scott as lots of _ to d , h nkshe hsannteresng _.ob;wor B. orks; job C.jobs; wo D.work ; job ( )3. -Tina,

5、 culdyou pease help me do the dishs?-Srry, m. I _ my hmeork.A.o Bam dog D de( )44 Xiao M s etween _ad _.A.yo, Bou, me Cyour, I Dyour , e( )45 - eat nth lassrom-_.A.T a lot BThat sounds borin C.Yur welco Srry, Miss Li.二、完形填空:(本大题有10小题,每题1分,共1分)m iveswithhis pents avillg . His parent rk ev y, but om 6

6、_helps hem. hey are por and at 47_a ikeforTm and o hsno mny to _48_heschol bus H goes to schoo _4_ee day. omeos nTomsshl often cometoTms tola wih hi. They all av ies. Tom wants a bie_50_theirs.Tom ,osomwoandyouangetaew_51_,” hisfahersys.oom lsharenswork after he leaessool. H aloelphismoher clen th o

7、oms on wekense i so bu at he has _5_tme o lay wth rinds. One da, his fahegts a e ike for him. Is mll ike_3_Tm likesitvery much. He _4_t to shooevery day .He ooks afert ry el. Nwth bikstill look_5_ .Tom, emember: wok cn brig s fod, ik n eeyth,(一切)” hisathersy( )6Alway BofteC.uuallyD.nevr( )4A.bu .fin

8、d C.ant D.thin( )8AoBtakeChik D.nee( )9.A.bybikeB.bycarCbysubway Donfoot( )50ies B.like Cs the same( )1ood Bhoewrk.bie D work ( )52.AnomanyCf Dmuc( )53.nd B.or .so D.but( )54.AalksBask Crids .erci( )55A.ne B.old C.youn Dbig 三.阅读理解(本大题有小题,每题2分,共30分) AKids an anChese piin here. The anlehow o ra plnt a

9、 fuit. eir eher ang Yong.His Engish namis e. ou nlear baseal,soccer ad baseball hee. The skeballteahr is Aan Green.Hes frm eica. The soccer teace s Paul Mller. He frompa. h baebaltecer sos Jnes Se is English.m : July818Time: July18(bketball)Jly 19 (socer ) Auust 10(asball) Fe(费用) :30 yu Fe: 0 ua for

10、 ech(每一种) ort Ag o kids:6 15 Ag fkids: 108His phoe ueri 1253.Email aress:blue srts( ). Mr ackn wants o larn hines ainti, soer and asebalH ned_.A yua B. 50 yua 76 yua .400yua( )7.Mr iler eaches t is _.A. Cinese paintng Bbaebll .soccer D. bkeball( )58 Miss Jones is fro _.A.China B.Japan C.Elnd D. America( ) 5.Salyieven yrs ld.Shecan learn_A. soccer B. basel Cbasktbll



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