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1、Unit 1-4话题范文 “四招八式”搞定英语期中考试作文话题一:My dream home(我的梦想家园)范文一:My dream home is at the foot of a hill.(我家在一座小山脚下)It has three floors.(它有三层楼)There is a football field behind my home.(在我家的后面有一个足球场)There is a swimming pool beside it.(在我家的旁边有一个游泳池)There is a kitchen and a home cinema on the ground floor.(在一楼

2、有一个厨房和一个家庭影院)The kitchen is very clean.(厨房很干净)There is always more than enough food there.(那儿总是有足够的食物)The cinema has a large TV.(家庭影院里有一个很大的电视)I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend.(我想在周末邀请我的朋友们来和我一起看电影)On the first floor,there are six bedrooms.(在二楼,有六间卧室)Each room

3、has a new computer and all the beds are comfortable.(每个房间都有一台新电脑并且所有的床都很舒适)My friends like to come and stay here.(我的朋友们喜欢来并呆在这里)There are two large rooms on the second floor. (在三楼有两个大房间)My friends and I have parties there.(我的朋友和我可以在那里举办聚会)It is great fun.(真是太有趣了)This is my dream. I hope to have my o

4、wn house like this some day.(只要是写梦想家园的就可以把这句话放在结尾,能得2分!)范文二:My dream home is not very big.(我理想的家园不是很大)It has two floors.(它有两层楼)It is next to a sea.(它靠近大海)There is a big balcony on the second floor.(在二楼有一个大阳台)I can look out at the sea and the beach.(我能看着外面的大海和沙滩)I have my own bedroom and study.(我有自己的

5、卧室和书房)I can read books in the study or chat with my friends on the balcony. (我可以在书房里看书或是在阳台上和我的朋友聊天)There is a big kitchen on the first floor, because I like cooking. (在一楼有一个大厨房,因为我喜欢做饭)There is a garden in front of the house.(在房子的前面有一个花园)I can enjoy the flowers there. (我可以在那里赏花)I always have fun th

6、ere.(在那里我总是很开心)This is my dream home. I hope to have my own house like this some day. (只要是写梦想家园的就可以把这句话放在结尾,能得2分!)话题二:neighbourhood or community (居民区或是社区)范文一:I live in a very nice neighbourhood.(我居住在一个非常漂亮的居民区里)It is modern,clean and beautiful.(它现代、干净和美丽)There is a community centre, a hospital,a lib

7、rary, a sports centre ,some shops and restaurants in the neighbourhood.(在这个居民区里有一个社区中心,一家医院,一个图书馆,一个运动中心,一些商店和餐馆)The old people and the children like the garden best.(老人和孩子们最喜欢这个花园)They have lots of fun there.(他们在那里玩得很开心)Our neighbours are very kind and helpful.(我的邻居们既友善又乐于助人)Some of them are volunt

8、eers.(他们中的一些人是志愿者)They have different skills.(他们有不同的技能)Every weekend they help people with all kinds of problems.(每个周末他们帮助人们解决各种各样的问题)We are lucky to live in a neighbourhood like this.(我们很幸运的住在这样的居民区里)范文二:My dream community is very big, but there arent many people living there. (我的梦想社区很大但是那里居住的人不是很多

9、)There are lots of trees and beautiful flowers in the neighbourhood. (在居民区里有很多树木和美丽的花儿)We have a big garden, a swimming pool and some playgrounds.(我们这里有一个大花园,一个游泳池和一些运动场)We can have a good time playing there.(我们可以在那里开心的玩耍)There is also a community centre, a hospital and some shops in our neighbourho

10、od.(我们的居民区里还有一个社区中心,一家医院和一些商店) All my neighbours are nice and helpful. (我所有的邻居都很友善和乐于助人)Some of them are volunteers with different skills. (他们中的一些人是有一技之长的志愿者)If we have any problems, they can help us.(如果我们有任何的困难,他们会帮助我们)We are lucky to live in a neighbourhood like this.(我们很幸运的住在这样的居民区里)话题三:My hometo

11、wn(我的家乡)范文一:Hello, Im John. Im going to show you around my hometown.(我将要带领你们参观我的家乡) Look!This is my house. (看!这是我家的房子)It is on a farm. (它坐落在农场上)It has two floors. (它有两层楼)Most people here live in houses like this. (这儿大部分的人们都居住在像这样的房子里)There are many flowers and trees around my house.(在我家周围有许多花儿和树木) E

12、very day, I can smell the flowers and hear the birds sing. (每天,我能闻到花香和听见鸟儿唱歌)There is a lake near my house.(在我家附近有一个湖泊) Sometimes we row a boat there.(有时候我们去那里划船)There are about one hundred families in our town. (我们镇里大约有一百户人家)Some families raise cows, and others grow wheat. (这里一些人饲养奶牛,另外一些人种植小麦)Peop

13、le here know each other.(这儿的人们彼此了解) They are all friendly.(他们都很友好) There are buses to the town centre every day.(每天都有去镇中心的公交车) Usually my mother drives us there to do the shopping.(通常我的母亲开车带我们去那里购物) We enjoy our life here .(我们喜欢这里的生活)I think it is a wonderful place to live.(我认为它是个居住的好地方) I hope you

14、can come and visit soon.(我希望你们能很快来参观)范文二:Hi,Im Millie. Id like to invite you to visit my hometown.(我想邀请你们来参观我的家乡) There are lots of places of interest to visit. (这儿有许多风景值得参观)The air is fresh here. (这里的空气很新鲜)You can see many trees, lakes and green hills. (你可以看到许多树木,湖泊和绿色的小山)There is a beautiful park

15、called Xuanwu Lake Park.(这里有一个玄武湖公园) We can walk or jog there. (我们可以在那里散步或是慢跑)We can also row a boat on the lake. (我们也可以在湖面上划船)The bridge is very famous. (这个桥也很有名)I want to show you around the places.(我想带领你们去参观这些地方) You can also go shopping in the city centre. (你们也可以到市中心购物)There are many nice shops

16、and most things there are not expensive. (那里有许多好的商店并且大部分东西都不贵)People in my hometown are friendly.(我家乡的人们都很友善) I live with my parents in a new flat in the city centre .(我和我的父母一起住在市中心)You can live with us. (你可以和我们住在一起)Welcome to my hometown.(欢迎来到我的家乡) I am looking forward to meeting you soon.(我期待能够很快见到你们)话题四:An invitation letter(一封邀请信)范文一:Dear friends,I am going to have a birthday party at home this weekend .(这个周末我打算在家举办一个生日聚会) I would like to invite you to the par



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