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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 4 A View of MountainsKey to the ExercisesText comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing.BII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. F (Refer to Paragraph 1. Nobody made a photographic record

2、 of the immediate effect of the atomic bombing on Hiroshima.) 2. F (Refer to Paragraph 1. The author is shocked because the girl reminds him of the ordinary life that would have been going on in the fields of rubble if there had not been the atomic bombing.)3. F (Refer to Paragraph 2. The nuclear da

3、nger that still hangs over us means the danger caused by the possible use of atomic bombs in the future rather than the dangerous consequences of the worlds second atomic bombing.)4. T (Refer to the bracketed part in Paragraph 2.)5. T (Refer to the first few lines of Paragraph 3.)III. Answer the fol

4、lowing questions.1. Refer to the last few lines of Paragraph 1. A view of mountains in the distance rather than the wreckage is meant to remind the viewer of the city that was leveled to the ground by the atomic bomb and of the normal life that would have been going on there. This is where the signi

5、ficance of the picture lies. 2. Refer to Paragraph 2. Because it was the first time that Americans had ever seen the pictures since the atomic bombing fifty years ago.3. Refer to the middle of Paragraph 2. The bombing of Nagasaki is regarded as the fitter symbol of the nuclear peril in two respects.

6、 First, it is evidence that nuclear weapons can be used again to destroy human civilization. Second, the fact that Nagasaki had not been the originally chosen target of the nuclear attack shows the unpredictability of possible nuclear attacks in the future. That is, every city in the world is liable

7、 to nuclear destruction.4. Refer to the beginning of Paragraph 3. They were intended to demonstrate the devastating power of nuclear weapons and express an apprehension of the nuclear peril menacing the world.5. No, it only expresses part of it, because the writer intends not only to express his app

8、rehension of the nuclear threat but, more importantly, to call on the people to take actions to banish forever nuclear weaponry from the Earth.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.1. The responsibility was placed on Yamahatas shoulders to record the effects systematically and with a

9、 great and simple artistry.2. That vanished city rather than its remains represents the true measure of the event. 3. In the photographs Nagasaki regains its own status.4. The human imagination had been exhausted and stopped at the wreckage of the first ruined city and failed to reach even the outsk

10、irts of Nagasaki.5. Apart from the pictures of Nagasaki we seem to need some other pictures to inspire in us a hope of life to counterbalance the sense of doom suggested by the ruined Nagasaki.Structural analysis of the textThe sentence at the end of Paragraph 1 makes clear the authors opinion about

11、 the meaning of Yamahatas pictures: The true measure of the event lies not in what remains but in all that has disappeared.The sentence in the middle of Paragraph 4 makes clear the authors opinion on what should be done about the existing nuclear peril: Performing that act is the greatest of the res

12、ponsibilities of the generations now alive.Rhetorical features of the text The true measure of the event lies not in what remains but in all that has disappeared.Showing not what we would lose through our failure but what we would gain by our success. Apart from the (not) A but B structure, we can a

13、lso find the A yet B type:Yamahatas pictures afford a glimpse of the end of the world. Yet in our day, ?And we can find a sentence that organizes information in a similar way without the use of but or yet:Arriving a half-century late, they are still news. By admitting something is correct first and

14、then saying something else is even more correct, or admitting something is urgent first and then saying something else is more urgent with the help of the above sentence structures, the author succeeds in making his sentences well-balanced and his argumentation forceful and convincing.Vocabulary exe

15、rcisesI.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1. had hardly been recorded by the camera2. smiling in a strange and unnatural way3. applicable to all other places around the world4. had stopped working 5. threatensII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase

16、from the box in its appropriate form.1.will come into his own2.is branded with3.for good4.lay in5.In certain respects6.came into existence7.outskirts8.once and for allIII.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. existence2. survival3. unearthly4. wrecked5. exhaustive6. apprehensive



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