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1、2022大学英语-大学英语四级考试全真模拟卷(附答案带详解)1. 问答题:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to study in China. Please recommend a university to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.答案:Hello Tom,Im pretty excited to hear th

2、at you are going to pursue a postgraduate degree in economics in China. If you are still uncertain about which college to apply to, why not go to Renmin University of China (RUC)?I recommend it mainly because of its academic reputation. Today, it is widely recognized for its strengths in the fields

3、of humanities and social sciences.The School of Economics often invites distinguished scholars at home and abroad to academic forums or seminars. You will definitely gain new insights into various economic issues by attending them as a student. Another striking feature of this university is its vibr

4、ant campus life, as evidenced by activities such as Fun Sports Games, school orienteering competitions and the annual International Culture Festival. You will find them all highly enjoyable. Moreover, RUC is conveniently situated close to bus stops and subway stations, so you can spend your spare ti

5、me exploring the city of Beiing.Of course, its totally up to you. Let me know if you make a final decision. Anyway, welcome to China.Yours,Zhang Lei 本题解析:暂无解析2. 问答题:龙井 (Longing) 是一种绿茶,主要产自中国东部沿海的浙江省。龙井茶独特的香味和口感为其赢得了“中国名茶”的称号,在中国深受大众的欢迎,在海外饮用的人也越来越多。龙井茶通常手工制作,其价格可能极其昂贵,也可能比较便宜。这取决于生长地、采摘时间和制作工艺。龙井茶富含

6、维生素C和其它多种有益健康的元素。经常喝龙井茶有助于减轻疲劳,延缓衰老。答案:Longing is a kind of green tea, which is mainly produced in Zhejiang Province on the east coast of China. The tea has won the title of Famous Tea of China for its unique flavor and taste. It is widely beloved in China, and more and more people drink it overseas

7、. The tea is usually handmade. Its price can be extremely expensive or relatively cheap, which depends on the place it grows, the time it is picked and the way in which it is processed. The tea is rich in vitamin C and many other healthy elements. Regular drinking of Longing helps to reduce fatigue

8、and delay aging. 本题解析:暂无解析3. 问答题:For this part, you are allowed 80 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your Student Union to assist elderly people in the neighborhood. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.答案:Students

9、from the School of Physics took part in a volunteer activity organized by the Student Union to assist elderly people in the neighborhood this weekend, bringing them great laughter and joy.With the increasing awareness of the aging of population, the whole society sets out to take better care of and

10、show more respect for our senior citizens for their lifelong dedication and commitment to our society. In response to the call, this weekend a group of volunteers went to the local community to communicate with the elderly and help them with some housework. Much pleased at their coming, all the elde

11、rly people expressed their sincere thanks for young volunteers company. In the light of many adult children not being able to visit their aging parents frequently, many old people have to endure loneliness. Thus, what matters most to than is the company and listening attentively is just a good idea.

12、The Student Union expressed their willingness to sponsor more meaningful activities like this to serve our society with college students passion and talents. 本题解析:本周末,物理学院的学生们参加了学生会组织的帮助社区老年人的志愿者活动,给他们带来了巨大的欢笑和欢乐。随着人口老龄化意识的增强,全社会都开始更加关心和尊重老年人对社会的终身奉献和奉献。为响应号召,本周末,一批志愿者到当地社区与老人沟通,帮助他们做一些家务。所有的老人对他们的到

13、来感到非常高兴,对青年志愿者的陪伴表示衷心的感谢。由于许多成年子女不能经常探望年迈的父母,许多老人不得不忍受孤独。因此,对公司来说,最重要的是认真倾听,这是一个好主意。学生会表示愿意赞助更多这样有意义的活动,以大学生的热情和才华服务社会。4. 问答题:茶拥有5000年的历史。传说,神农氏( Shen Nong)喝开水时,几片野树叶子落进壶里开水顿时散发出宜人的香味。他喝了几口,觉得很提神。茶就这样发现了。自此,茶在中国开始流行。茶园遍布全国,茶商变得富有。昂贵、雅致的茶具成了地位的象征。今天,茶不仅是一种健康的饮品,而且是中国文化的一个组成部分。越来越多的国际游客一边品茶, 一边了解中国文化。

14、答案:Tea has a history of 5,000 years. One legend goes that when Shen Nong was about to drink some boiled water, a few wild tree leaves fell into the kettle and gave off sweet fragrance.He drank a little and found it very refreshing, which led to the discovery of tea.Since then, tea became popular in

15、China. Tea gardens appeared everywhere, tea merchants became rich, and expensive and graceful tea set even became a symbol of social status.Today, tea is not only a healthy drink but also part of the Chinese culture. More and more international tourists begin to understand the Chinese culture as they drink tea. 本题解析:暂无解析5. 问答题:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write on the topic Changes in the Way of Transportation. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 wo



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