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1、Unit 1 the Correct WordFocusDenotation and Connotation1. Denotation refers to the literal and primary meaning of a word-the definition you find in a dictionary.2. Connotation refers to the implied or suggested meaning of a word.We can list some words to compare its different meaning of denotation an

2、d connotation.WordDenotationConnotationSentence(connotation)goldAkindofmaterial sourceExpensive,moneyweal thGoldnowisveryexpensive.moonThe natural body that moves around the ear th once 28 days.Beautylonely,coldness ,puri ty, tranqu ilityMany years past she still keep a chari ty like the moon.iceWat

3、er frozen so that it has become solid.Coldness, indifference cruelty, death, etcThe ice in his voice was only to hide the pain.bloodRed liquid flowing through the bodies of human or animalRelationship,dea th,descen t,race,temperamentBlood is t hick t han wat er.win terA seasonColdness, t ired ,upset

4、Please walk out you winter of life , just smile to your life.when we write in English, we have to be careful with some emotionally loaded . words that can reveal the writers attitude.We can divide the words attitude into three parts: 1commendatorypositive 2neutral 3derogatorypejorativeCommendatoryNe

5、utralPejorativequai ntstrangebizarrepersiststubbornpigheadedcomplimentpraiseflatteringSenior citizenOld personfossilBachelor girlSingle girlspinsterCollocation: fixed combination of wordsThere are several types of collocation: +N(follow the fashion) 2. A+N(a brilliant success) +AD(think alike) +N(th

6、e answer to a question) 5. V+PREP(think of an idea) False FriendsAdvise(v) vs. advice(n) angel (天使)vs. angle (角度)capitai (首都,资金)vs. capitol (国会大厦)Complement (补充)vs. compliment (称赞)credible (可信的,确实的)vs. credulous (轻信的,易受骗的) get knowledge(t) vs. learn knowledge(f)GrammarSubject-Verb agreement1when the

7、 subject is compoundWork and play are equally important.Ham and eggs is my favorite breakfast.(1) 由and或bothand连接的并列结构作主语时,如果意义为复数,谓语动词用复数;如 果作主语的并列结构不是指两个或两个以上的人或物,而是表示单数,则动词用单数;and 与each等限定词时,随后动词用单数。(2) 由neithernor not onlybut also连接的并列结构作主语,随后动词形式常遵循就 近原则。(3) 主语后用along with, together with引导等词组,动词

8、形式根据主语形式而定。2When the subject expresses quantity(1) 有many a等限定词,其后动词形式为单数(2) a pair, heap of后动词多接单数形式 3whenthesubjectisarelativepronoun,awhat-clause,orinthethere-bestructure(1) 以nominal clause作主语,随后动词通常用单数(2) relative clause中谓语动词单复数形式通常以关系代词先行项的形式而定(3) there be谓语动词单复数形式取决于所后的Unit2 The Appropriate Wor

9、dStyle:FocusinEnglish,wordscanbe,roughly,formal,general,colloquial,andslangin terms of style.Formal and generalFormal words are not as common as general words, which form the basis of the vocabulary and are used for everyday communication.formalgeneralfracturebreaklucidclearterminateendcorpulentfatf

10、aci litateMake easyverifyproveconcuragreeNotice: a common belief among students is that formality is a virtue, but the best policy is to use general words in most cases and formal words in specific, formal contexts .Colloquial and slangWell, now, you know, I d like to say, oh, may god, I think.which

11、 can be used in colloquial, and contraction and abbreviation also can be used. But in some formal constitution wed better not use it.Notice : the colloquial style takes a less prominent role, therefore, for most writing tasks, it may not be ideal. Too much slang can make a passage loose and unseriou

12、s; some may even sound odd.Style and audienceThe formal style is characterized by extensive vocabulary, frequent use of formal and abstract words, absence of slang and almost no contraction or clipped words. The informal style is characterized by vocabularies ranging from formal to colloquial but mo

13、stly general, and occasional and clipped words. Differentstyleareusedtoaddressdifferentaudiencesandondifferentoccasions. Chinglish: it refers to the unidiomatic use of English by Chinese speaker Avoid literal translationchinglishdiomaticBig filmblockbusterEarly lovePuppy loveConvenient noodlesInstan

14、t noodlesFist productKnockout productOne sex goodsDisposable goodsGrasp the connotation 请帮我们(宣传)一下这个新产品。Please help us to propagate this new product.Propagate should be replaced by promote 他遇事总是先想着自己,真是太个人主义了He is self-concerned and individualistic。 Individualistic should be replaced by selfishnessG

15、rammarPronouns1Subjective vs. objectiveSubjective: I she you he it who whom theyObjective: me her you his whom whose them its2Singular vs. plural3Point of view is used to describe the perspective in writing.Unit 3 the Better WordFocusConciseness (Brevity is the soul of wit. )Tip: 1 eliminate or expression rewrite that repeat the same point2cut out unnecessary intensifiers3avoid overusing the noun forms of verbs4change phrase into single words5 change unnecessary “that, who and which” clause into phrases



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