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1、高二英语选修7检测卷一、单项选择:1. Mr. Baker is busy these days, _a new book. A. works on B. worked on C. working on D. to work on2. I never dreamed of your _here so fast, so what a surprise you gave me.A. came B. had come C. coming D. have come3. In my opinion, 21stCenturyis _ anewspaper. It helps us improve our

2、English.Ano more than Bnot more than Cmore than D. only4. It has been raining every day so far. I hope tomorrow will (to be) fine.A. turn to B. turn up C. turn into D. turn out5. It is said that our school is _72 classes, not including international classes.A. consists of B. made up C. make up of D.

3、 made up of 6. People who are addicted _ drugs can not go without them for a few hours.A. in B. for C. of D. to 7. The book, mainly _ use in colleges, is a best-seller this summer.A. designed for B. designed to C. designing for D. designing to8. -Theres going to be a concert this evening and we want

4、 to go there very much. -The question is _we can get a couple of tickets. A. that B. if C. whether D. weather 9. As a matter of fact, it was the third time that we _your school.A. visited B. have visited C. had visited D. would visit10. For centuries the upper classes in Britain spoke French the com

5、mon people spoke English.A. while B. when C. though D. since11. China has sent up Shenzhou-VI Manned Spaceship into space successfully, _ shows science and technology is developing rapidly in China.A. that B. it C. which D. this12. _ by the young soldiers deeds, the whole nation were fighting bravel

6、y against the flood.A. Moving deeply B. Having deeply moved C. Deeply moved D. Being deeply moved.13. Much to our _, the film star didnt turn up on time. A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointment D. surprised14. Its Sunday today. Im sure the teacher _ in the office. A. mustnt be B. cant be C.

7、 wont be D. may not be15. I wonder how much A. cost these shoes B. do these shoes cost C. these shoes cost D. did these shoes cost三、完型填空:I was shown into the waiting-room, which as I had expected, was full. There were dirty _36_ on the wall, and the tattered(撕碎) magazines on the table _37_ a great p

8、ile of waste paper. I took my seat and decided to _38_ the time watching people around me.A young man beside me was turning over the _39_ of a magazine quickly and nervously. It was _40_ to understand what he was looking at for every three minutes or so he would _41_ the magazine on to the table, se

9、ize _42_, and sink back into his _43_. Opposite me there was a young mother who was trying to keep her son from _44_. The boy had clearly grown tired of _45_. He had placed an ash-tray on the floor and was making plane sounds as he waved a pencil in his hand. Near him an old man was fast _46_, and t

10、he boys mother was afraid _47_ sooner or later her son would _48_ the gentleman. At the same time the _49_ man next to me kept sighing(叹气) loudly. At last he got up, walked towards the door and began _50_ the pictures on the wall. Soon growing _51_, he snatched(抓起) one magazine out of the bottom of

11、the pile and dropped tiredly into a chair. Even the boy had become quiet and was sleeping in her mothers arms.There was a complete _52_ in the room as the door opened and a nurse _53_. . The people looked up with a ray of _54_ in the eyes, then settled down again as the next _55_ patient was let out

12、 of the room.36. A. noticeB. pictures C. mapsD. holes37. A. were made ofB. changed into C. looked like D. were same as38.A. costB. take C. pass D. use39.A. storiesB. articles C. booksD. pages40.A. easyB. possible C . uselessD. hard41.A. throwB. take C. drag D. push42.A. the othersB. other C. another

13、D. the other43.A. chairB. pocket C. sleepD. picture44.A. hurting himself B. tearing the magazine C. falling asleep D. making a noise45.A. sleeping B. waitingC. readingD. playing46. A. in sleepB. asleepC. sleepy D. sleeping47.A. whatB. thatC. thenD. before48. A. do harm to B. knock intoC. turn against D. wake up49.A. old B. kindC. young D. handsome50.A. drawing B. taking downC. examining D. putting up51.A. glad B. unhappyC. angry D. uninterested52.A. loneliness B. hopelessnessC. tiredness D. si


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