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1、同条款常用英文词汇买方 buyer卖方 seller项目名称 Projeect naame地址 adddresss电话 phhone传真 faax联系人 ccontacct perrson本合同由买买卖双方签订订,根据本合合同条款,买买方同意购买买,卖方同意意出售以下产产品。This contrract iis madde by and bbetweeen thee buyeers annd selllers, wherreby tthe buuyers agreee to bbuy annd thee selllers aagree to seell thhe undder-meention

2、ned. CCommodditiess accoordingg to tthe teerms aand coonditiions sstipullated beloww.1.详细货货物清单 Detaiil suppply llist2.合同价价格 Conntractt valuue序号 ittem型号 modell尺寸 sizze, diimensiion数量 amounnt, unnit单价 unit pricee总价 tottal prrice备注注 remaark货物,运运费 freeight, trannsporttationn合同总额(含含安装费与税税金) Coontracct am

3、oount iincl. VAT instaallatiion3.付款条条件 payyment condiitionss, payyment termss4.交货地地点 delliveryy placce5.发货期期 deliivery time6.安装条条款 insstallaation clausse7.验收条条款 insspectiion cllause8.保证条条款 guaaranteee claause9.不可抗抗拒条款 FForce Majeuure Cllause10.违约约条款 Brreach clausse11.其他他条款 Miiscelllaneouus claause12

4、.买卖卖双方信息 buyerr and selleer infformattion此合同一式二份份,由双方各各持一正本。This contract is made in two originals that should be held by each party.涉外合同格式涉外合同按按繁简不同,尽尽管可以采取取不同书面形形式,如正式式合同(Coontracct)、协议议书(Agrreemennt)、确认认书(Connfirmaation)、备备忘录(Meemoranndum)、订订单(Ordder)等等等,但是一般般都包含如下下几个部分:一、合同名名称(Tittle)二、前文(Preamb

5、le)1.订约日日期和地点Date and pplace of siigningg2.合同当当事人及其国国籍、主营业业所或住所Signiing paartiess and ttheir natioonalitties, princcipal placee of bbusineess orr resiidencee addrressess3.当事人人合法依据Each partyys auuthoriity,比如如,该公司是是“按当地法律律正式组织而而存在的”(a corrporattion dduly oorganiized aand exxistinng undder thhe lawws o

6、f XXX)4.订约缘缘由/说明条款Recittals oor WHEEREAS clausse三、本文(Body)1.定义条条款(Deffinitiion cllause)2.基本条条款(Bassic coonditiions)3.一般条条款(Genneral termss and condiitionss)a.合同有有效期(Duuratioon)b.合同的的终止(Teerminaation)c.不可抗抗力(Forrce Maajeuree)d.合同的的让与(Asssignmment)e.仲裁(Arbbitrattion)f.适用的的法律(Gooverniing laaw)g.诉讼管管辖(J

7、urrisdicction)h.通知手手续(Nottice)i.合同修修改(Ameendmennt)j.其它(Othhers)四、结尾条条款(WITTNESS clausse)1.结尾语语,包括份数数、使用的文文字和效力等等(Conccludinng senntencee)2.签名(Siggnaturre)3.盖印(Seaal)以上的格式式和内容并非非一成不变,当当事人可以根根据各自交易易情况做出调调整或增删。合同范本销售代理合同Sales AAgencyy Agreeementt合同号:NO:日期:Date:为在平等互互利的基础上上发展贸易,有有关方按下列列条件签订本本协议:This Agr

8、eeement is ennteredd intoo betwween tthe paartiess conccernedd on tthe baasis oof equualityy and mutuaal bennefit to deevelopp busiiness on teerms aand coonditiions mmutuallly aggreed upon as foollowss:1.订约人人 Contrractinng Parrties供货人(以以下称甲方):销售代理人人(以下称乙乙方):甲方委托乙乙方为销售代代理人,推销销下列商品。Suppllier:(hereiina

9、fteer callled partyy A)Agentt:(hereiinafteer callled partyy B)Partyy A heereby appoiint Paarty BB to aact ass his selliing aggent tto selll thee commmodityy menttionedd beloow.2.商品名名称及数量或或金额 Commoodity and QQuantiity orr Amouunt双方约定,乙乙方在协议有有效期内, 销售不少于于*的商品。It iss mutuually agreeed thaat Parrty B sha

10、lll undeertakee to ssell nnot leess thhan of the aaforessaid ccommoddity iin thee duraation of thhis Aggreemeent.3.经销地地区 Terriitory只限在。In onlyy.4.订单的的确认 Confiirmatiion off Ordeers本协议所规规定商品的数数量、价格及及装运条件等等,应在每笔笔交易中确认认,其细目应应在双方签订订的销售协议议书中作出规规定。The qquantiities, pricces annd shiipmentts of the ccommoddi

11、tiess statted inn thiss Agreeementt shalll be confiirmed in eaach trransacction, the partiicularrs of whichh are to bee speccifiedd in tthe Saales CConfirrmatioon siggned bby thee two partiies heereto.5.付款 Paymeent订单确认之之后,乙方须须按照有关确确认书所规定定的时间开立立以甲方为受受益人的保兑兑的、不可撤撤销的即期信信用证。乙方方开出信用证证后,应立即即通知甲方,以以便甲方准备备交

12、货。Afterr conffirmattion oof thee ordeer, Paarty BB shalll arrrange to oppen a confiirmed, irreevocabble L/C avaailablle by draftt at ssight in faavour of Paarty AA withhin thhe timme stiipulatted inn the relevvant SS/C. PParty B shaall allso nootify Partyy A immmediaately afterr L/C is oppened so th

13、hat Paarty AA can get ppreparred foor delliveryy.6.佣金 Commiissionn在本协议期期满时,若乙乙方完成了第第二款所规定定的数额,甲甲方应按装运运货物所收到到的发票累计计总金额付给给乙方*%的佣金。Upon the eexpiraation of thhe Agrreemennt andd Partty Bss fulllfilmeent off the totall turnnover mentiioned in Arrticlee 2, PParty A shaall paay to Partyy B % ccommisssion

14、on thhe bassis off the aggreegate amounnt of the iinvoicce vallue aggainstt the shipmments effeccted.7.市场情情况报告 Reporrts onn Markket Coonditiions乙方每3个个月向甲方提提供一次有关关当时市场情情况和用户意意见的详细报报告。同时,乙乙方应随时向向甲方提供其其他供应商的的类似商品样样品及其价格格、销售情况况和广告资料料。Partyy B shhall fforwarrd oncce eveery thhree mmonthss to pparty A det

15、tailedd repoorts oon currrent markeet connditioons annd of consuumers commments. Meannwhilee, Parrty B shalll,fromm timee to ttime, send to paarty AA sampples oof simmilar commooditiees offfered by otther ssuppliiers, togetther wwith ttheir pricees, saales iinformmationn and adverrtisinng matterialls.8.宣传广广告费用 Adverrtisinng & PPubliccit



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