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1、求职面试的英语口语对话【简单的招聘英语口语对话】A: Im Brown, Director of Personnel. What can I do for you?我是布朗,人事部主管。我能为你做什么?B: Im coming for a job interview at nine oclock.我是来参加9点钟的面试的。A: You would like to become a stewardess, wouldnt you?你想成为一名空中小姐,是吗?B: Yes, Id like to very much.是的,我非常想。A: How old are you?你多大了?B: I am t

2、wenty-three years old.我23岁。A: What made you decide on this type of occupation?是什么使你决定从事这种职业的?B: I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream can come true.我喜爱蓝天。当我还是个孩子的时候, 就想象将来某一天能飞上蓝天。现在, 我觉得这一天终于来了。我的梦想会实. 现了。A: Do you

3、know its not an easy job?你知道这不是一件容易的工作吗?B: Yes.是的。A: Whats your height?你有多高?B: 168 centimeters.168厘米。A: Do you think friendly service is very important for the airline staff?你认为对空中服务人员来说友好服务很 重要吗?B: Yes. This is one of the most important aspects when dealing with the public in any way.是的,无论如何与公众打交道这

4、点很重要的【找工作的英语口语对话】A: Have you find any job that you are interested in?有没有你感兴趣的工作?B: Ive only find a few openings in my field.我只找到几个职位与我的专业对口。A: Theres not a very high demand for that kind of job, isnt there?这个领域的人才需求好像不大吧?B: Unfortunately not. If I cant find anything in that field, then I could also

5、work in the marketing field.的确是。如果我找不到这个专业的工作.我就找销售行业的工作。A: Thats a good idea. You have plenty of experience in marketing, dont you?这主意好,你有很多销售经验不是吗?B: Yes.是的。A: By the way, I saw a job in the paper this morning that you might be interested in.对了,我今天早上看报纸,上面有一条招聘信息,你可能感兴趣。B: Really? What is it?真的吗?是

6、什么工作?A: It is a job at an advertisement company.是一家广告公司招聘。B: Do you think theyd hire me?你觉得他们会雇我吗?A: Anyway, it is worth trying.无论怎么样,这值得一试。【求职面试的英语口语对话】A: May I come in?我可以进来吗?B: Please come in.请进!A: Good afternoon, sir.下午好,先生。B: Good afternoon. And you are.下午好,你是A: Barbara Ireton.芭芭拉艾尔顿。B: Nice to

7、 see you, Miss Ireton. Im the personnel manager here, Dirk Hull. Would you like to sit down over here, Miss lreton?Would you like to have a cup of coffee?见到你真愉快,艾尔顿小姐,我是这儿的 人事经理,德克赫尔。请在这儿坐下, 好吗,艾尔顿小姐?你要来杯咖啡吗?A: No, thank you.谢谢,不用。B: Well, now, let,s see. You seem to have done very well in your cour

8、ses. Youre very good at languages, too.好吧,我们谈谈。你的课程似乎学得不 错,而且也颇具语言才能。A: I can read, write and speak English and German in addition to my mother tongue, French.除我的母语法语外,我能读、写和说英语 和德语。B: Wonderful. Do you have any work experience?太好了,你有工作经验吗?A: A little. I served a six-year apprenticeship at Dream Hot

9、el, spending time in all departments of this 5-star hotel.有一点儿,我在梦想酒店当了 6年学徒, 在这家五酒店的各个部门都待过。B: Oh, I see. Why do you want to join us?噢,那么,你为什么要到我们这里来呢?A: Im very interested in the tourist business and I know your firm has a very good reputation in the travel line. I think it would be exciting and c

10、hallenging to work for your company.我对旅游业很感兴趣,我知道贵公司在 旅游这一行业里享有盛誉,而且我想为 贵公司工作不但令人振奋而且能鞭策自己。B: Well, in this line, you know, one would have to travel now and then.嗯,做我们这一行的人,你知道,常常需 要出差。A: Yes, I like travelling, sir.是的,我喜欢出差,先生。B: Yes, do you know what the responsibilities of a tour guide are?嗯,你知道一

11、个导游的职责吗?A: A tour guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.导游必须负责安排和协调旅游活动,以 及为游客提供交通、住宿、观光、购物和 娱乐等各项服务。B: Then you may know that its hard work.你可知道这是个艰苦的工作?A: Yes, I know

12、. But I dont mind working hard.是的,我知道,但我不介意工作艰辛。B: Youre right. Now Id like to ask you a few more questions about yourself. How old are you?说得好,现在我想问几个关于你本身的 问题。你多大了?A: Im twenty-eight.我28岁。B: Are you married?你结婚了吗?A: No, Im not.不,没有。B: Do you think you are quite extroverted or introverted?你觉得你是个性格外

13、向还是内向的人?A: Im quite outspoken. I enjoy calling a spade a spade and hate talking in a roundabout way. So Id call myself outgoing.我说话很坦率,喜欢有什么说什么,讨厌 说话转弯抹角。所以我称得上是外向。B: Well, do you have any questions?喚,你有什么其他问题吗?A: Oh, um. How much is the pay?嗯薪水是多少?B: Well, provide you with a monthly salary of 700 F

14、ranc.我们每个月付你700法郎。A: If I get the job, when can I start?如果我被聘用,我何时上班?B: Next week. Do you have other questions?下周,还有别的问题吗?A: No, thafs all.没有就这独。B: Well, thank you very much for coming to see us, Miss Ireton. Youll be hearing from us within the next few days.好,非常感谢你来和我们见面,艾尔顿小 姐,几天内我们会通知你的。A: Thank you. Good-bye, sir.谢谢,再见,先生。


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