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1、泗阳李口小学课堂教学设计 李口小学集体备课教案教学内容6Bnit 2 God bits设计日期3.主备人 Lihu 六年级 册第1学时 总第 学时教 学目 标1. 能对的理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:tdy, messy,habits,nord, nish alwys leeybeim.3 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。4.能初步根据提示写出好的习惯。5. 能分清好坏习惯,并懂得以好的习惯来规定自己,让自己拥有更多好的习惯。教学重难点1. 能对的理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: id,mss, hts

2、,in rder,nsh alayssleey btim.3. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。教学准备头饰,板书制作,PPT教学内容及师生活动思考与调节Ste aring-up.: Les oo hat do w ern today. Sothe larnng ms.2.T: o ou nto now mel?.Liten t my chat aefy.(初步感知新的短语词汇。)Stp2 Prsentato1 T: noi my chant,Isa, I g up ely, ever go be la.Think abt: never go to bed ate, mens Aor

3、B? (sho thepiturs)Red he new rd并板书。: D you etup arly and go to e arl? I thin w shld oto b arlT: Ad ofte put myhnsin rer wn o kow do yften putyour ings in ore.S: Ye, I do./No, Iont.T: Goo .Becaus I often put y thigs inorr, o Ian keep myoom eanadtidyech: clean and idy= ntmessy.2 Lok at the our setence

4、 ha are they out? hear abot my abits. So todayel lan ae lessn good habits.(揭示并带读课题)出示图片录音引导学生问答。3. T: Yo no a lo out myhbits.Look,hre cmes Liu aondWang Big.Whathabi doy hae?(请学生讨论)T: Firstlet read the hoies oger.:T: w, lts lstento the tapnd tryto find te answer.Lte and answer:4. T:u ey job. But I ti

5、 tee ae moabits in e story.Pleaserad the test gai nd t fnd hot5.T:Good.Theyve a l of habit re. B htare te good habts? Ad wht a h bad hbits?: k aout iroups. Then say thensr.6.Reaing time. T: Lesreate estpeas. Lookat theins ere.(注意读音的降调符号,提示学生在肯定句和感慨句要用降调来读)7 Lite to the ae, rea itoneb ne8. ead itgeth

6、e.9.Retell the sorytep3 onsoidaon. Thinknd alkT:Hello, ass. We know iuTo hashree goo habts, andtwo bad habits. H nts o o bette.Canyou help him tochange the ad habits? (小组讨论然后简介你懂得的好的习惯) . r to rte.T: You sa a lt o thins aout god hais. Nw lets mke veo o le all fushve more good habtsSte Hoewr1.Reiestr

7、y tie andeell thestor. 2. Mak poster(海报)o tegod haits.3. Copy soe imprtnt phrases an sentncs板书设计Unit 2 Good hitsWan ing: Liu Tao:get up arl, never listto the teacherbush teth ee te rom puthins i ord d homeork laefinhe mework fel ley泗阳李口小学课堂教学设计 李口小学集体备课教案教学内容Unt 2Gdhbits设计日期主备人 Li Ch六年级B册第 学时总第 学时教学

8、目 标. 可以在句子中对的应用限度副词修饰动词。2. 可以应用本课所学的句型“Do yu ”/”Ys, I/No, dot”进行问答。3. 培养学生养成良好的学习习惯和生活习惯。教学重难点1. 可以在句子中对的应用限度副词修饰动词。2. 可以应用本课所学的句型“D you.”/”Ye, I do.N,I dont”进行问答。教学准备PPT、图片教学内容及师生活动思考与调节Se Free alkT: Dou getup erlyintemorning?S: .T: Tat agood/ba habi!T: hvesoe habtstoo, an you askm?(出示动作图片)S: oyou

9、aveyor meals ith moning?T: Y, I do alwas.S:Doyu rad ks?T: Ys, Id Iuually.S: Do u len the roomT: Yes, Ido.I soetimes.: Iv soe god habs bu Ihave ad hat ook at my anda ees, Ilay o to dla a night, i is a bd abit, ou shougo tobd erlyep2Presnation: As goo stdents,we shulav god habit, es mak a god habits p

10、roosal stepbstep. ep 1 iow toask hes ou kno y habi, wabou ou? Lt pla a game. Wh wantto be my tner?Fun tim-(1) T: Pick one. (2)S: pic ne(3) air work: , its ou tu, pionpitrfomheenvlope ndprcticeinpairs!Magc ox-:God b, boys an girls, y aaskohrabottir habs.s havea t2. tep1 isho to ake. irs, Pick 4 diffr

11、ent coor papsfromte bx.Scond, cuss ingroup d mketheminto a sntnce, then sticit to the longpaper.Third, rea inrou nd sow s in our onw.评价:itsinteesing/funny.ere resom senencesfryou, n yo radthm? Lok, theseword aresujectsadveb of frquecy/eb/aderbial modifier. oyou understand?St 3 Considato1. srvyT:t, let mov o ste do a sry. Fir, ets mke a survey form.ere isan exal, fll oewor inthelank and makeita gohait.S:arly.T: Ca you eadiS: G tobedearly at t.:ere is ahe fo, n you fl tis ne wih your grouemberLets check


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