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2、族企业;职业经理人;机构投资者CONTROL OF THE GAME AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE- CASE STUDY OF GOMEABSTRACTThe battle for control of gome showed a dramatic and unprecedented complexity, but the property rights and the right of management separation and family business which want to be the modern enterprise must Introdu

3、ction of occupation managers. Gome affair has come to an end. Founder and big shareholders Wong Kwong Yu, Occupation manager Chen Xiao, Institutional investors bain capital on the commercial war without smoke of gunpowder, on the transition of family business have the chance and its inevitability, t

4、his is doomed to be the Chinese family business development of the classic case. “The world has no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.” in the capital market also can explain everything. The complete information dynamic game in the theory to analyze, forecast the battl

5、e for control of gome, and the use of backward induction method to obtain game refined Nash equilibrium, at the same time the use of corporate governance and financial statement analysis knowledge to share the gluttonous dinner.Key words: Gome affair; family business; Occupation manager; Institution

6、al investors目 录 1 绪论. 1 1.1 选题背景及意义. 1 1.2 国内外研究现状. 2 1.2.1 家族企业. 21.2 .2职业经理人. 21.2.3 机构投资者. 31.2.4 股权激励. 3 1.3 课题研究方法.41.4论文构成及研究内容. 5 2 “国美事件”回顾.62.1 公司介绍. 62.2 企业创始人黄光裕. 62.3 职业经理人陈晓. 72.4机构投资者贝恩资本.8 2.5国美股权激励方案.10 3 国美控制权博弈分析. 123.1 “9.28”股东大会. 12 3.1.1假设条件. 12 3.1.2博弈分析. 12 3.1.3结果分析. 143.2陈晓离职. .14 3.2.1假设条件.14 3.2.2博弈分析.15 3.2.3结果分析.163.3黄光裕家族与贝恩资本共同掌权. 163.3.1假设条件.16 3.3.2博弈分析.17 3.3.3分析预测.184 总结.214.1 主要工作.


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