【精校版】七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil Period 1Section A 1a1c教案 人教新目标版

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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Period 1 Section A 1a1c.教学准备1教师:录音机和录音磁带、多媒体课件、图片和物品实物。2学生:学习用品实物。.教学目标1调动学生学英语和说英语的积极性。2使学生了解并掌握一些学习用品的英语表达。3学习本课的知识点。(1)词汇:pencil,book,eraser,box,pencil box,schoolbag,dictionary,his,mine,hers(2)句型:Is this your pencil?Yes,it is.Its mine./No,it isnt.Its his.Are these your books?Yes,the

2、y are./No,they arent.Theyre hers.4训练学生在听录音时听懂简单英语词汇的能力。.教学重点(1)词汇:pencil,book,eraser,box,pencil box,schoolbag,dictionary,his,hers,mine(2)句型:Is this your pencil?Yes,it is.Its mine./No,it isnt.Its his.Are these your books?Yes,they are./No,they arent.Theyre hers.教学难点让学生运用所学语言项目“Is this your pencil?Yes,

3、it is.Its mine./No,it isnt.Its his.”等内容对物品的所属进行提问和回答,能辨认物品的所有者。.教学步骤Step 1:Greetings and talking1教师向学生表示友好的问候,并复习之前所学到的问候语。2建议教师采用多种自由交际方式,创设浓厚的英语学习氛围与学生进行自由交际,给学生以语言实践的机会。建议1:师生问答:教师向学生询问一些已经学过的物品的信息。For example:T:Whats this in English?S1:Its a pen.T:Spell it,please.S1:PEN.T:What color is it?S1:Its

4、 blue.T:Whats that in English?S2:.建议2:教师结合实物图片,读出课件上的一段英语短文,提出问题让学生回答。For example:T:This is my ruler.Its red.That is my sisters ruler.It is white.These are my brothers keys.They are yellow.And those are my fathers keys.They are white.Now answer the following questions:1What color is my sisters ruler

5、?2Is the red ruler mine?3Are the yellow keys my fathers?Step 2:Leadin建议1:WarmupLearn the chant:my是我的,your是你的,男他的是his,女她的是her;名词前面常站岗,限定所属有功劳。从而导入本课时要学习的语言项目“Is this your pencil?”。建议2:利用实物导入:出示学生的学习用品,教师根据出示的物品对学生进行提问,导入本课时要学习的语言项目“Is this your pencil?”。For example:T:Whats this in English?S1:Its a pe

6、n.T:Is this your pen?S1:Yes,it is.Its my pen.(The teacher helps S1 say:Its mine.)T:Is that her pen?S2:Yes,it is.Its her pen.(The teacher helps S2 say:Its hers.).Step 3:Present the new words建议1:教师把学生分成几组,每组选出一个代表,到黑板上用英语写出学习用品的名称,限时一分钟,看谁写的最多。写出最多者获胜。建议2:教师通过多媒体展示一些学习用品的图片,让学生以小组为单位进行活动,用英语说出物品的名称。Fo

7、r example:T:Look at the pictures.Lets play a game.Who can say them in English as quickly as possible?If you can,you will be the winner.Lets begin.S1:Pen,book,eraser.Step 4:Practice the new words1训练学生拼读单词。具体操作建议:先让全体学生齐读,再分组齐读,最后单个学生读。通过这种从整体到部分再到个体的机械操练,让学生熟练掌握本课所学单词。2教师让学生看课本P13图片,将单词与图中物品配对。T:Plea

8、se look at the pictures in your books.Can you match the words with the things in the picture?Write the letters next to the words.Give the students 2 minutes to finish 1a.Then check the answers in class.Step 5:Task1教师说这儿有一些学习用品,他们分别是谁的呢?下面有三个对话,请给对话编号。让学生听1b的录音,为对话编号。2让学生跟读1b的听力材料,然后让学生分角色操练1b部分的对话。S

9、tep 6:Present the new sentences建议1:利用Guessing game呈现本单元核心语言项目“Is this your pencil?”。教师收集一些学生的学习用品,放在讲桌上,让学生来询问同学,找出物品的主人。可以反复做这个游戏,来训练本课时所学的句型“Is this your pencil?”,同时也激发学生的学习兴趣。For example:T:Lets play a guessing game.There are some things on the desk.Who can find the owners of them?Please come here

10、 and ask your friends.S1:Is this your schoolbag?S2:Yes,it is.Its mine.S1:Are these your books?S3:No,they arent.Theyre hers.建议2:把学生分成若干小组,小组内同学利用自己的学习物品,进行本单元语言项目“Is this your pencil?”的操练。让学生注意my,your,his,her,mine,his,hers的用法。For example:T:Please practice the sentence “Is this your.?” in your groups

11、with your own school things.Pay attention to the use of “my,your,his,her,mine,his,hers”S1:Is this your dictionary?S2:No,it isnt.Its his.Is that her eraser?S3:Yes,it is.Its hers.Are these your rulers?S4:No,they arent.They are hers.Are those your pens?S1:Yes,they are.Theyre mine.Step 7:Practice the ne

12、w sentences1让学生根据1c的要求,先练习1b 的对话。建议教师先让全班齐读,然后把班级分成两部分,一问一答进行练习,最后让学生两人一组进行对话练习。这样由集体到部分,再到个人的操练,可以鼓励学生人人开口,增强他们的信心,培养他们的兴趣,更为下一步的操练做好准备。2教师让学生运用自己的学习物品来操练对话,并让学生向其他学生展示他们的对话。Step 8:Task在练习完1c部分的对话后,教师要给学生安排新任务,进一步操练和巩固所学句型。建议1:展示一个表格,让学生根据表格信息来完成对话。物品pencildictionaryeraserbooks物品主人minehershismineFo

13、r example:S1:Is this your pencil?S2:Yes,it is.Its mine.Is that your eraser?S1:No,it isnt.Its his.Are these her books?S2:No,they arent.Theyre mine.S1:.建议2:Have a contest把几个学生的学习用品混在一起,然后请他们分别挑出自己和同伴的物品,用的时间少者为获胜者。挑选物品的同时,要求学生用英语说出:This is my.The.is mine.That is her/his.The.is hers/his.T:Ill put your

14、things and your friends things together.I want to see if you can identify which is yours and which is hers or his.The student who uses the shortest time will be the winner.(Put the same number of the things together,and first ask them to pick out their own things and their partners things.Then ask t

15、hem to give a report,using the key words and target language.)Step 9:Summary本课我们主要学习了pencil,book,eraser,box,pencil box,schoolbag,dictionary,his,hers,mine等单词,重点学习了“Is this your pencil?Yes,it is.Its mine./No,it isnt.Its his.”这个句型。在下节课的学习中,我们会继续使用这个句型进行语言交际。Step 10:Homework1Read the new words and the target language presented in this class.2According to your friends and their school things,write a report about the owners of the school thin



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