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1、鲁教版英语精品资料(精修版)课题:Unit 5 I think that mooncakes are delicious! (Section A 3a-3c)一、学习目标 1、掌握本节课的重点单词、短语 2、Talk about Mid-Autumn Festival二、活动导学1. 从课本上找出下列短语并翻译 (1)中秋节 (2) 数世纪以来 (3) 以.形式 (4)传统民间故事 (5) 最触动人心的 (6) 射下 (7) 拒绝做某事 (8) 飞上了月亮 (9) 叫喊 (10)摆开 (11)表达我们的爱 (12)与.分享 (13)一个.另一个 (14)五月的第二个周日 (15)做某事是个好主

2、意2. 读前:导入话题及相关词汇 读中:对文章的整体理解:快速浏览全文,完成3a活动 读中:对文章的细节理解:完成3b活动 读后; 自我反馈:完成3b活动 三、 达标反馈 1.She _down the book and _in bed. A. laid, lay B. lay, laid C.lay lay 2.She has two friends. _is Mike, _is Tony. A. One, other B. One , the other C. One ,others 3.Supper is ready. Please l_ out the plates,forks, an

3、d knives. 4.There are lots of flowers in the g_ 5.As a result, Change became light and _(fly) up to the sky. 6. Hou Yi got a magic medicine for_(shoot) down the nine suns. 7. I invited him to have a meeting but he refused_(come) 8.嫦娥的故事是最感人的。 The story of Change is _ _ _ 9.饼有着中秋之夜里满月的形状,它寄托着人们对他们所爱和

4、思念的家人的祝福。 Mooncakes are _ _ _ _ a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night.They _peoples_to the families they love and miss. 10.关于这个节日,有许多传统民间故事。 There are many _ _ _ _this festival.学后记:5-2:1. A 2. B 3. Lay 4. Garden 5. Flew 6. Shooting 7. To come 8. The most moving 9. In the shape of 10. Carry wishes 11. Traditional folk stories about


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