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1、Section DSection D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是1a和4。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases: spirit, magazine, think over, decision, sense, husband2. Review the usages of: (1) make + object + adj.(2) make/let + object + v.(3) make + obje

2、ct + n.3. Review expressions of feelings.4. Learn how to stay in good spirits. Teaching aids 教具录音机/图表. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 6分钟)复习表示情感的形容词并导入新课。(方案一)1. (一名学生上台描述下列事情,并用手势和面部表情表达感情,其余学生猜。) T: One student describes the things below using gestures and facial expressi

3、ons, and others guess.My parents dont let me do my homework with my classmates.I have a lot of homework to do every evening.I can play computer games every evening.My friend will leave this school.Example: S1: My parents dont let me do my homework with my classmates.(同时利用手势和脸部表情来表演自己的情感。)S2: Do you

4、feel happy?S1: No, I dont.S3: Do you feel sad?S1: Yes, I do.(以下的操练同上。)(方案二)1. (师生谈论影响人情感的因素,导入新课。)T: If you cant get together with your family in the Spring Festival. Whats your feeling?S1: I must be very lonely.T: S2, can you give him/her some suggestions?S2: OK. S1, you can call your parents and t

5、ell them your feelings. If possible, go back home to visit them.2. (学生操练后,教师总结发言。)T: Many things around us may affect our feelings or moods, such as colors, weather, news and the environment. Do you know how to relax yourselves and how to take care of yourselves? Lets come to Section D.Step 2 Presen

6、tation 第二步 呈现(时间: 11分钟)呈现并学习1a的目标语言。1. (教师板书一些同学们可能出现过的困惑,让学生讨论并给出建议。)1. Li Tao often feels tired and sleepy.2. Jim is unhappy because he wants to be a soldier, but his parents dont agree.3. Tom is lonely because he is always staying at home alone.4. Maria is too shy to speak in public.5. Jane is wo

7、rryed about getting fat.(先师生对话学生提问,教师给建议,再生生对话。引出并掌握生词及短语: spirit, decision, think over。)S1: I often feel tired and sleepy.T: Relax and exercise every day. Stay in good spirits.S2: I am unhappy because I want to be a soldier, but my parents dont agree.T: Its an important decision. Think it over. May

8、be your parents are right.S3:S4:(用同样方式引出并掌握生词magazine和sense。)(板书)spirit, decision, think over, magazine, sense2. (让学生阅读1a,分组讨论并自行解决文中的重难点,然后教师适当讲解。) Read 1a by yourselves. Discuss the key points in groups.3. (让学生再读1a然后进行问答,针对黑板上同学们的困惑给出建议。)T: Now please read 1a again. Then ask and answer to give you

9、r advice according to the students troubles on the blackboard.S1: I am worried about getting fat.S2: Remember to eat healthy food.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 8分钟)巩固1a并完成1b。1. (让学生听1a的录音并跟读,注意语音语调。)T: Boys and girls, lets follow the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. (让学生自

10、读课文,注意表达建议的句子。)T: Please read the passage by yourselves. Pay attention to the sentences about suggestions.3. (将学生分为男女两组,让学生用以下词组快速造句。两组学生以竞争的形式举手抢答,每说一个句子得1分。教师讲评。)(板书关键词组。)take care of, talk with, tellabout, getfrom, think over, makedecision, get back toT: Please make sentences, using the given phr

11、ases. First, divide the class into two groups. Girls are Group A, and boys are Group B. Lets see which group is the winner.GA:We should take care of ourselves. 4. (完成1b。)T: Please look at 1b and discuss.Example:S1: What can affect our feelings and moods?S2: Colors, weather, environment and so on.S1:

12、 What can I do when I am in a bad mood.S2: Listen to music or talk with your friends.5. (全班讨论。)T: We have known many ways can change our feelings when we are in bad moods. Please discuss with your partner and try to find out more ways to give suggestions. Then report them in class.Example: S1: Im un

13、happy because I cant get along well with my classmates.S2: Be friendly and help others as much as you can.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)学习3a和3b,并完成2。1. (小组对话,必须使用make。)T: Boys and girls, please talk in pairs like this:S1: How does a snake make you feel?S2: It makes me feel nervous.S3: It makes me

14、nervous.(让学生回忆前面学过的内容,自己归纳本话题的语法重点,也可以分组讨论的方式来处理该部分。在学生讨论的过程中,教师在班里巡视,必要时给予指导和帮助。)T:OK, now, can you sum up the usages of “make”?S1:Yes. Make + object + adj.S2:Make + object + v.S3:Make + object + n.(将画线部分板书到黑板上。)make+object+adj.make+object+v.make+object+n.(用同样的方法总结let的用法。)2. (让学生归纳总结本话题的目标语言,然后听3b录

15、音并核对。)3. (用单词wife引出要掌握的生词husband,然后听2录音,完成2。)(板书)husbandT: Now look at 2, and listen to the tape. Then choose the best answers. (教师核对答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)小组探究完成4并掌握3b。1. (完成4。)(要求学生小组活动,填写下面图表。)Words about feelingsMaskSentence(1) (四人小组活动,找出所有学过的表示情感的词,填入表格。)(2) (四人小组活动,找出相关的句子并填入相应的面具下面。)(3) (选择其中一种情感,画个面具。) (表内面具仅供参考。)(4) (两人一组以所画面具表情为主题进行对话。)T:Boys and girls, please work in groups of four. You should finish the four steps. (1) Find out all the wor


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