Do you like pears3篇(do you like pears 它的肯定回答)

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Do you like pears3篇(do you like pears 它的肯定回答)_第1页
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Do you like pears3篇(do you like pears 它的肯定回答)_第3页
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《Do you like pears3篇(do you like pears 它的肯定回答)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Do you like pears3篇(do you like pears 它的肯定回答)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Do you like pears3篇(do you like pears 它的肯定回答)下面是小编整理的Do you like pears3篇(do you like pears 它的肯定答复),供大家赏析。Do you like pears1unit 4 do you like pearslesson 5part b lets say; lets doteaching aims :1. be able to listen, say, recognize the words: rainbow, rain, squirrel, snake, tiger, taxi.2. be able to

2、listen, say, read and write these two letters: rr, ss, tt.3. be able to say this chant.focus points & difficult points :pay attention to the orders of strokes: t (i, j )teaching preparation:1. letter cards ,some word pictures.2. a little blackboard with four-line format.designing for the blackboard:

3、teaching steps:step1. warming up1.sing a song2. free talk between ss.s1: hello, s1. how are yous2: fine, thank you. i have so many fruits. do you like peachess1: yes, i do./ yeah, very, i dont./ sorry, i dont like peaches.can i have some appless2: certainly. here you are.s1: thank you.s2: ha

4、ve some mores1: no, thank you.step2.presentation.1. 1)t: i can hear, i can hear, i can hear the rain.t teaches “rain and “ rainbowt: can you find the same letters between thems: r, a, i, n.t teaches the letters r r.2)t shows ss and teaches the pronunciation.t: s fors: s for sister, seventeen, she, s

5、ixteen, some, sorry, strawberry, student, squirrel.t teaches the word of snake.3) t shows tea: whats thiss: tea.t teaches the pronunciation of t t.t teaches the word of “tiger.2. lets do.a.lets do.t: clap with me.s: clap with clap with him./her.t: close your eye./show me ten./listen to me./ po

6、ur the tea.b. say with tc. say with the vcd.a.say by themselves.step 3. practise.1. writing.1) t: now, lets write them down. look at the blackboard.t: first, lets write down big letter r. one, two. now, lets try together. show me your finger.s: my finger.t& ss: one, two.t teaches the writing of smal

7、l letter r.2) t: guess! where does r lives: the second and third floor. (no.2 and no. 3).lets write down it. show me your finger.s: my finger.t & ss: one, two.t teaches the writing of small letter r in the four-line format.write them on your exercise book.teach the writing of ss, tt. (pay attention

8、to the orders of strokes: t (i, j )step4. assessment.1) plete the writing of letters and exercise on the activity book.Do you like pears2unit 4 do you like pearslesson 2part a lets talk lets practiseteaching aims :1. be able to understand and say do you like yes, i do./no, i dont. what about.2. be a

9、ble to use these sentence pattern to communicate with others.3. be able to sing the song “an apple a day.focus points & difficult points :teaching preparation:1. food cards2. vcd and a picture of fruit or foods.designing for the blackboard:do you like peachesyes, i do./no, i dont.what about

10、.i like them very much.teaching steps:step1. warming up 1. greetings. 2. sing a song “an apple a day 3. free talk t: hello, s1. how are you s: very well, thanks. how are you t: fine, thank you. oh, im so thirsty. i want to eat some fruits. i like apples. what do you like s: i like peaches. t: here y

11、ou are. s: thank you.t: oh, sweet peaches! can i have some s: sure, here you are. t: thank you. hmm. it tastes good.step2.presentation and practise. 1. continue to the free talk. t: do you like . s: yes, i do./no, i dont. t writes it on the blackboard. a. chain game: t: hello, you like s1: yes

12、. i do. / no, i dont. hi, s2. do you like. s3: b. interview: do you like yes, i do./ no, i dont.foodname教学图片apple2.jpg教学图片apple2.jpgapplesbananaspeachespearswatermelonshamburgershot dogs2. t: what about . i like them very much. s: i like them very much./ i dont like them.3. text.a. watch the vcd.b.

13、read after the tape.c. read after the t.d. act it.e. make a similar dialogue. step 3. assessment.1).t explains the meaning of the task. 2) ss do it after the class.Do you like pears3人教pep三年级英语下册教案unit 4 do you like pearsteaching able to understand and say: do you like yes, i like. no, i do

14、nt like. what about yes, please. i likevery much. lets have some. able to use them in the real situation with the natural able to listen, say and recognize the fruit words: pear, peach, grapes, orange, watermelon, apple, banana, able to listen, say, read and w

15、rite letters o-t, understand and say the words which begin with o-t eg: orange, ok, peach, pear, queen, quiet, rain, rainbow, snake, squirrel, tiger, able to understand the orders, and do the actions according to the orders.lesson arrangement:lesson one: part a lets learn; lets play; lets sing.lesson two: part a lets talk ; lets practiselesson three: part a le



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