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1、高考英语复习中常见的状语误用案例解析一、从句谓语动词形式错误1. They came here in order that they explained the matter to us.在so that (in order that)引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词用can(could)may(might)will(would)should动词原形的形式。故上述从句在谓语动词前应加could或might但so that引导结果状语从句时,不用此要求限制,如:They came late so that they missed the early bus.2. I wont believe it

2、 until I will have seen it with my own eyes.在时间、条件、让步、方式状语从句中,一般将来时要用一般现在时表示,过去将来时要用一般过去时表示,将来完成时要用现在完成时表示,故上句until从句中的will应取掉。但will在表示意愿时,可用于状语从句,如:If you will waitIll go and ask the manager.3. The girl talks as if she has been to the moon. 在as if (though)引导的方式状语从句中,若陈述情况的可能性小,谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词在原基础上

3、向过去退一步。句中has been应改为had been。再如:He speaks to me as if I were deaf。若从句所述情况很可能实现,则用陈述语气。如:It is blowing hard as if it is going to rain.4. The man smokes as much as his father 10 years ago.在比较状语从句中,谓语动词形式与主句不一致时,不能省略,句中his father后应加did。再如:I know you better than he does.5. No sooner was he here than I t

4、old him about it.no soonerthanhardly (scarcely)when虽和as soon asthe momentthe minuteimmediately一样引导时间状语从句,表示“一,就”之意,但前者主句须用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。上句应改为No sooner had he been here than I told him about it。6. She caught a cold until her husband came back.untiltill引导从句,在肯定句中谓语动词应用持续性动词,句中caught应改为had.二、从句引导词使用错误

5、1. When time went onhis theory proved to be right.当时间状语从句要表示“随着”之意时,从句引导词要用as,句中when应改为as。另在表示“边,边”之时,也须用as引导时间状语从句,如:He cried as he wrote.2. Although it rains heavilywe shall still go out.thoughalthougheven if (though)均可引导让步状语从句,但在侧重假设或推断时要用though或as if (though)上句中although应改为even if (though)或though

6、。再如Though(Even though) everyone deserts youI will not.3. Child although he ishe knows a lot.as引导让步状语从句时,状语表语及谓语动词的一部分置于as之前,且表语中的冠词要省略。如:Try as we didwe failed again.又如:Late as he camehe saw the famous man.而although则无此种用法,句中although应改为as.4. Because you havent repared itwell delay our action.becauses

7、inceas引导从句时,because语气最强,常针对why问题,通常表示说话人认为这种原因或理由是听话人所不知道的。当原因或理由在说话人看来已经很明显,或双方知道,或众所周知,一般用sinceas,上句中because应改为since或as。5. There is such little work that such little boys can finish it soon.在suchthat句式中,如果such后有manymuch(多),fewlittle(少)修饰名词,such应改为so,注意little表示个体之小时,不用so,上句中第一个such应改为so。三、主状不一错误1.

8、At the age of fivehis father died.状语at the age of five的逻辑主语应为he,而不是his father,没有5岁的父亲。上句应改为:When he was at the age of fivehis father died.2. To improve your Englishreading is necessary .to improve your English为人的动作,而不是reading的动作,上句可改为To improve your Englishyou should read a lot。但个别短语如generally speak

9、ing(一般来说)、strictly speaking(严格地说)、judging from(依据判断)、to tell you the truth(实话说),不受主状一致的限制。如:To tell you the truthyour conclusion sounds strange.3. Being a fine daywe went out for a play.分词作状语,句子主语应是动作发出者或承受者,若分词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致时,应在分词前加上逻辑主语,上句应改为:It being a fine daywe went out for a play.再如:The house burnt downwe had to leave there.4. While waiting for the busmy wallet missed.分词短语作时间状语,与句子主语my wallet没形成主谓关系,即主语不能发出waiting for the bus的动作。上句应改为while waiting for the busI lost my wallet.5. Giving more timeI can do it better.主语I应是give动作的承受者句中giving应改为given



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