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1、中华人民共和国 物权法Real Rights Law of the PeoplesRepublic of ChinaEnglish Version中文版发文日期: 2007-03-16Promulgation Date: 03-16-2007有效范围:全国Effective Region:NATIONAL发文机关:全国人民代表大会Promulgator : National Peoples文号:主席令 2007 第 62 号Congress时效性:现行有效Document No:Order of the President生效日期: 2007-10-012007 No. 62所属分类:综合(民

2、法 - 物权 -Effectiveness:Effective综合)Effective Date: 10-01-2007Category :General( Civil Law-RightIn Rem-General )中华人民共和国 物权法Real Rights Law of the PeoplesRepublic of China主席令 2007第 62号Order of the President 2007 No. 622007年 3月 16日March 16, 2007(2007 年 3 月 16 日第十届全国人民代表(Adopted at the 5th session of the

3、大会第五次会议通过2007年 3月 16日Tenth National Peoples Congress,中华人民共和国主席令第六十二号公布promulgated by the Order of the自 2007 年 10 月 1 日起施行)President No. 62 on March 16, 2007 andeffective as of October 1, 2007)第一编总则Contents第一章基本原则Part I General Provisions第二章物权的设立、变更、Chapter I Basic Principles转让和消灭Chapter II Creation,

4、 Alteration,第一节不动产登记Transfer and Termination of Real第二节动产交付Rights第三节其他规定Section 1 Registration of Immovables第三章物权的保护Section 2 Delivery of Movables第二编所有权Section 3 Other Provisions第四章一般规定Chapter III Protection of Real Rights第五章国家所有权和集体所Part II Ownership有权、私人所有权Chapter IV General Provisions on第六章业主的建筑物

5、区分所Ownership有权Chapter V State, Collective and第七章相邻关系Private Ownerships第八章共有Chapter VI Partitioned Ownership of第九章所有权取得的特别规Building Areas定Chapter VII Neighboring Relationships第三编用益物权Chapter VIII Co-ownership第十章一般规定Chapter IX Special Provisions on第十一章土地承包经营权Appropriation of Ownership第十二章建设用地使用权Part II

6、I Usufruct Rights第十三章宅基地使用权Chapter X General Provisions on第十四章地役权Usufruct Rights第四编担保物权Chapter XI Land Contractual Operating第十五章一般规定Rights第十六章抵押权Chapter XII Construction Land Use第一节一般抵押权Rights第二节最高额抵押权Chapter XIII Residential Land Use第十七章质权Rights第一节动产质权Chapter XIV Easements第二节权利质权Part IV Collateral

7、rights第十八章留置权Chapter XV General Provisions on第五编占有Collateral rights第十九章占有Chapter XVI Mortgage RightsSection 1 General Mortgage RightsSection 2 Maximum Amount of MortgageRightsChapter XVII Pledge RightsSection 1 Movable PledgeSection 2 Pledge of RightsChapter XVIII LienPart V PossessionChapter XIX Po

8、ssessionSupplementary Provisions第一编总则Part I General Provisions第一章 基本原则Chapter I Basic Principles第一条 为了维护国家基本经济制度,维护社会主义市场经济秩序,明确物的归属, 发挥物的效用,保护权利人的 物权,根据宪 法,制Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution, in order to maintain the basic economic system of the State, to safeguar

9、d the定本法。socialist market economic order, to( 相关文章: 相关案例 1 篇 专clearly define the attribution of业书刊 1 篇 )specific properties, to promote theutilitiesof propertiesand to protectthe real rights of rights holders.第二条 因物的归属和利用而Article 2 The civil relationships产生的民事关系,适用本 法。arising from the attribution an

10、d本法所称物,包括不动产和动utilization of properties shall be产。法律规定权利作为 物权客体的,governed by this Law.依照其规定。Properties referred to in this law本法所称物权,是指权利人依include immovables and movables.法对特定的物享有直接支配和排他Where it is prescribed in any的权利,包括所有权、用益 物权和provision that acertain rightbe the担保物权。object of realrights, such pr

11、ovision( 相关文章:相关案例 21 篇 热shall apply.点透视 1篇专业书刊 1篇 )For the purposes of this Law, realrights refer to a rights holdersexclusive rightof direct controlovera specific immovable or movable inaccordance with the law, and includeownership, usufruct and collateralrights.第三条 国家在社会主义初级阶段,坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发

12、展的基本经济制度。国家巩固和发展公有制经济,鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济的发展。国家实行社会主义市场经济,保障一切市场主体的平等 法律地位和发展权利。( 相关文章: 专业书刊 1 篇 )Article 3 In the primary phase of socialism, the State adheres to the basic economic system with public ownership as a principal element, and diverse forms of ownership developing jointly.The State shall con

13、solidate anddevelop the public economy, and shall encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public economy.The State shall adopt a socialist market economic system, and shall protect the equal legal status and the development rights of all market subjects.第四条国家、集体、私人的Article4 The realr

14、ightsof the State,物权和其他权利人的 物权受法律保collectives,individualsor any other护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。rights holder shall be protected by( 相关文章: 相关案例 111 篇law, and no entity or individual may热点透视 2篇 )infringe upon these rights.第五条物权的种类和内容,Article 5 The categories of real由法律规定。rights and their contents shall beprescribed by la



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