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1、浅析三国演义战争描写(A briefanalysisof the war descriptionof the romance of the Three Kingdoms)Analysis of the war description in the romance of the Three KingdomsAbstract: the romance ofthe ThreeKingdoms is one ofthe fourfamous novels in ancient china. Theriseand fall ofthe ThreeKingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu a

2、s a clue, depicting the ThreeKingdoms period of sharp and complex political and militarystruggle.Onthe grand style descriptionof the brutalwar side,but withsharp and complicated politicaland militarystrugglereflected in the description of strategy application.Key words: military thought, strategy, a

3、pplication, war descriptionThe Three Kingdomsis a model ofwriting inancientwars, itdescribes numerous large and small wars in large space.Wonderful is the description of the pre war preparationshostile to determine how their plans, strategies and tacticsto spy on the actual situation, how to use eac

4、h othersweaknesses are writtenveryvivid.Good atdescribingwars andproviding valuable research materials for feudal socialwarfare isanotherimportantaspectof theromance ofthe threekingdoms.And thisbook, while describingthemilitarywar, isnot without literary grace.The artisticachievements of the romance

5、 of the threekingdomsare most important in the description and characterization ofthe war. The novel is best at describingwar, and can writethecharacteristics of each war. Pay attention to describe theapplicationofdifferentstrategiesand tacticsunder specificconditions, and guide the initiative of th

6、e campaign, withoutfocusing on the pure strength and the contest of Wu Yi. As thebattle of Guandu, battle of red cliff, the battle of Yiling,everywar are writtenwith thecharacteristicsofwar changes,in writing thewar atthe same time,writeand otheractivities,as a prelude to war, Yu Bo, aid or war, the

7、 war, the intensestirring force to have disease slow phase. The contradictionbetween the sun, as in the Chibi before describing twocooperation, Zhu Geliang, Liu Zhou Yu, Cao Cao test, sun Liucoalition, to lure the enemy in preparation, in thecharacterization,pays specialattentiontothe contradictionb

8、etween thecharactersin therealstruggle,through theirownwords and deeds or the surroundingenvironment,the ideologicalcharacter.Such as Cao Caos treachery,likeevery act and everymove concealed Fei outspoken, no schemes and intrigues; not anaive,rashcolor; Zhu Geliangs pro,thingscan be handy,takeit lei

9、surely and unoppressively. The famous Guan Yu winechopped Huaxiong and win glory in battle, Zhang Fei Megatron changban bridge, Zhao Yun, Zhu Geliang crownling alone save seven escapement Menghuo and kongchengji scare Sima Yi is a very popular text.The novel is best at describing war, and can write

10、the characteristics of each war. Pay attention to describe theapplicationof differentstrategiesand tacticsunder specificconditions, and guide the initiative of the campaign, without focusing on the pure strength and the contest of Wu Yi. As the battle of Guandu, battle of red cliff, the battle of Yi

11、ling,every war are writtenwith the characteristicsofwar changes,in writing the war at the same time, write and other activities, as a prelude to war, Yu Bo, aid or war, the war, the intense stirring force to have disease slow phase. The contradiction between the sun, as in the Chibi before describin

12、g two cooperation, Zhu Geliang, Liu Zhou Yu, Cao Cao test, sun Liu coalition, to lure the enemy in preparation.Such as down, a detailed analysisof the Romance ofthe ThreeKingdoms in the art of war description.First, the romance of the Three Kingdoms embodied the comprehensive application of tactics

13、in the description of warThe romance of the Three Kingdoms embodies the comprehensive application of tactics in the description of war. Because three military experts are all slightly through strategics, so in their command of the winter campaign, military theory andmilitary wisdom into full play. I

14、n the period of the size of the more than 100 campaign, psychological warfare, raid, question, challenge, kongchengji, badger, fire attack, with other military rouji dollars have used, especially the three three battle battle of Guandu, battle of red cliff and thebattle of Yiling, military strategy and tactics on the outcome of the war. Play a decisive role. Especially in the battle of chibi,Zhou Yu, Zhu Geliang, etal. Itanalyzesthe situation ofbothsides, with fanjianji, lianhuanji, gangster and a series ofsteps and planned actions,will,theiradvantages to be brough



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