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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流中学2013-2014学年(下)八年级英语综合训练一.精品文档.中学2013-2014学年(下)八年级英语综合训练一(命题、审题:李 2014年3月13日 本卷共120分,70分钟完成)core听说部分。(本大题分为听力和口语2部分,每小题1分,共25分)A、情景对话。请你根据所给的情景及提示扮演角色,进行提问或回答5个小问题。角色:医生DR.Wang ;病人Betty。你扮演病人Betty的角色。情景:Betty因为昨晚开始肚子痛,不想吃东西,所以到医院看医生。医生检查之后发现问题不是很严重,建议Betty按时吃药好好休息1天就会康复DR.

2、Wang:Good morning. Whats wrong with you?考生: 1. DR.Wang:When did it start?考生: 2 DR.Wang:Its not serious. Take this medicine and have a good rest.考生: 3 DR.Wang:Three times a day before meals.考生: 4 DR.Wang:Youd better not go to school and stay in bed for one day.考生: 5 B、听对话,选答案。(听每个对话,回答所列问题)听第1段对话,回答第

3、6小题。( C )6.When can Jack help the girl?A . Hes not sure B. Tomorrow C. This weekend,听第2段对话,回答第7小题。( C )7.What problem does the boy have?A. He has a cold. B. He has a stomachache. C. He has a bad eating habit.听第3段对话,回答第8小题。( B )8.Why doesnt Lily go to school?A. Because she is in hospital. B. Because

4、she has a fever. C. Because she wants to see her grandmother.听第4段对话,回答第9小题。( C )9.How long have the volunteer worked in the old peoples home?A. For one month. B. For two months. C. For three months.听第5段对话,回答第10小题。( B )10. What does the boy think of being a volunteer?A. He thinks theres no need to he

5、lp others.B. He thinks being a volunteer is helpful to others.C. He has no idea.听第6段对话,回答第11-12小题。( B )11. How soon will the Clean-Up Day come?A. In 3 days. B. In a week. C. In a week.( A )12. What will the two speakers do next?A. Call up their classmates. B. Hand out notices. C. Put up signs.听第7段对话

6、,回答第13-15小题。( C )13. What is probably the woman?A. A teacher B. A parent. C. A doctor.( A )14. What advice does the woman give to the man?A. Exercise every day. B. Go to bed early. C.Drink a lot of tea.( C )15.How often should the man take the medicine?A. There times a day. B. Twice a day C. Once a

7、dayC听短文,选择正确答案。( C )16. Batty felt on Christmas Day.A. Happy B. Surprised. C. Sad.( B )17. Barry left the hospital .A. Before Christmas. B. After Christmas. C. After New Years Day.( C )18. Barry went to on the night before New Years Day.A. A friends house. B. A doctors house. C.A party.( B )19. Barr

8、y hurt on his way home.A. his right leg B.his left leg C. both his legs( A )20. Barry was probably on New Years Day.A. in the hospital B. at a party C. at homeD. 口头作文。(根据下面图片提示,至少写出5个以上语法正确、意思相关联的句子,使得故事基本完整。)Jimmy是一个bike boy,他乐于助人,看下面的图片,请你讲述他的故事。21. .22. .23. .24. .25. .笔试部分(本部分共95分)一、单项填空。(本大题每小题

9、1分,共20分)( B )26、I made the mistake again. It happens .Dont worry. Everybody makes mistakes. Its nor a big deal.A. at that time B. all the time C. on time D. in time( D )27、Riding bikes makes it possible healthy.A. keep B. keeps C. keeping D. to keep( B )28、 ? I have a bad cold.A. How old are you B.

10、Whats the matter with you C. How do you think D. What do you look like( C )29、Hector a stomachache. So he eat anything for twenty four hours.A. has; should B. have; shouldnt C. has; shouldnt D. have; should( B )30、Yesterday I a great idea! I can volunteer at the hospital to help others.A. came up B.

11、 came up with C. came out D. came out with( D )31、We cant put off the piano because the competition is coming.A. practice B. practices C. practiced D. practicing( B )32、Tom his mother so they both have beautiful blue eyes.A. grows like B. takes after C. looks after D. lives with( B )33、_the doctor,

12、the boy was saved. A. Thanks B. Thanks to C. Thanks for D. Because( B )34、Jack used to _up early, but now he is used to _up late. A. get, get B. get, getting C. getting, get D. getting, getting( B )35、Jack hurt himself _. A. run B. running C. ran D. to run( D )36、Thank you for _ the heavy bag for me

13、.A. carry B. carries C. carried D. carrying( A )37、They sent the man to the hospital _. A. in time B. on time C. for time D. at times( C )38、Mother Teresa was famous all over the world for her _ .A. kind B. happy C. kindness D. happiness( B )39、Ken _of money. He couldnt buy anything.A. got out of B. ran out of C. tri


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