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1、常用管件英汉对照活接活接 loose joint活接地 swinging earth活接结合 articulated joint活接联接器joint coupling活接三通union tee活接头 articulation; union swivel; union活接头螺母union nut活接头螺栓swing bolt活接头套管 union thimble活接卸槽articulated chute (浇混凝土用的)弯头joint弯头 angle fittings; bent pipe; elbow; knee弯头扳手 bent-handle wrench; bent spanner弯头车刀

2、 angular tool弯头持针钳 curved needle holders弯头刀架knee tool弯头道钉brob弯头管swan neck弯头键 gib head key弯头接合knee-joint弯头螺栓 bolt with one end bent back弯头锁紧螺母elbow jam unt弯头套管elbow union弯头套筒扳手 offset socket wrench弯头脱水器 elbow separator弯头芯盒elbow core box三通三通 tee bend; tee branch; tee joint; tee conneetion; tee fitting

3、; wye; Y; yoke三通玻璃栓 three-way glass stopcock三通道放大器 three-channel amplifier; three-path amplifier三通道自动驾驶仪 three-dimensional autopilot三通电缆分线盒 three-way coupling box三通阀 tee valve; three-port valve; three-way valve; triple valve三通阀盖 triple-valve cap三通阀活塞 triple-valve piston三通阀联箱 three way valve menifold

4、三通阀体 triple body; triple-valve body三通管 single sweep tee; T-branch (pipe); three-limb tube三通管接头 tee pipe coupling三通横长 horizontal length of tee三通换向旋塞 three-way reversing cock三通活栓 three-way cock三通货协定 triparties currency agreement三通接头 tee coupling; tee fitting; tee union; three-way piece; three-way conn

5、ection三通接线夹 three-way connector三通开关 three-way cock三通控制阀 three-way control valve三通连接tee junction三通路循环器 three-terminal circulator三通式热风炉 three-pass stove三通天线转发开关triplexer三通筒 triple cylinder三通筒垫密片 triple-cylinder gasket三通弯头 three-way elbow三通旋塞 tee cock; three-way cock; three-throw tap三通循环器 three-termina

6、l circulator三通液体流量计 tee fluid flow meter三通闸阀 treble ported slide valve直通直通 direct connection; straight in; straight bore; through; feed(-)through; once-through直通拨号 through dial(l)ing直通测量线路 end-to-end measurement直通单向阀 in-line check valve; straight check valve; straightway check valve直通道路through road直

7、通的 through and through直通地 dead earth; dead ground直通垫外底through midsole直通电报telex直通电寸艮通信 telex communication直通电流 through current直通电流偏置 through current bias直通电路 direct circuit直通阀 pass valve; straight-through valve; straightway valve; through valve直通干储炉through retort直通锅炉 once-through boiler直通换料 once-thro

8、ugh refuelling直通回路 straight circuit直通汇接呼叫制 straight forwardjunction working直通监控 through supervision直通接头 straight coupling; straight fitting直通接线装置through joint直通街道 through expressway; through street; throughway直通进位 standing carry直通开关globe cock直通空气制动阀 straight air brake valve直通空气制动器 straight air brake

9、直通快动阀 straight-through fast acting valve直通连接 straight-through joint直通裂化 straight-through cracking直通流动 straight through flow直通炉 through furnace; belt furnace直通偏流 through bias直通1#除 through scavenging直通式炉 continuous passing furnace直通式迷宫密封straight-through labyrinth直通丝锥 non-reversing tap直通通路through path直

10、通线 through line; through-line直通线路 direct circuit; straight circuit; straight-forward circuit直通线群 direct group直通型 through-type直通型检测器flow-through detector直通行 direct line; directline直通旋塞 straight way cock; straight-through cock; straightway cock; through cock直通压出 straight through extrusion直通制 straight forward system直通中继 straightforward trunking直通中继线 direct trunk直通中继站 repeater without drop线槽拖线槽 trunking线槽节距slot pitch线槽脉动 slot ripple线槽系数slot factor线槽占空系数slot space-factor备注:线槽拖实在没找到,只有线槽。



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