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1、-上八年级英语第一次月测试题听力部分 (2分)(A)听句子,选择对的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) 1._ 2 _ 3. _ 4. _ 5_(B).听句子,选择与所听句子意思相似或相近的一项。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6 . dont like lyinbaetball. B Basketball imfaorite C. StmesI pla basetbal. ( ) A. Ding Kn wn th game. B. The winner must be Din ang n the gam.C. I beieveig Kag wil loe the game. ( )8 .agkag

2、 isgood t Cinse .ankag isnt go ChineseC Kngkag doe well in English ( )9. hre loudpeakingnthe classroom. B Ter is lu peakigin he readng room. C.Tereis ne pekingloudly inte readig om ( )1. . eiofengives ahand to fegn viitors.B.a We s foreigner.C.D We wothlp foiners. (C). 听对话及问题,选择对的答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)(

3、 )11.A. Basktll. B nnis. Foba. ( )12.A No,t isnt. B Ye,it C. They aorget t ( )13. A Tothe playround. B. T th redingroom CTothe lassroom. ( )14.A. here pain baseall. B. eyrredng.C. hye watchinga mtch. ( )5. . On BTwoC. Three(D).听对话,完毕表格。对话读三遍。(5分)aeFavorteToHe s goingo do ome 6. .H prers17. beball.ei

4、s t 1. t layingscer. aShe liks doing prts . a lthelik 2 best. (E).听短文,选择对的答案。短文读两遍。(分)( )21Howas thmth?A Exiti B.ad. C.Boin (令人生厌的).( )22. When didthe tchstat?.At one. At wo C. A te ( )3Wtws th result(成果) in the fist lf o te mtch?A 0to 0. B. 1 to. C2 to0. ( )24. When Smkickthe blino therit conero he

5、 l?A.n theirt haf of the mch. .Almost tthe binnng of thmatch . lmost a te ed of th match ( ) Whatws the rest of the math for m eam? 0 o 0.Bto 0. 1to .笔试部分(95分)、单选(15分)( )6_ do ou prefer, walkg or rn?I like runnng btte.ha B. HwC. henD.Whc( )7. I see Wei Ha _ English almost eer mornig.A. edB eaingC re

6、dD. to read( )2. m speds twohurs_ his hmework ery da.A. to doB. dong dD. os( )2. Wuld you min _ us in hegme?Not at al. . joiningB. joinC. join in.jonn in( )30. o sory for losing youdictionary._A. Oh, tdoent mater B.You welcoe. C. Tht OK. D. Thnk you al the.( )31. T moto f h moerOympics s “_.”A.Fast,

7、 gh,strngB. Fast,Highr,SrongerC Fater, gh,srong.Fster,High, Stroner( )32. i Mingil ake prt nhe bos _. A. 800-eter raeB 800-mer raceC. 80erraceD. 80meter-races( )3 Weand where_ we meet?ets maeit :00 a h. A. d. mustC. hallD did( )4. There _ a oball matcnex eek hall w god watch it?A illve . veD. wll e(

8、 )5.Would u like to climb ounainsth m thi Suday?d ve to. Bu _ pl tal enis agat Cass Tre. ami. m goingtoC mD.gongto( ). Do you swimmi?es, wimmin is agood wy _ ft A. keep.okeepC. eepingD. keps( )37. I bought a air of ruing shes bcase ant to _ he teachrs ray rc. A. onB. oi in takepartD.avart ( )3. X an

9、dher emmates re _ th U.S.A. neteek. leaving fB.lev forC. lee.let( )3. Mr Xiangisthe bestteacher in scol. Heood _taching.for. toC.ithD.at( )40 Idlie toread heokoverthere. oudu pass _,plea?Certainly. ere you . .me itB t to m. e fritD.t for me( )42.I srry fr _Isad. It sntmate.A.ho. hicC.wh. wh( )4. Wha

10、to y ofeo _ temmer hodys?I ften simmng.A atB oC. during.on( )44. Theshirt ooks vyne. I gess it is _ 10 yuan. A firstB. tot aleasD.tlast( )45. hl w go outfor a picicthis Snday?_ AThatsightB. Bstie. Good iea. . Is nothng. 、完形填空(0分)One there livd an oldma n town. He alwa frgo alot of hig, so hs wie dto 46._him , “Rethis.”One dahwent 47_ a tripln.efore hewentut, hs if said,“Nw ou haveal tese hingsookatere8._ ” He et to te saion,bought ticet adgt o the tran9_i. About 50._ ,the coductr ame o the olman n aid, “Wil yu lease5._me yr ik?”Theold mn 52._



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