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1、AACR 英美编目条例专英词汇表A detailed set of standardized rules for cataloging various types of library materials that had its origin in Catalog Rules: Author and Title Entries, published in 1908 under the auspices of the American Library Association and the Library Association (UK), and the A.L.A. Cataloging

2、Rules for Author and Title Entries (1949), with its companion volume Rules for Descriptive Cataloging in the Library of Congress.academic library 高校图书馆; 学术图书馆A library that is an integral part of a college, university, or other institution of postsecondary education, administered to meet the informa

3、tion and research needs of its students, faculty, and staff. In the United States, the professional association for academic libraries and librarians is the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), which publishes Standards for Libraries in Higher Education. Compare with research librar

4、y. See also: college library, departmental library, graduate library, undergraduate library, and university library.accession 登录;登录文献To record in an accession list the addition of a bibliographic item to a library collection, whether acquired by purchase or exchange or as a gift. In automated librar

5、ies, the addition is usually recorded by enhancing a brief order record that is expanded in cataloging to become the full bibliographic record entered permanently in the catalog. Also refers to the material added. The process of making additions to a collection is known as accessions. The opposite o

6、f deaccession. Compare with acquisitions.acquisitions 采访(部);采购(部);收集The process of selecting, ordering, and receiving materials for library or archival collections by purchase, exchange, or gift, which may include budgeting and negotiating with outside agencies, such as publishers, dealers, and vend

7、ors, to obtain resources to meet the needs of the institutions clientele in the most economical and expeditious manner. Also refers to the department within a library responsible for selecting, ordering, and receiving new materials and for maintaining accurate records of such transactions, usually m

8、anaged by an acquisitions librarian. In small libraries, the acquisitions librarian may also be responsible for collection development, but in most public and academic libraries, this responsibility is shared by all the librarians who have an active interest in collection building, usually on the ba

9、sis of expertise and subject specialization. Compare with accession.almanac 年鉴;年历;历书Originally, a book introduced by the Moors to Spain, listing the days, weeks, and months of the year and providing information about festivals, holidays, astronomical phenomena, etc. In modern usage, an annual compen

10、dium of practical dates, facts, and statistics, current and/or retrospective, often arranged in tables to facilitate comparison. Almanacs can be general (example: World Almanac and Book of Facts) or related to a specific subject or academic discipline (Almanac of American Politics). Information Plea

11、se is an example of a modern online almanac.American Library Association (ALA) 美国图书馆协会he leading professional association of public and academic libraries and librarians in the United States, the ALA was founded in Philadelphia in October 1876 by a group of library leaders (90 men and 13 women) that

12、 included Melvil Dewey. An association of associations, the ALA is organized in divisions, each with its own officers, budget, and programs, and is closely tied to over 50 state and regional chapters. The Association also sponsors round tables on specific issues and topics and is affiliated with oth

13、er independent library-related organizations. Its imprint is ALA Editions. The most widely read periodicals published by the ALA are the professional journal American Libraries and the review publication Booklist. The ALA is a member of the International Federation of Library Associations and Instit

14、utions (IFLA).American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)美国信息科学与技术学会An affiliate of the American Library Association, ASIS&T is a nonprofit association established in 1937 to provide opportunities for professionals in the information science field to communicate across the disci

15、plines of library science, computer science, linguistics, mathematics, and the physical sciences. Formerly the American Society for Information Science (ASIS).annotated bibliography 提要式目录A bibliography in which a brief explanatory or evaluative note is added to each reference or citation. An annotat

16、ion can be helpful to the researcher in evaluating whether the source is relevant to a given topic or line of inquiry.archives 档案(资料);档案馆An organized collection of the noncurrent records of the activities of a business, government, organization, institution, or other corporate body, or the personal papers of one or more individuals, families, or groups, retained permanently (or for a designated or indeterminate period of time) by their originator



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