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1、中考英语重点词组用法及句型 find it adj. to do sth 发现做某事很(怎么样)16 Its better/best to do sth 做某事更好/最好 sb had better (not) do sth 某人做好(不)做某事17 feel like/ enjoy/ finish/ practice/ mind/ regret/ avoid/ suggest/ consider doing sth 喜欢/ 喜欢/ 完成/ 练习/ 介意/ 后悔/ 避免/ 建议/ 考虑 做某事18 keep doing sth 保持/ 坚持 做某事 keep sb doing sth 让某人一

2、直做某事 keep adj 保持(如健康) keep sb/sth adj 保持 某人某物 (如健康)19 stop to do sth 停下去做另一件事 stop doing sth 停下正在做的事20 stop sb (form) doing sth 阻止某人做某事 = keep sb from doing sth = prevent sb from doing sth21 protect sb/sth against . 保护某人/某物免受 22 sb used to do sth 某人过去常常做某事 sb be/ get/ become used to doing sth 某人习惯于做

3、某事 sth be used to do 某物被用来做(被动语态)23 tooto太而不 例:He is too young to go to school. =He is not old enough to go to school. =He is so young that he cant go to school24 so + adj. + a/an + n. + that such + a/an + adj. + n. that 例:He is so good a boy that everyone like him. =He is such a good boy that every

4、one like him.25 It takes/took sb + 时间+ to do sth (去)做某事花费某人(多长时间) sth cost sb + 钱 某物花费某人(多少钱)sb spend +时间/钱 + (in)doing sth/ on sth某人花费 时间/钱 做某事/在某事上 sb pay 钱 for sth 某人为某物支付 钱26 Thanks for doing sth =Thank you for doing sth 因某事感谢你 thank sb for doing sth 因某事感谢某人27 Its time (for sb ) to do sth 是(某人)做

5、某事的时候了 Its time for sth / doing sth 是 某事/ 做某事的时候了1 be afraid of doing sth/to do sth 害怕做某事 be afraid that + 句子 害怕2 be busy (in) doing sth 忙于做某事 be busy with sth 忙于某事3 be famous for 因而著名4 be late for work/ school 工作、上学迟到5 be sorry for为而抱歉6 be ready for sth/doing sth准备好做某事get ready for sth/doing sth 为做

6、好准备get sth ready 准备好某物prepare for sth 为某事做准备7 be glad / happy/ pleased that .对于很高兴、满意8 make/ let/ have sb (not) do sth 使/让某人(不)做某事 sb be made to do sth (被动语态to还原)某人被叫(去)做某事 make sb adj 使某人(怎么样) make A B 使 A成为B9 see/ hear/ watch sb do sth 看见/听见/观看 某人 经常做或做过某事 sb be seen/ heard/ watched to do sth (被动t

7、o 还原) 某人被看见/被听见/被看见经常做或做过某事 see/ hear/ watch sb doing sth 看见/听见/观看 某人正在做某事10 ask/ tell/ want sb (not) to do sth 叫/告诉/想要 某人 (不) 去做某事11 give sth to sb = give sb sth 给某人某物 用法类似的词:lend/ pass/ return/ sell/ show/ teach/ tell/ throw/ send/ promise/ offer bring sth for sb = bing sb sth 用法类似的词:cook/ make/ b

8、ring/ leave/ buy/ get12 tell/ ask/ know/ show (sb) + how to do sth/what to do 告诉/问/知道/展示 (某人)怎样做某事 / 做什么Can you tell me how to do it? = Can you tell me how I can do it?13 get on / along well with sb 与某人相处融洽14 help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事 help do sht 帮忙做某事 help with sth 在某事上帮忙15 Its adj. for sb to do sth 对

9、某人来说,做某事很(怎么样)Its adj of sb to do sth (描述人品质或性格特点的形容词)如:Its kind-hearted of you to help the poor cat. 你真好心,帮了那只可怜的猫。39 cant/ couldnt help doing sth 忍不住做某事40 I dont think you should go there. 我认为你不应该去那。(否定前提) I think you shouldnt go there. (此句是错误表达)41 It is thought to be 人们认为 It is said that 据人们说 It

10、is believed that 人们相信 It is reported that 据报道说42 How do you deal with sth? = What do you do with sth? 你怎样处理某事?43 Why do you go to Beijing? = What do you go to Beijing for?你为什么去北京?44 What do you think of ? =How do you like ? =How do you feel like ? =How do you feel about? 你觉得怎么样?45 What does he like?

11、 他喜欢什么? What is he like? 他是个什么样的人?(问性格品质) What does he look like? 他长什么样?(问外貌)46 Its no use doing sth 做某事是没有用的。28 There be sth to do 有某事要做或可以做 There be sb doing sth 有某人正在做某事 sb have sth to do 某人有某事要做29 prefer A to B 比起B更钟爱A prefer doing A to doing B 比起做事情B,更喜欢/更愿意做事情A prefer to do A rather than do B

12、比起做事件B,更愿意做事件A would rather do A than do B 比起做事件B,更愿意做事件A30 The + adj./ adv. 的比较级 + 主语+ 谓语, the + adj./ adv. 的比较级 + 主语+ 谓语。 越,就越例:The harder you work, the more money you will get.31 比较级 and 比较级 越来越 longer and longer 越来越长 more and more slowly 越来越慢32 as + 原级 + as 和一样 He is as tall as his brother. 他和他哥

13、哥一样高。 He is not as/ so tall as his brother. 他不如他哥哥高33 Would you like sth/ to do sth/ sb to do sth? 你想 要某物/ 去做某事/ 要某人去做某事? Yes, Id love to. (肯定回答) Id love to, but (否定回答)34 How much is/ are ? 是多少钱? =Whats the price of ? 的价格是多少?35 问路的句子: Can/Could you tell me the way to ? Can/Could you tell me how to g

14、et to ? Which is the way to ? Where is ? How can I get to ? Is there a near here?指路的句子:go across Jiefang Road 穿过解放路go along Jiefang Road 沿着解放路走turn left at Jiefang Road 在解放路左转Take the underground/ No. 3 bus to Jiefang Road坐地铁/ 3路公交到解放路go past the museum 走过/ 经过 博物馆36 Whats the population of Liuzhou?The population of Liuzhou is 3 million.Liuzhou has a population of 3 million.37 Lao She is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the twentieth century.38 Lets do everything we can to stop


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