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1、北京语言大学21春高级写作在线作业三满分答案1. We didt know what had happened to her until we ( ) the accident in the newspaper.A.readB.read ofC.read overD.read from参考答案:B2. She might have been at the meeting, but nobody _ her there.A.lookedB.noticedC.remarkedD.commented参考答案:B3. The higher the standard of living, the ( )

2、.A.greater is the amount of goods consumedB.greater amount of goods consumedC.amount of goods is used greaterD.greater the amount of goods consumed参考答案:D4. He has difficulty ( ) the word.A.to pronouceB.for pronoucingC.pronoucingD.of pronoucing参考答案:C5. He bought four ( ) of wine.A.dozen bottlesB.doze

3、n bottleC.dozens bottlesD.dozen of bottles参考答案:A6. They daren&39;t ask for they are afraid _.A.of laughing atB.to be laughedC.of being laughed atD.have been treated参考答案:C7. I wont believe you _ I have seen it with my own eyes.A.beforeB.untilC.afterD.when参考答案:B8. Housewives who do not go out to work

4、often feel they are not working to their full _.A.capacityB.strengthC.lengthD.possibility参考答案:A9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AInternet is a source of learningWhich of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AInternet is a source of learning for teens.BOutside classr

5、oom learning is equally valuable.CTeens need to learn more effectively online.DParents should also learn to use Internet.正确答案:DA、B、C三个选项都可在文中找到证据,只有D选项未提及。10. It seems oil _ from this pipe for some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right.A.had leakedB.is leakingC.leakedD.has been l

6、eaking参考答案:D11. When you are on a boat one shiny day, you have to watch out for the _ of the sun; it is harmful to your eyes.A.directionB.intentionC.intensityD.heat参考答案:C12. Michael ( ) wild when he went shopping in town for the first time.A.wentB.ranC.becameD.grew参考答案:B13. If you can not (perform)

7、your responsibilities, you can not continue to work here.选择能代替括号里的选项A.doB.carryC.fulfillD.work参考答案:C14. That radio company is so big that it has a lot of _ in foreign countries.A.introducersB.instructorsC.conductorsD.agents参考答案:D15. A: So, how is your new roommate? B: She really _. Shes always makin

8、g loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.A.turns me overB.turns me offC.turns me downD.turns me out参考答案:B16. They _ the factory, but a heavy downpour spoiled their plan Avisited Bwere visiting CwerThey _ the factory, but a heavy downpour spoiled their planAvisit

9、edBwere visitingCwere to have been visited Dwere to have visitedDwere/was to have done表示“本来打算,本来要(而结果没做到)”。17. He will agree to do what you require _ him.A.ofB.fromC.toD.for参考答案:A18. I must congratulate you _ the excellent design of the new bridge.A.withB.atC.onD.of参考答案:C19. The truth will sooner or

10、 later _.A.come aboutB.turn outC.come outD.give out参考答案:C20. To my surprise, Ill spend the night_ in the ladys room.A.lockingB.to lockC.being lockedD.locked参考答案:D21. I could tell he was surprised from the _ on his face.A.appearanceB.shockC.lookD.sight参考答案:C22. When cooking supper, _.A.there was a kn

11、ock on the doorB.someone was knocking at the doorC.we heard a knock on the doorD.we heard someone is knocking at the door参考答案:C23. How many more exercise-books do you have ( )?A.to correctB.to be correctedC.for correctingD.corrected参考答案:A24. The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New Y

12、ork.The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York.参考答案北京跟纽约的天气一样。25. Children live, ( ), in a different world from adults.A.to speak soB.so to speakC.to speak nothingD.to speak of参考答案:B26. Many years ago, a lot of factories were _ from big cities to the mountainous areas in case of w

13、ar.A.transferredB.transformedC.transmittedD.transported参考答案:A27. Hurry up, or the tickets ( ) by the time we get there.A.will have been sold outB.will sell outC.have sold outD.have been sold out参考答案:A28. Without your timely help, we ( ).A.would not succeedB.would succeedC.would have succeedD.would n

14、ot have succeed参考答案:D29. Those who lost their husbands during World War were ( ) war wisdoms.A.called asB.namedC.refered toD.spoken of as参考答案:D30. 请在第_处填上正确答案。A.exitB.windowC.gateD.seat请在第_处填上正确答案。A.exitB.windowC.gateD.seat正确答案:A尽量不要坐在出口处的位置。31. AtimesBskillsCnewsDsuccessesAtimesBskillsCnewsDsuccesses正确答案:A解析:本题为词义选择题。A时刻、场合,B技巧,C新闻,D成功。32. offend 选择能代替的选项( )A.botherB.hurtC.annoyD.excite参考


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