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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上财务管理学试卷二一、填空题(每空1分,共5分)1长期投资决策中的现金流量一般由初始现金流量、 和终结现金流量三部分构成。2由于财务杠杆作用的存在,当企业的 下降时,普通股每股净利润会下降得更快。3净营运资金是指流动资产减去 后的余额。4 是银行要求借款企业将借款的10%20%的平均存款余额留存在银行而不能全部取出去。5股利无关论认为,企业的股利政策不会对公司的 产生任何影响。二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分)1.下列筹资方式中,资本成本最高的是_B_。A 发行可转换债券 B 发行普通股股票C 发行优先股股票 D长期借款留用利润2.下列因素引起的风险,企业可以通过多

2、角化投资予以分散的是_D_。A社会经济衰退 B 通货膨胀C市场利率上升 D 企业技术革新3.有一项年金,前3年无流入,后5年每年年初流入500万元,假设年利率为10%,其现值为_D_。A 1994.59 B 1565.68C 1813.48 D 1423.414.现金作为一种资产,它的_C_。A 流动性强,盈利性也强 B流动性差,盈利性也差C流动性强,盈利性差 D流动性差,盈利性也差5.在对存货采用ABC控制法进行控制时,应当重点控制的是 B 。A 数量较大的存货 B 占用资金较多的存货C 品种多的存货 D 价格昂贵的存货 6. When the markets required rate o

3、f return for a particular bond is much higher than its coupon rate, the bond is selling at:_B_.A a premiumB a discountC cannot be determined without more informationD face value7. When n = 1, this interest factor equals one for any positive rate of interest._D_ A PVIF B FVIF C PVIFA D FVIFA8. The pa

4、yback period rule has the following advantage_A_.A easy to understand B ignores the time value of moneyC requires an arbitrary cutoff point D ignores cash flows beyond the cutoff date9. If the intrinsic value of a stock is greater than its market value, which of the following is a reasonable conclus

5、ion? _B_A The stock offers a high dividend payout ratioB The market is undervaluing the stockC The market is overvaluing the stockD The stock has a low level of risk10. Whats the value to you of a $1,000 face-value bond with an 8% coupon rate when your required rate of return is 15 percent? _A_A Les

6、s than its face valueB $1,000C TrueD More than its face value11. This type of risk is avoidable through proper diversification._D_A Portfolio riskB systematic riskC total riskD unsystematic risk12.公司财务管理的目标是_C_。A 利润最大化 B 合理避税C 价值最大化 D 每股收益最大化13.下列财务比率中,最能反映企业短期偿债能力的指标是_D_。A 流动比率 B 资产负债率C 存货周转率 D 速动比

7、率14.内部收益率是指_D_。A 项目的期望收益率 B 项目投资回收期最短的贴现率C 使项目净现值最大的贴现率 D 使项目净现值为零的贴现率15.一般而言,在其它因素不变的情况下,固定成本越高,则_C_。A 经营杠杆系数越小,经营风险越小B经营杠杆系数越大,经营风险越小C经营杠杆系数越大,经营风险越大D经营杠杆系数越小,经营风险越大三、多项选择题(每小题2分,共10分)1In China a company is permitted to distribute two kinds of dividends, they are_AB_.A cash dividend B stock divide

8、ndC asset dividendD liability dividend2.优先股的“优先”权主要表现在( CD)。A 决策权优先 B 管理权优先C 优先分配股利 D 破产清算时优先分配剩余财产 3.股票投资具有以下特点。( )A 股票投资是股权性投资 B 股票投资的风险大C 股票投资的收益不稳定 D 股票价格的波动性大4在个别资本成本中,须考虑所得税因素的是( AD )。A 债券成本 B 普通股成本C 优先股成本 D 银行借款成本5.关于投资者要求的投资报酬率,下列说法中正确的有( AB )。A 风险程度越高,要求的报酬率越高B 无风险报酬率越高,要求的报酬率越高C无风险报酬率越低,要求

9、的报酬率越高D 风险程度越低,要求的报酬率越高四、判断题(每小题1.5分,共15分)1. In 5 years you are to receive $4,000. If the interest rate were to suddenly increase, the present value of that future amount to you would also increase.( )2. The greater the beta, the greater the unavoidable risk of the security involved. ()3. Financial

10、leverage refers to the extent to which a firm relies on working capital.()4. Interest rates and bond prices sometimes move in the same direction, and sometimes in opposite directions.()5. For an investment, if its net present value (NPV) is positive, then it is certain that its profitability index (

11、PI) 1. ()6. 直接筹资是指直接通过银行等金融机构而进行的筹资活动,如银行借款。( x )7.运用确定当量法进行投资风险分析,需要调整的项目是无风险的现金收支。( )8.企业采取宽松的营运资金持有政策,产生的结果是收益性低,风险性低。( V )9.对于发行公司来讲,采用自销方式发行股票具有可及时筹足资本、免于承担发行风险等特点。( X)10.债券的购买力风险是指由于通货膨胀而使债券到期或出售时所获得的现金的购买力减少的风险。( )五、计算题(共45分)1. A project that provides annual cash flows of $400 for eight years

12、 costs $1500 today. Is this a good project if the required return is 10 percent? (8分)2. You expect to receive $40000 at graduation in two years. You plan on investing it at 10 percent until you have $60000.How long will you wait from now? (8分)3. 某公司需用一台设备,买价为800元,可用5年。如果租用,则每年年初需付租金200元。除此以外,买与租的其他情

13、况相同。假设利率为10%,请问此公司应该购买还是租用。(7分)如果租用,租金的现值为:V= 200PVIFA(1+10%) =2003.791(1+10%) =834(元) 800元(6分)所以应该购买。(1分)4.长城公司股利预计从现在起按8%稳定增长(无期限),过去年度每股支付股利1.10元,投资者对于类似公司所期望的报酬率为14%。请问:(1)华阳公司的股票现在的价格应该是多少?(2)四年后该公司股票价格又应该是多少?(10分)(1)P= =19.8 (5分) (2)P= =26.9 (5分5.某公司需筹措500万元的资金投资于一个新建项目。50%发行债券,10%发行优先股,其余为普通股。已知债券按面值发行,票面利率为8%,债券面值为1000元,期限为10年。优先股发行价格为10元/股,股息为1.2元/股。又知该公司的值为1.6,市场平均风险溢价为5%,无风险报酬率为8%,所得税率为40%。求该公司筹措这一笔资金的加权平均资本成本率。(12分)六、论述题(10分) 试分别论述固定股利或稳定增长股利政策和固定股利支付率政策的含义和优缺点。附:PVIF=0.909 PVIF=0.826 PVIF=0.751 PVIFA=3.791PVIFA=4.355 PVIFA=4.868PVIFA=5.335 PVIFA=5.759 PVIFA=6.145 FVIF=1.100FVI


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