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1、仁爱版英语九年级上册教学设计Unit3 Topic2Section A源城区光明学校 王育芬教材分析:本单元围绕着世界语言英语展开,谈到了英语的广泛应用、英语学习的重要性、不同国家应用应用英语的差异、英语的发展、手势语、英语学习策略。这些话题与学生的英语学习息息相关、本课时主要呈现语法为现在进行时表将来的用法。学情分析:对于九年级的学生来说,部分学生已经有了一定的英语学习基础,掌握了一点英,美国家日常生活中的不同传统特点,但总体上来说,还比较少.夏季课程安排与学生的生活紧密相连,也是他们很感兴趣的话题,如有机会,他们也想出国体验英美人家的风土人情,生活习惯。基于现实生活,只能引导他们发挥自己丰

2、富的想象力,把课堂模拟成生活,置身于学习之中,提高语言交际能力。然而大部分学生对英美两国的旅游胜地,风土人情等了解甚少,因此词汇量偏大,加之大部分学生的英语成绩分化较严重,所以要求学生做好预习,借助网络和书籍,了解中英美之间生活的特点和差异,培养学生的自学能力。在教师预设的任务中,注意引导学生在动态中生成。这样就有利于学生更好地通过课本,达到英语的语言运用能力。教学目标:初步学习现在进行时表示将来时的用法。了解不同英语国家所讲英语的差异。教学步骤:一.写出下面动词的过去式、过去分词和现在分词。sink- have- lie-die- run- beat-hide- win- think-二.在

3、文中划出下列短语并翻译。I cant follow you._ Australian English_ British English_ the same as _ be similar to_ call sb._English-speaking countries_ instead of_put my suitcase in the trunk of the car_by the way_ depend on _ differences between and _be a little different from_ succeed in doing_make yourself unders

4、tood_ take ones exam_autumnfall_ face to face_三、在文中找出下面的句子进行分析:1.Can you speak more slowly, please? 译:_思考:有关“说”的词汇:_(说话,说语言); _(告诉,讲述); _(说);_(谈话)练习:a.Can you _ English or Chinese? 译:_b.He _ that he had finished his task. 译:_c.He is a funny man, he always _ jokes to us. 译:_ d.Lets _ about our plan,

5、shall we? 译:_2. I just said hello to you. 译:_ 点拨:say hello to sb.-给某人打招呼 拓展: 给某人道歉_给某人告别_给某人道谢_练习:1.因为我的错误我应对他说声抱歉。I should _ _ _him _ _ my mistakes. 2.天黑了,我们该互相道声再见了。Its _ now, wed _ _ _ to _ _. 3.帮了我们这么大的忙,请让我们对你说声感谢Lets _ _ _ you for you _ us so much.3.Sorry, I cant follow you. 译:_ 点拨:follow=unde

6、rstand=catch -理解,明白 练习:我不太明白他说的话。I couldnt_ /_/_what _ _拓展:follow - 遵守规则;跟随;仿效;跟得上 练习:1.他拒绝听从我们的劝告。He _ to _ our _. 2.王老师进入教室,学生们紧跟其后。Mr. Wang entered the classroom and the students _ her.3.对每个人而言遵守交通规则是很重要的。Its _ for _to _the _ _. 4. By the way, Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow. 译:_点拨:一些表示位移的动词: go

7、, come, start, leave, fly, arrive, drive, travel, return等,常用现在进行时表将来 练习:用现在进行时表将来补充下面的句子 1).你什么时候动身?When _ you _? 2).我要走了。I _ _. 3).王叔叔要来吃晚饭。Uncle Wang _ _ to have supper. 4).妈妈今天下午去香港。My mother _ _ for Hong Kong this afternoon. 5).我明天飞罗马。I _ _ to Rome tomorrow. 6).他后天回来。He _ _ the day after tomorro

8、w. 7).我们下周到。We _ _next week. 拓展:某些非位移动词亦可用现在进行时表将来:sleep, take, change, work, see, buy, meet等。练习:a.下课后我来找你。I _ _ you _ _.b.当我有足够多钱的时候我会买辆小汽车。I _ _ a car when I have _ _.5.Once, when I was in London, my friends told me to put my suitcase in the boot. boot-长筒靴, 行李箱(英)译:_点拨:once - (过去)曾经,有一次(副词) 链接:onc

9、e -一旦(引导时间状语从句=as soon as) once -一次(副词)练习:a.Once you start, you will never give up. 译:_b.Once he lived in America, but now he lives in England. 译:_ c.We ought to see the dentist once a month. 译:_6.If you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences. 译:_点拨:make oneself + 过去分词 - 使某人或某物被练习:She couldnt make herself heard because of the noise. 译:_链接:a.make sb. do sth.-让(使)某人做某事 b.make sb./sth.+形容词-使某人/某物成状态 c.make sb.+名词-选某人为练习:a.She _ (make)her children _



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