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1、2022年考博英语-国防科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The National Park System _ areas of natural beauty for preservation and public employment.问题1选项A.sets asideB.saves upC.arranges forD.reserves for【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A项set aside“挑出,留出”,B项save up“储蓄,贮存”,C项arrange for“安排,为做准备”,D项reserve for“为而保留”。由areas of natural bea

2、uty(自然风景区)可知,空格处填入“划出、留出”符合,A项正确。句意:国家公园系统为自然保护和公共就业划出了自然风景区。因此,该题选择A项。2. 单选题The Coriolis force causes all moving projectiles on Earth to be deflected from a straight line.问题1选项A.sprungB.deviatedC.be retractedD.be conceived【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。题干defected“偏离”;A项“跳,跃”,B项“偏离;脱离”,C项“撤回;收回”,D项“设想”,因此选B。句意:科里奥

3、利力导致地球上所有移动的弹丸从直线偏转。3. 单选题You comment that I seem relaxed today. Are you _that Im usually uptight?问题1选项A.ponderingB.intimatingC.indigenousD.intimidating【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析。A项pondering为ponder的现在分词,表示“沉思,默想”,B项intimating为intimate的现在分词,表示“暗示,通知”,C项indigenous“本土的,国产的”,D项intimidating为intimidate的现在分词,表示“恐吓,威胁

4、”。前面的句子意思是“你说我今天看起来很放松”,后面提到了uptight(紧张),这与前面相反,可以推测空格处表示“暗示”,B项符合。句意:你说我今天看起来很放松。你是在暗示我平常看起来都是紧张的吗?因此,该题选择B项。4. 单选题Stadiums and gymnasiums are just some of the towns local _.问题1选项A.amenitiesB.amendmentsC.ameliorationsD.amusements【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A项amenity“生活福利设施,便利设施”,B项amendment“(法律、文件的)改动,修改”,C项am

5、elioration“改进,改善”,D项amusement“消遣,娱乐”。由stadiums(体育场)和gymnasiums(体育馆)可知,A项符合。句意:体育场和体育馆只是镇上的一些地方设施。因此,该题选择A项。5. 单选题Gravity caused billions of atoms to coalesce into a single lump of rock.问题1选项A.reformB.convergeC.congregateD.ascent【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。题干coalesce“合并;联合”。A项“改革,改进”,B项“汇集;聚集;会合”,指人聚集,也指江河等的汇集;C

6、项“群集;聚集”一般指人的聚集,D项“上升;升高”。结合句意:重力使数十亿个原子聚结成一块岩石,故选B。6. 单选题His _ mannerisms irritated many of us who had known him before his promotion.问题1选项A.aestheticB.adverseC.adroitD.affected【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项aesthetic表示“美的,美学的,审美的”,B项adverse表示“不利的,相反的,敌对的”,C项adroit表示“敏捷的,灵巧的”,D项affected表示“受到影响的,(人或行为)做作的,假装的”。

7、根据irritated many of us(激怒了我们很多人)可知,“做作的”符合语境。句意:他装模作样的举止激怒了我们中很多在他升职前就认识他的人。因此,该题选择D项正确。7. 单选题He is as _ a politician as you can find anywhere. Theres not a hint of scandal in his long career.问题1选项A.scrupulousB.voraciousC.epicureanD.profuse【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项“一丝不苟的;审慎正直的”,B项“贪吃的;渴求的”,C项“享乐的;吃喝玩乐的”,D

8、项“大量的;慷慨的”,根据后一句“在他漫长的职业生涯中没有一丝丑闻”,故选A。8. 单选题A few years ago, the rich worlds worry about economic interaction with developing countries was that the poor could not profit from it. So unbalanced were the terms of exchange between the Norths mighty industries and the Souths weakling sweatshops trade

9、(31) between the two could be (32) more than exploitation of the one by the other; far from helping the poor countries, global integration would actually deepen their poverty. This fear has now given (33) to a pessimism that is equal and oppositenamely, that trade with the developing world will (34)

10、 todays rich countries.Like the previous scare, this view contains an iota of truthenough to lend plausibility. Also like its predecessor, it is a (35) exaggeration. (36), this new fear is more dangerous than the old one. The earlier scare tacitly affirmed that the industrial countries would suffer

11、if they cut their links (37) the third world. Starting from there, campaigning in the North to restrict trade with developing countries was going to be an uphill struggle. Those who oppose deeper economic integration now have a better platform. Vital interests (38) the rich countries to protect thei

12、r industries from the new onslaught. (39) its predecessor, this idea may sell.The grip that this thinking already has on popular opinion (40) little to economic history or principles. The new fear, like the old one, expresses the conviction that growth in one part of the world must somehow come (41)

13、 another. This is a deeply rooted prejudice, and (42) wrong. Very nearly all of the world is more prosperous now than it was 30 years ago. Growth has been a story of (43) advance, not redistribution; and (44) living standards have not improved in recent decades (notably, in parts of Africa), excessi

14、ve interaction in the international economy has not been the cause.Lending useful support to this first error is a secondthe idea that there is only so much work to go round. If new technologies render some jobs obsolete, or if an increase in the supply of cheap imports makes other jobs (45), the re

15、sult must be a permanent rise in unemployment. Again, on a moments reflection, this is wrong; otherwise, technological progress this century would have pushed unemployment rates in the industrial countries to something in excess of 95%.问题1选项A.whichB.whenC.thatD.where问题2选项A.anythingB.anywhereC.somethingD.nothing问题3选项A.wayB.outC.inD.up问题4选项A.outweighB.i


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