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1、Unit 3 Could you please clean your room课题名称Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Period 4 (Section B 2a-2e)新授课三维目标1.学习词汇 take care of, forget to do, feed the dog, move to a new house,take the dog for a walk2.学习写留言条获得朋友的帮助。. 重点目标目标1、2难点目标综合运用单元目标语,针对实际情景解决问题导入示标头脑风暴活动目标三导学做思一:warming up.1) Memory

2、challenge. 复习词汇 和Target languageToms week. Students look at the chart for only one minute, then the chart is covered, Students say what Tom does on weekdays and weekends.2) Do 1 in self check学做思二:1. 3a Reading 1). Question: Do you have a dog or a bird ? How do you take care of it? Discus in pairs.2)

3、 Read the e-mail message. Quickly . in 3a. What does Thomas ask Nancy to do? 3) 词汇分类.Which things are about food? Cleaning? Exercise?4) 学习写求助的留言的方式法.2. Help Sandy Complete the e -mail message. (3b and 3c),展示优秀的作品.3.Group work. “Help Wanted” 1) 给出不同的话题,让每个小组抽取一个话题,合作讨论, 写留言条寻求帮助.2) 然后将条子贴在黑板上,让每组学生代表

4、上来找到自己能做的事,并和小组进行对话表演 .4.总结.5. homework:达标检测1. I was late because I got up late.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you late? 2. I wish to fly.(改为复合句)I wish that I _ _. 3. Simon didnt come to the party. He was busy.(合并成一句) Simon didnt come to the party_ he was busy. 4. I hope that I will be back soon.(改为简单句) I hope_ _ back soon. 5. The charity show will be held on June 1.(对划线部分提问) _ _the charity_ _?反思总结本节课在复习单元词汇和句型的基础上, 进一步学会运用目标语进行写的训练, 是能力目标的体现. 不同的话题拓展到生活的各个方面, ,给学生综合运用目标语,提供了一个广阔的平台, 使学生能运用语言知识解决实际问题。课后练习根据下列中文提示写一篇短文。 李叔叔在一所中学教书,他正准备组织义演为希望工程捐款、为山区那些穷苦的孩子提供食品和书籍,使他们能够得到快乐。他虽然很辛苦,但却很高兴,他希望更多的人来帮助希望工程。1



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