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1、牛津高中英语模块四语言点Uni 1 Advriing一、eaing1 eruade (o) to d sth: pruadesb into(otof)dng sth.pesusion: pswein n (1) 说服U () 信奉,信念Crsasive:pweii ad. 有说服力的2. be ent t do sh:旨在做;应当做mento do sh 打算做某事 mandoin t. 意味着.alogthr: adv. () 完全地;()总之;() 总计 I don logeter ar wit you. h weath as bad a th foodwas dreadul. Altog

2、etr the holday as vry isappoitng. 天气又坏,吃的又糟。总之,这次假日很扫兴。 You owe m .03 dollars aother. inc: ad. (1) 无罪的,清白的 (2) 天真的,纯真的 inncence: n. 无罪,清白;纯真 e innont of st: 没犯罪5.mkea l/funo sb: 愚弄fo sb intoin sh: 欺骗某人做6. cue: v 治愈;解决 . 药物,疗法;对策 (fo) ce b f st: 治愈解决7. bpleased/satified/ay wthst: 对满意 be leasedat sh:

3、由于而快乐 e easedt th:乐意做;由于做而快乐8.cmenton no omet: 无可奉告 allfor st: 上的当;or sb爱上10 play a rik n sb:欺骗捉弄 trick/fool sbintodng sth: 欺骗某人做11. ai: ai to d im t(ding) sh: 致力于旨在做1. beneft: (1) i. 有益;受益 beneft sb: 有益于 benefit fsth:从中受益b enefcial sb: 对有益13. Whe comest sh/Spkigof sth:当谈到时 When i coms to csical uic

4、, we ofen thinkof Beetve.14 romt: vt. (1)增进,增进 (2) 提高,晋升 (3)宣传,推销 promoion: prmun .提高,晋升;增进,推销15.cost:v征询,请教;商量;查阅 cnsutsb abou sh: 就征询某人 consult with sb out sth: 与某人商量 cnsult/ok p /reer toa dictionry二、Grammar1. romend: vt推荐,建议,劝告,简介recommend t s. (hold) doingst: 建议.ecomend sb o o sh: 建议某人做三、Projct1

5、. eac: v. 与获得联系;影响ac her at hoe on .拨打到她家联系她。2.hav/keep sth in md:记得,想到3. figreousth: 想出,理解,计算出 Can you figure u what to do?4.detemin: vt. 拟定,查明;决定 detemie sth: 拟定,查明;决定 ecde/determine o do sth:决定做. determied: adj. 有决心的;坚定的;坚决的 be dtermined todst: 决心做6. apeal: (1) v 恳求,呼吁;吸引;上诉petos for sth: 向某人恳求呼吁

6、 o doh:appelto s:吸引 ppei/ttratedj. 吸引人的 The olicer appeingto thepublic fr infmatio aout he crime. h apealed tothe kidnappesto rease sonh bok doenapeal tome She aeaed o teig ourtagainst her seence(判决). () .恳求,呼吁;吸引力;上诉 anapel rhep:恳求协助 The washi son lt its apel.7. gt s todsth: 让某人做 e/hav s dne: 让被做 o

7、ntnowow toget ote sudnts to alkith . The meget erbaby hangedn er bk. 这个妈妈把她的小孩背在背上。8. be ocrned ih/aboutsth:波及;关怀.紧张9 etthacos ( b): 把传达给;使某人理解1. ut stgeter: 整顿出;拼凑;组装1. educte b n abot sh:在方面教育12. convice sb odo sth: 说服某人做 ha convincd y to vte forhm?3.urge: .() 敦促,力劝()竭力主张,强调 n 强烈的欲望,冲动 urge sb t d

8、o th:敦促力劝某人做 rge that:竭力主张,强调(从句用shuld do,oul 可以省略) Tdmatr urd us tohand in our omorkMy fiend urgetat eshould ply teosition.14. ok sb nt doing sth: 提示某人做 We us sock peol nto noting tha usey he ypon.1 de of st: 死于(内因) die romth: 死于(外因) Te tientdeohert atac. ay driver from he cdetaused by drnken dii.U

9、it 2 Sports ves一、Rading1. b dlihted tdo sth: 乐意做e dighted that: 不久乐be delihtedsh:由于而快乐 e ae eigtedthato have com ere. I was dlihted t the neshat he had passedte x.2. sgnifiance: n. 重要性,意义 be of sigiicce: 重要,故意义 So f, eerch hasnt poduced anytingof great sinicac Whatis tsigifiae the cntract?3. ey: 每隔e

10、ver+ 基数词 + n(复数): 每.eey + 序数词 n(单数):每到第.every otr + n(单数): 每隔一eve few+n(复数): 每隔几 every 3eks: 每三周(每隔两周) every third eek: 每到第三周(每隔两周) ver ther n: 每隔一行evry few ds:每隔几天4 compe: vi.比赛,竞争 cmpet wih aainst s o sth: 与某人就比赛竞争cmptition:mpinn. 比赛,竞争cpetitiv: ketiv aj 比赛的,竞争的coeitr: kmpett n 比赛者,竞争者he omptg ith

11、er sisterforattntion(争宠). boin/hess/eauty competiton comitive ports: 竞争性体育运动5. brig sthto l:赋予以生命;使生动 bng th ack to life: 使重生In he story the arsts brougtth sttue to lfe.6 under the na f st:以为别名笔名 Heot is nvelsnder thenam of Jhn.7. absenc:n 不在,缺席,缺少 in duringones abenc: 在不在时in te absencefsth:由于缺少 e acien hapend in/ durngyor absnce.olice had oresthe oy in t abnc of hard evence. Absence ake heart growfoder. 人不见,心更念;久别情更深。8. old dal:金牌 ilvr meda



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