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1、预设论文:奥巴马就职演说中的预设分析一从预设触发语的 角度【中文摘要】预设是语言学中的一个重要研究议题,尤其是在其 分支学科语用学和语义学中。德国哲学家弗莱格是第一位研究预设的 学者,后来的学者们跟随着弗莱格的研究,对预设理论的相关议题存 在着争议和认同。随着对预设理论的不断深入研究,学者们发现,出现 的问题也越来越多,不能一蹴而就。正如莱文森所总结的:弗莱格关 于预设的评论已经是90年前的事了,但我们仍旧只是理解了预设的 一小部分,因此研究语义学和语用学是怎样相互作用的会是一个重要 的议题。仔细观察语言,你会发现,我们使用的语言中充满了预设,预 设无处不在。在与他人交流时,说话者喜欢预设信息

2、,想当然的认为听 话者也知道这些信息。人们预设的信息有时是事实性的,能够反映若 干事实,有的预设能够反映之前一段时间的状态,而有的预设却是与 事实相反的。当我们研究奥巴马总统的就职演说时,我们发现其中充 满了预设。能够触发预设的词项和句法结构被称之为预设触发语。卡 图南收集了三十一种预设触发语,莱文森主要讨论了其中的十三种触 发语,在借鉴卡图南和莱文森的研究基础上,黄衍对预设触发语做了 一些修补。莱文森和黄衍的预设触发语研究对本论文的研究都具有借 鉴意义和价值。因此本篇论文的研究将结合二者的观点。本篇论文通 过对预设触发语的统计分析,主要回答四个问题:即奥巴马总统就职 演说中都用了哪些类型的预

3、设触发语;使用频率最高的预设触发语是 哪些;为什么某些特定预设触发语比其他触发语使用频繁,而这些预 设触发语又向我们传递了什么信息;通过对奥巴马总统就职演说中预 设触发语的统计分析能否帮助我们确定就职演说的大体内容。论文的 局限在于预设触发语是人工收集的,会有一些遗漏和错误收集。希望 本文能促进预设理论的进一步发展并且让读者更好的理解奥巴马总 统就职演说舌辛。【英文摘要】Presupposition is an important research issue in linguistics, especially in its subfield of semantics and pragmat

4、ics. The first scholar who have explored this research area is the German philosopher Gottlob Frege (1892), and then followed his study, there have been debatings and agreements on the related issues concerning presupposition among scholars, and the more linguists have explored this area, the more t

5、hey find that there appeared increasing problems that can not be solved at one go. Just as Levinson (1983, P.225) concluded, “presupposition remains, ninety years after Frege s remarks on the subject, still only partially understood, and an important ground for the study of how semantics and pragmat

6、ics interact. ” If you observe language carefully, you will find that the language we use is full of presuppositions, that is, presuppositions are ubiquitous. When communicating with others, the speakers usually take a lot for granted, most of the time people presuppose information. Some of the info

7、rmation that people presupposed is factive, which can reflect several facts and some presuppositions can reflect the state of a previous time period, and some presuppositions are even conterfactual. When we examine the language used in President Barack Obama s inaugural address, we also find that it

8、 is full of presuppositions.Lexical items and syntactical constructions that can trigger off presuppositions are called presupposition triggers. Karttunen (1971) has collected thirty-one kinds of presupposition triggers, and Levinson (1983) have mainly discussed thirteen kinds of presupposition trig

9、gers chosen from Karttunen s collection. Based on their studies, Yan Huang (2009) has made some modifications on the classification of these presupposition triggers. In this thesis, we find that both Levinson and Yan Huang s classification of presupposition triggers are valuable and meaningful, ther

10、efore the study in this thesis will be based on the combinationof their views on presupposition triggers.In this thesis, through a statistical study of presupposition triggers, we mainly answer four questions, they are:what types of presupposition triggers are used in President Barack Obama s inaugu

11、ral address; which presupposition triggers are the most frequently used ones; why some specific presupposition triggers are used more frequently than others and through these triggers what information can be conveyed to us; through a statistical analysis of the presupposition triggers used in Presid

12、ent Barack Obama s inaugural address, can this help us to determine the main idea of his address. However, our limitation in this thesis is that the presupposition triggers are detected manually, there may have some omissions or incorrect collections.It is hoped that this thesis will contribute to t

13、he further development of the presupposition theory and offer a better understanding of President Barack Obama s inaugural address.【关键词】预设预设触发语就职演说【英文关键词】PresuppositionPresuppositionTriggers Inaugural Address【目录】奥巴马就职演说中的预设分析一从预设触发语的角度 Abstract 8-9 摘要 10-11 Chapter OneIntroduction 11-131.1 Necessity

14、 and Significance of theStudy 111.2 Objectives of the Thesis 11-121.3Outline of the Thesis 121.4 DataSource 12-13Chapter Two LiteratureReview 13-362.1 The Philosophical Origin ofPresupposition 13-152.2 Semantic Presupposition andEntailment 15-172.3 A Distinctive Feature of2.4Presupposition:Constancy

15、 under Negation 17-18Presupposition Triggers 18-252.4.1 DefiniteDescriptions 18-192.4.2 Factive Verbs 19-202.4.3Implicative Verbs 202.4.4 Change of StateVerbs 20-212.4.5 Iteratives 212.4.6 Verbs ofJudging 21-222.4.7 Temporal Clauses 222.4.8Cleft Sentences 22-232.4.9 Implicit Clefts withStresses Cons

16、tituents 232.4.10 Comparison andContrast 232.4.11 Non- restrictive RelativeClauses 23-242.4.12 CounterfactualConditionals 242.4.13 Questions 24-252.5 YanHuang s Classification of PresuppositionTriggers 25-272.5.1 DefiniteDescriptions 25-262.5.2 FactivePredicates 262.5.3 Aspectual/Change of StatePredicates 262.5.4 Iteratives 262.5.5Implicative Predicates 262.5.6 TemporalClauses 26-272.5.7 Cleft



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