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1、二 年 级 第 二 学 期 英 语 综 合 练 习 番禺区石基镇傍西小学 听 力 部 分一、Listen and number .A. ( ) ( ) ( )B. ( ) ( ) ( )C. ( ) ( ) ( )二、Listen and tick .1、Do you have a watch ? ( ) ( ) ( )2、Whats for lunch , mum ? ( ) ( ) ( )3、Where are you going ? ( ) ( ) ( )4、What day is it today ? ( ) ( ) ( )三、Listen , tick or cross.1、 2、

2、3、 ( ) ( ) ( )4、 5、 ( ) ( ) 四、Listen and match . 五、Listen , read and match . cartoonist chicken spider underground scooter口 语 部 分一 小朋友,你是一个有礼貌的好孩子吗?请你用英语来打招呼。1. 早上回到学校,见到同学,你会说:_.2. 放学啦,你会跟老师说:_.3. 下午在大街上碰到叔叔阿姨,你会说:_.4. 晚上,睡觉前,你会跟爸爸妈妈说:_.二 小朋友,你喜欢说英语吗?让我们一起来说英语吧! 1. This is David. Hes an . He goes t

3、o work by .2. Its Sunday today. Im going to the with my mother.3. I like summer. In summer , I can in the swimming pool.4. Its 8.30. Its time to .5. I want to be a when I grow up. +6. My favourite place is the . 三 小朋友,你能回答下列问题吗?1. What day is it today? Its _. 2. What does he do?Hes _. ?3. Do you lik

4、e ? 4. Can you ride a ? 评价:Assessment 123评分标准:第一大题,答对一小题得一颗 。第二大题,任选四小题。答对一小题得一颗 。第三大题,答对一小题得一颗 。小朋友,你一共拿到几_ You are _!2-3 FAIR4-6 GOOD7-9 GREAD10-12 EXCELLENT 听 力 材 料一、同学们,请你根据听到的单词,用数字给图编号。A. 1. a lion 2. a frog 3. a spiderB. 1. a teacher 2. a doctor 3. a driverC. 1. skip rope 2. watch TV 3. play

5、the piano二、请你听小对话,“”出与问题答案一致的图。1. Do you have a watch ? Yes , I do .2. Whats for lunch , mum ? Noodles .3. Where are you going ? Im going to the supermarket.4. What day is it today ? Its Tuesday .三、 同学们,考考你,听听这些句子是否与图一致,如一致请打“”不一致请打“”。1. This is an orange . 2. I have dinner at six . 3. She is wearin

6、g a dress . 4. My favourite place is swimming pool . 5. I have a toy plane .四、请你听听Janet 及她家人的介绍,把相关的图片用线连起来。Hi , Im Janet . My father is a manager . He goes to work by bus . My brother is a policeman . He goes to work by motorbike . I am a pupil . I go to school from Monday to Friday .I go to swimming class on Saturday . I go to dancing class on Sunday .五、请你根据听到的单词,把图和单词连接起来。 Chicken underground cartoonist scooter spider



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