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1、英语I1主要复习资料作业和期末复习指导注意:1、作业1第一局部 交际用语10分( A ) 1. How old is the manager? He is 35 years old.A. Right B. Wrong( A ) 2. What do they do? They work in a bank.A. Right B. Wrong( B ) 3. Would you like some crisps? No, Im sorry.A. Right B. Wrong( B ) 4. How much does the flat cost a month? Its on the tenth

2、 floor.A. Right B. Wrong( A ) 5. Could you sign the register, please? Of course.A. Right B. Wrong第二局部 词汇与结构40分( B ) 6. He _ for an IT company.A. work B. works C. working( A ) 7. I have coffee _ breakfast time.A. at B. in C. on( C ) 8. _ name is Wang Hua.A. He B. Hes C. His( C ) 9. She is _ only acco

3、untant in my sons company.A. a B. an C. the( C ) 10. Maria often has a walk with _ parents in the morning.A. she B. their C. her( B ) 11. _ you got any family?A. Do B. Have C. Has( B ) 12. Hes responsible _ the central computer system.A. in B. for C. of( C ) 13. The Business Banking Department is on

4、 _ floor.A. second B. the two C. the second( C ) 14. Wang Li is _ a new marketing campaign at the moment.A. plan B. planing C. planning( C ) 15. Polly enjoys _ the guitar in a band in her free time.A. play B. to play C. playing( B ) 16. There _ three plants in the corners of the room.A. is B. are C.

5、 have( A ) 17. I work in _ IT Department of _ large bank.A. the, a B. a, the C. a, a( B ) 18. What _ nr mean?1A. is B. does C. do( B ) 19. I sometimes go to the pub _ Friday.A. in B. on C. at( A ) 20. _ people are my friends. _ people are my husbands friends.A. These, Those B. This, That C. Here, Th

6、ere( B )21. He _ in Beijing, but his parents _ in Hangzhou.A. live, lives B. lives, live C. live, live( A ) 22. My husband doesnt _, but I like it very much.A. like shopping B. likes shopping C. likes to shop( C ) 23. _ are you from? Im from Nanjing.A. What B. when C. Where( C ) 24. He _ lunch in th

7、e canteen right now.A. has B. have C. is having( A ) 25. _ children has his brother got?A. How many B. How much C. How about第三局部 句型转换15分将以下句子改写为一般疑问句。共计15分,每题3分26. He is a manager 27. She usually goes to work by bus. 28. There are fifty students in the class. Are there fifty students in the class?29

8、. They have a large house. 30. Hes currently working on TV advertisements. 第四局部 阅读理解(20分)Hi Rob!You want to know about my new boyfriend.His name is David Manning. He lives in London and hes British. His parents are from London, but they live in Oxford. He is 34 years old. Hes an IT manager and he wo

9、rks for ABHK Bank.Hes lovely, of course.See you on Thursday.Love, Polly( B ) 31. Rob is Pollys new boyfriend.A. Right B. Wrong( A ) 32. David is British.A. Right B. Wrong( A ) 33. Davids parents are British.A. Right B. Wrong( B ) 34. Davids parents live in London.A. Right B. Wrong( B ) 35. David wor

10、ks at a university.A. Right B. Wrong 2Xiaoyan tells David about the people she works with.David: So who do you usually work with in Shanghai?Xiaoyan: I work in an office with three other people, Jung, Lee and Liu they are the Marketing Department and Iam their IT expert.David: Do you like it there?X

11、iaoyan: Yes, theyre great people. Lee is the Sales Manager. He is responsible for 25 sales people in China. Hesplanning a sales campaign for companies at the moment, but hes visiting the New York office right now.David: What about the others?Xiaoyan: Lin is the advertising manager. Hes responsible f

12、or the advertising. Hes currently working on TVadvertisements. Actually, hes on holiday in Bali right now.David: So the office is empty at the moment.Xiaoyan: Oh no. Jung is always there. Shes the secretary. Shes responsible for the office. At the moment shesworking on new databases. But actually its 1.00 oclock in the morning in Shanghai, so I think shes sleeping right now.( B ) 36. How many people does Xiaoyan work with in Shanghai?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.( B ) 37. What does Xiaoyan do in the Marketing Department in Shanghai?A. She is a secretary.B. She is an IT expert.C. She is the Sales



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