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1、2012寒假慧乐教育京溪教学中心培优预备班第 2 次教学讲义授课时间:2013 年 1 月 15 日 星期二 上课时间8:009:20授课老师谭老师五年级一课时 课题名称复习,名词本次教学目标复习,名词本次重难点名词单数变复数教学内容1. 复习,名词复习预习及作业 一评讲作业二复习巩固(一). 听写月份和一到十的序数词。(二). 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I can _ ( jump ) high.2. He jumps _( high ) than you.3. Everyone _( have ) his own gift.4. Everyone _( enjoy ) his holi

2、day except Henry.5. Look! The girl is _( dance ).6. We _ ( play ) football on Sunday.7. There are many _( bird ) there.8. She is running _( quick ).9. Li Ming is from China. He is _( China ).(三). 选择正确答案。1. ( ) Can a cat _? A. run B. runs C. runed D. ran2. ( ) May I _ the window? A. opened B. opens C

3、. closes D. open3. ( ) They swim _ the river. A. on B. in C. at D. off4. ( ) Her book _ than yours. A. is cheap B. are cheaper C. is cheaper D. cheaps5. ( ) I can jump _ than you. A. high B. higher C. highly D. highest6. ( ) How _ can you see on the desk? A. many book B. many books C. much book D. m

4、uch books7. ( ) Lets _ a Chinese song. A. to sing B. sings C. sing D. singing8. ( ) Lets go to the train station by _. A. bikes B. a bike C. bike D. the bike9. ( ) Lets go to the park to _ horses. A. to ride B. rides C. ride D. riding10. ( ) They stay _ Toms family _ a week. A. at; at B. with; for C

5、. with; with D. to; for三名词(一) 名词的概念1. 表示人、事物、时间、地点的名词或抽象概念的词叫做名词。2. 名词 普通名词 个体名词:teacher apple (按意义划分) 集体名词: class family 物质名词: milk meat 抽象名词: love work 专有名词: China May Mothers Day 可数名词 单数名词: a desk(按数量划分) 复数名词: two desks 不可数名词: water rice butter(二) 名词数的变化1. 直接在后面加上-s. 这是名词复数最通常的构成。bookbooks eggegg

6、s teacherteachers catcats 2. 如果单词结尾的字母是s, x, ch, sh的,通常要在单词后面加-es; 如果单词结尾的字母是o 的, 一般在后面加-es 构成复数。busbuses boxboxes classclasses dishdishes watchwatches tomatotomatoespotatopotatoes peach-peaches(但是这几个以o结尾的单词,结尾只要加上-s就行了。radioradios photophotos pianopianos )3. 以字母y结尾的单数名词,而且y 的前面不是元音字母,则要把y改成I, 再加-es

7、。如果y的前面是元音字母,就直接加-s.storystories babybabies ladyladies librarylibraries daydays boyboys toytoys 4. 以f, fe结尾的单词,要把f, fe改成v后加-es.knifeknives wolfwolver leafleaves shelfshelves5. 一些不规则的名词复数manmen womonwomen policemanpolicemen footfeet toothteeth goosegeese mousemice childchildren6. 还有部分单词的单复数形式相同。fishf

8、ish sheepsheep deerdeer goldfishgoldfish peoplepeople1) 将下列单数名词变成复数形式。(30分)library- bank- classmonth- fish- policemantomato- village- housechild- sheep- tablebox- forest- friendweek- foot- storyroom- river- womanphoto- nurse- toothholiday- goat- peachtree- people- mouse2) 勾出适当的单词。(40分)1. How many (

9、book, books ) do you have?2. There is a ( desk, desks ) in the classroom.3. I have many ( sheep, sheeps ).4. Where are those ( mouse, mice )?5. Xiaoming has six ( tooth, teeth ).6. There are some ( child, children ) over there.7. Do you have any ( radioes, radios )?8. His mother has two ( babys, bab

10、ies ).9. There are a lot of ( leaves, leafs ) on the tree.10. What are your favourite ( colours, colour )?3) 用括号内词的适当形式填空。(30分)1. They have lots of _ ( goose ).2. There are ten _ ( horse ) eating the grass.3. She has a _ ( guinea pig ).4. Yongxian can tell many _ ( story ).5. I like to eat _ ( potat

11、o ).6. He is good at playing the _ ( piano).7. Do you know these _ ( game ).8. Look! Those _ ( photo ) are very nice.9. There are 100 _ ( box ) on the floor.10. There are two _ ( policeman ) catching the thieves.四Homework(一) 写出下列名词的复数形式。map _ class _ boy _ hero _tooth _ sheep _ leaf _ family _ox _ bus _ knife _ man _(二) 单项选择。1. ( ) Ill tell you _. A. a good news B. a piece of good news C. a news D. some news2. ( ) Whos that _? She is Lucys mother. A. women B. woman C. man D. girl3. ( ) They come from different _



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