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1、小升初英语根底学问练习一、 找出划线局部读音与其它单词不同的选项。( )1. A.car B. far C.warm D.hard( )2. A. red B. bed C.let D. me( )3. A. hit B. his C. five D. fish( )4. A. bread B.meat C. tea D.eat( )5. A. go B. dog C. hot D. not( )1. A. name B. bag C. at D. and( )2. A. ten B. desk C. bed D. me( )3. A. hit B. his C. five D. fish(

2、)4. A. on B. no C. shop D. not( )5. A. use B. much C. but D. lunch( )1、A. box B. go C. home D. close( )2、A. let B. he C. desk D. pen( )3、A. where B. when C. what D. who( )4、A. mine B. kite C. line D. give二、 词汇题。 1、看图写单词。(首字母已给出)(10分) b c o f p T u s c i c c g t g 2. 按要求写出单词的适当形式。(10分) dress(复数形式) le

3、af(复数形式) tooth(复数形式) buy(过去式) bring(过去式) lose(过去式) twelve(序数词) write(如今分词) run(如今分词) early(反义词) woman(复数形式) baby(复数形式) child(复数形式) strong(反义词) leaf(复数形式) think(过去式) early(反义词) live(如今分词) nine(序数词) too(同音词) run(如今分词) win(过去式) three(序数词) seven(序数词) teach(过去式) heave(反义词) lie(如今分词) 三、读句子,依据汉语提示写单词,完成下列句

4、子。(10分)1、The desk is (重的).The ping-pong ball is (轻的).2、The (盘子;碟子)are clean and dry.3、There are sixty (分钟) in an hour.4、 (在之前)supper, I do my (家庭作业). 5. Today is LiMings (意外的惊喜) party. 6. Danny and Li Ming went to the park to (放;飞)kites.7. “I am going to (躺着) on the (草).”said Danny.8. Mike is a good

5、 football (play) in the school team. 9. Listen! Danny (sing) an English song now. 10. How many (girl) are there in your class11.Last summer, we (go) to a lake with my grandmother and grandfather. 12. A train is (slow) than an airplane. 13. Where is the baby Jenny is playing with .(she) 14. I wanted

6、to walk .(quick) 15. My father (want) a cola and I (want) some milk. 16. I (skate) with my friends tomorrow.17. In fall, the trees lose their 18. Sixty minutes make an . 19. Danny and Li Ming went to the park to kites. 20. The (盘子;碟子)are clean and dry. 21. A kangaroo has a .22. The green pencil is (

7、I). The yellow pencil is (you).23. The street (have) many cars, buses and bicycles. 24. These (child) are playing cards.25、I like to wear (短裤)and (凉鞋;拖鞋). 26、I like swim in the (洋;海洋).27、Yesterday LiMing went to the park to (放飞;飞)kites.28、Would you like to put the (星星)on the tree.29、 (春季)is warm and rainy.30、I live in (中国).31.A team _(have) many _(play).七、连词成句。(8分)1. you usually to school go by do bus 2. favourite are our skirts clothes . 3. goes she school bus to by . 4. a is he wearing sweater green . 5. ping-pong I play badminton and my will friends with . 1、a


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