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1、2022军队文职人员招聘-军队文职英语言文学考试全真模拟卷(附答案带详解)1. 问答题:中国经济上半年总体上保持了持续、快速、健康的发展态势。从宏观经济来说不能轻言“过热”。严格地讲,过热不是个经济词汇。过热相当于人体的发烧,是一种病态。这个不严谨的词汇用在经济生活中容易引起误解。比如说,过热和高速度是什么关系?高速度能不能等于过热?当然,在思想上时刻警惕过热是必要的,但是全社会都来炒作“过热”会有不好的效果。比如,如果中国经济现在过热,下一步肯定会出现通货膨胀,可能会“踩刹车”,外资就会对自己的投资重新进行论证。国内企业家也会这样想。过热炒作太多的话会影响一些非专家型的人。就像医生对病人说疾

2、病的时候要科学、严谨,否则会给病人带来很大的心理负担。心理因素在社会经济生活中越来越重要,舆论引导民众心理要有正确的方向。答案: 本题解析:As a whole/Generally speaking, Chinas economy has kept a continuous, rapid and healthy development in the first half of the year. Viewed from macro-economics, it is wrong to allege there is an “overheat” in economy. “Overheat” is

3、not an economic term, referring to a kind of sickness of the economy corresponding to “fever” in the human body. The use of such an imprecise term may cause misunderstanding in economic life. For example, how would you explain the relation between overheat and high speed, or does the latter mean the

4、 former?Of course it is necessary to keep vigilance all the time. However, it wont bring any sound result if the whole society talks too much about / makes a sensation/hullabaloo of “overheat”. If Chinas economy were really overheated now, inflation would surely follow, then the brake must be applie

5、d, and as a result foreign investors would re-examine their investment in China, and then domestic entrepreneurs would follow suit / reconsider their investment too. Too much talk about “overheat” would have an adverse effect on some non expert personnel. A scientific and careful attitude is needed

6、in such talks just like the case when (medical) doctors tell their patients what illness they are suffering from, lest they should / otherwise it might become some psychological burden on the part of the patients. Psychological factors are becoming more and more important in social economic life and

7、 a correct orientation is needed for the public opinion to lead the mass psychology.2. 问答题:近年来,中国汽车保有量年平均增长达15%左右。汽车总量剧增,大量排放有害气体,成为危害国人身心健康的“无形杀手”。据统计,在全国总死亡人数中,呼吸系统疾病占22.64%,居死亡人数第一位,这与大气的污染有直接关系。专家分析,城市大气污染70%以上来自汽车尾气排放。北京大气中74%的碳氢化合物、63%的一氧化碳和37%的氮氧化物均来自汽车尾气。专家还指出,中国汽车尾气污染的根本源头是现代汽车工业技术水平低下,新车质量

8、不高,能源消耗高。中国汽车设计与制造技术水平大多尚停留在国际60年代水平。大多数汽车装配492型发动机,整体性能差,电子喷射技术差,汽油燃烧不充分,机内净化问题没有解决好,没有严格的新车尾气排放标准。汽车尾气污染城市环境问题已引起国家有关部门及民众的高度重视,一些治理措施正在逐步有效地展开。国务院规定,中国将在2000年完全禁止生产、销售和使用含铅汽油。答案: 本题解析:Over the past few years, the number of motor vehicles on Chinese roads has risen on average by some 15 percent an

9、nually. This drastic increase has created a large amount of exhaust pollution, forming an “invisible killer” menacing the health of the general public. Respiratory disease is the top cause of death in China, accounting for 22.64 percent, and this has been directly blamed on atmospheric pollution. Th

10、e result of an official analysis indicates that over 70 percent of air pollution in urban areas is created by vehicle exhaust. In Beijing, for example, 74 percent of the carbon and hydrogen compound, 63 percent of carbon monoxide and 37 percent of nitrogen oxide compound in the air come from vehicle

11、 exhaust.Some experts believe the basic reason is a lack of technological advances in Chinas auto industry, resulting in the low quality and high energy consumption level of new models. Chinas auto design and manufacturing technology remain at the international level of the 1960s. Most vehicles are

12、equipped with the standard No. 492 engine, featuring poor properties, outdated electronic ignition technology and insufficient burning of fuel. This negatively affects the purification system, preventing proper emission control. Pollution caused by vehicle exhausts has claimed wide attention from bo

13、th the general public and the government. As a result, a series of effective improvement measures have been put into effect. The State Council has issued stipulations on completely banning the production, marketing and use of leaded gasoline by 2000.3. 问答题:小巷的动人处就是它无比的悠闲。无论谁,只要你到巷里去踟躇一会,你的心情就会如巷尾不波的

14、古井,那是一种和平的静穆,而不是阴森和萧杀。它闹中取静,别有天地,仍是人间。它可能是一条现代的乌衣巷,家家有自己的一本哀乐帐一部兴衰史,可是重门叠户,讳莫如深,夕阳影里,野花闲草,燕子低飞,寻觅归家。只是一片澄明入水的气氛,净化一切,笼罩一切,使人忘忧。巷,是人海汹汹中的一道避风塘,给人带来安全感;是城市喧嚣扰嚷中的一带洞天幽静,胜似皇家的阁道,便于平常百姓徘徊徜徉。爱逐臭争利,锱铢必较的,请到长街闹市去;爱轻嘴薄舌的,争是论非的,请到茶馆酒楼去;爱锣鼓钲镗,管弦嗷嘈的,请到歌台剧院去;爱宁静淡泊,沉思默想的,深深的小巷在欢迎你。答案: 本题解析:The charm of the lane l

15、ies in its absolutely serenity. No matter who you are, if you loiter around in the lane for a while, your mind will become as unruffled as the ancient well at the end of the lane. There you will experience a kind of peaceful calmness rather than gloomy sternness. There reigns peace and quiet in the

16、midst of noisy bustle. It is a world of its own on earth. It may be a modern version of?Wu Yi Xiang,?a special residential area of nobility in the Jin Dynasty southeast of todays Nanjing, where each family, secluded behind closed doors, has its own cover-up story of joys and sorrows, and rise and decline. When the sun is setting, swallows will



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