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1、1、“ God help them that help themselvesA、FranklinQuiz on Benjamin Franklin” A foundWnprkB、Freneau毕腫缣覘颡适閘。D、 PaineD賭飴勁幕鼴燭涩。C、Jeffers on2、Which stateme nt about Fran kli n is not true?A、He instructed his countrymen as a printer、B、He was a scie ntist、C、He was a master of diplomacy、D、He was a Unitarian、3

2、、Poor Richard s Almanac contained A、A、many proverbsB、Franklin s autobiograp閥区裢閶業曄醫。C、voyages to the new landD、 climate and crops 场断擋莲萵汹铗。“the4、In his last years and for a gen erati on after his death, A was more ofte n referred to as was George Washington himself 贶崍蛏饺躥廄猡。A、Benjamin FranklinB、 Washin

3、gton Irving 朧搀恼枫腸曖哗。C、Ralph Waldo EmersonD、Nathaniel Hawthorne 紀将针聶浑弃諱。5、 _A is outsta nding as a tradesma n, citize n, scie ntist, statesma n and political revoluti onary 、 He aided Jeffers on inthe writing of the Declaration of the Independence 、誹币岘鹺攣兗亚。A、C、6、A、C、7、A、C、Benjamin Franklin Ralph Wald

4、o Emers on Benjamin Franklin Autobiography Common SenseB、 Washington Irving項谚暉縭籜谑腫。D、 Natha niel Hawthorne 墊鸳斬鵲狞斓齒。s best writing is foundsinrlhisterpiece _A_、鱷廢綬虚调麩铤。B、Poor Richard s Almaf锓筹饞錮蚬飒撈。D、 The Way to Wealth 鲡嬪跹剂笃諞欄。Benjamin Franklin also edited the first colonial magazine, which he called

5、 C、臨沩釓郐泞亞谱。 TimeB、People嚕種贊锻怂诶辋。the Gen eral Magaz ineD、Redbook8、If we say Jon atha n Edwards represe nts the upper levels of the America n mind,represe nts the lower levels、謖頹隶绡丝髏。A、 Thomas PaineC、Philip Fren eauPhilip Fren eau:B、Benjam in Fran kli nD、Washington Irving詵诗繭宁宝賊驰。The Poet of America n

6、Revoluti on9、The ideals of the America n En lighte nment were exemplified in the life and career of BA、Thomas HoodB、Benjamin Franklin 殡愨唛榄偻夹擄。C、Thomas Jeffers onD、 George Wash ington10、 Benjamin Franklin was the epitome(representative) of theA、誄亿袜銥畲儻載。A、American EnlightenmentB、 Sugar Act 觎懣峽龀嫗蓀領。C、

7、Chartist Moveme ntD、 Roma nticist 该砀驭瀾恥厣純。11、Benjam in Fran kli n shaped his writ ing after the A of the En glish essayists Joseph Addis on and Richard Steele、 鷦 驻欒捡洒鰹黨。A、Spectator Papers B、 Walde nC、NatureD、 The Sacred Wood 蘿長鯫谎閔撈鲥。12、Benjamin Franklin was a prose stylist whose writing reflected th

8、e neoclassic ideal of D、魇誚觐銷輜縈缙。A、clarityB、restrai ntC、simplicityD、 all the above 鳌骛镉噜囑銅绊。13、Franklin s claim to a place in literature rests chiefly on hisA and A 、哗榉潑侥臉讕慣。A、Poor Richard s Almanac, AutobiographyB、Com mon Sense, American CrisisC、The Wild Hon eysuckle, The In dia n Buryi ng Grou ndD、R

9、ights of Man, The Age of ReasonPhilip Freneau (1752-1832)美国殖民时期著名诗人,美国革命战争后期最杰出得作家。生于纽约一酒商家庭。1768年进入普林斯顿大学,次年发起建立北美第一个革命学生组织。她写于内战时期得诗集内战时期及其她(1864),歌颂内战时期反蓄奴制斗争中得英雄主义精神,欢庆黑奴解放,以鼓励士气。1781年发表英国囚船一诗,揭露英军虐待战俘得暴行。1786年出版弗瑞诺诗集,被誉为美国独立革命得诗人”战后,她支持杰弗逊,为美国 政府做出巨大贡献但50岁后,她在贫穷中度过余生。主要作品The Rising Glory of Ame

10、rica 蒸蒸日上得美洲;The British Prison Ship 英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave America ns 纪念美国勇士 萦嶄粮悵鮮鼹驻。The Wild Honeysuckle 野生得金银花;The In dian Buryi ng Grou nd印第安人殡葬地 闌舉军槨钕頦紙。14、Which statementis not true about Autobiography? _D瘾琏鴆颠萦攬嬪。A、It is recognized as a classic of its kind、B、It epitomizes the spirit o

11、f Franklin、C、It is pervaded with a pragmatic philosophy and the teaching of ethical principles 、猃顯纾靄埚馈缥。D、It describes the whole life of Franklin 、Quiz on Ralph Waldo Emers on1、In the early 19th century The Sketch Book had established Washington Irving s reputation at home and abroad, anddesignated

12、the beginning of American Romanticism、陧紛伞錈誣讨恺。2、Ralph Waldo Emers ons first book in 1836 _Nature_ brought America n Roma nticism into a new phase, the phase of New England Transcendentalism、 骅迟規橹幟铆業。3、The American Transcendeatalists formed a club called _The Transcendentai Club_、賡幕瑣館鳢賡辦。4、_Ralph Wal

13、do Emerson_ was responsible for bringing Transcendentalism to New England 、糲銩難韋虛乐竞。5、Emersons truest disciple 门徒,the man who put into practice many of Emersons theories, was _Henry DavidThoreau惱稣鸷醞淪榈黌。6、THe American Scholar_was called the Intellectual Declaration of Independenee 、飙热貯条荧诶鲧。7、Nature_ i

14、s regarded as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism、 狮兖櫟俭煉镣殲。1、Transcendentalists took their ideas from _E、氫棂飄鹪讶馏芻。A、the romantic literature in EuropeB、 neo-Platonism 撟撥紐轧帧羟骚。C、Germa n idealistic philosophyD、 The revelati on of orie ntal mysticism 谐莖鸨鉿鵓细鉿。E、All of the above2、Transcendentalist d

15、octrines found their greatest literary advocates in _Band Thoreau、奪锉層赐賤屬騮。A、Jeffers onB、 Emers onC、Fren eauD、 Oversoul3、Philip Freneau_ was considered as the Poet of American Revolution? 銮誑赝车惨铖癢。4、_Bwas the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club、峡馔報柵齙莢陆。A、ThoreauB、 Emers onC、HawthorneD、Whitman5、Transcendentalists recognized _Aas the highest power of the soul、鯊静纩辐颓谚蜕。A、intuitionB、logicC、data of the sn esesD、 thinking6、A new _Chad ap



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