专题09 读后续写:修辞手法升级(解析版)--高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练.docx

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《专题09 读后续写:修辞手法升级(解析版)--高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题09 读后续写:修辞手法升级(解析版)--高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练.docx(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题09读后续写:修辞手法升级(解析版)| 一、simile 明喻Part 1: by using simile marker like用 like 作喻词1. The smile on her face shone like a diamond.(情感描写) 她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。2.1 feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.(情感描写) 我感觉自己像漂浮在悲伤的海洋中。3. The scenery along the journey is just like a breath-taking landscape paintin

2、g.(景物描写) 沿路的风景就像一幅美丽的山水画卷。4. The icy wind started howling, cutting my face like a sharp knife.(景物描写)寒风开始咆哮,像锋利的小刀一样刺痛了我的脸。5. Clusters of stars decorated the vast sky like sparkling jewels.(景物描写) 繁星像珊珊发光的珠宝一样装饰了浩瀚的天空。【小试牛刀】这本书暗伴了我很久就像一位我的老朋友似的。1. 他茫然地看着我就像一个傻子。2. 他就像一头疯牛一样冲我吼。(mad cow )他非常着急就像热锅上的蚂蚁一

3、样。3. 他僵在那里一动不动就像一块石头。【参考答案】The book has accompanied me for quite a long time like an old friend.1. He looked at me blankly like a fool.2. He shouted at me like a mad cow.3. He is anxious like an ant on a hot pan.4. He stood still like a stone.Part 2: by using simile marker as.as用 as.as 作喻词The smile

4、on her face was as vibrant as the sun on a summer day (情感描写) 她脸上的笑容和夏天的太阳一样充满活力。1. Father rushed to his sons school, only to discover the building was as flat as pancake 煎饼.(景 物描写)父亲冲到儿子的学校后,才发现这座建筑已经变成一片废墟。3.1 reached out to touch her face, which was as cold as the ice.(人物描写)我伸手去摸她的脸,发现她的脸像冰一样冰冷。更多

5、搭配:as busy as a bee忙忙碌碌我意识到我们有幸尝到他种的美味水果的日子一去不复返了。14. 然而,他却给我们留下了一份隐藏的宝藏一他那颗永远不会随着时间流逝而消亡的善 良的心。参考答案:1. 我们和他分享了我们在学校的丰富多彩的经验,而他像往常一样不断地给我们分发 美味的水果。We shared with him our colorful experience at school while he kept giving out his luscious fruits to us as usual.2. 随着时间的推移,我们似乎更像是一个家庭而不是好朋友,他的家人渐渐地以温暖的

6、微 笑迎接我们。As time went by, we seemed to be more a family than good friends and his family gradually came to greet us with a warm smile.3. 但有一年夏天,我们被告知他病得很重,我们焦急不安,感觉坐立不安。But one summer, we were informed that he was seriously ill and we were anxious and restless, feeling like sitting on pins and needle

7、s.4. 第二天,我们直接赶到医院看他的健康状况。The next day, wc rushed straight to the hospital to see his health condition.5. 尽管他很虚弱,但他安慰我们说这没什么大不了的。Weak as he was, he comforted us that it wasnt a big deal.6. 我们是从他的家人那里知道真相的。It was from his family that wc knew the truth.7. 老人Donovan在照看水果时从树上摔下来,头部受了重伤,需要动手术。Old Man Dono

8、van had fell from a tree while looking after the fruits and his head was seriously hurt and need an operation.8. 手术可能不会成功,他是生是死是一场赌博。The operation might not succeed and it was a gamble whether he would live or die.9. 听到这个坏消息,我和妹妹简直不敢相信,直到我们回到家,看到墙上挂着他的笑脸。Hearing the bad news, my sister and I just co

9、uldnt believe it until wc went back home and saw his smiling face on the wall.10. 我感到喉咙哽了一下,眼里涌出泪水。I felt a lump in my throat, tears welling up in my eyes.11. 家人走近我们,欢迎我们。“对你的损失我很抱歉。“The family approached and welcomed us. Fm sorry fbr your loss?12. 我给了他们一个大大的拥抱。在回家的路上,风呼啸着穿过树林,仿佛在为Donovan的死而哀悼。I gav

10、e them a big hug. On my way back home, the wind whistled through the trees, as if mourning fbr (he death of Donovan.13. 我意识到我们坐在一起聊天的日子一去不复返了。I realized gone were the days when we sat together chatting wiih each other.14. 我意识到我们有幸尝到他种的美味水果的日子一去不复返了。I realized gone were the days when we were lucky en

11、ough to have a taste of the luscious fruit grown by him.15. 然而,他却给我们留下了一份隐藏的宝藏他那颗永远不会随着时间流逝而消亡的善良的心。However, he left us a hidden treasure his kind heart, which shall never die away with the passage of time.参考范文:Paragraph 1Every summer, we would visit Mr. Donovan and talk to him. We shared with him o

12、ur colorful experience at school while he kept giving out his luscious fruits to us as usual. As time went by, we seemed to be more a family (han good friends and his family gradually came to greet us with a warm smile. But one summer, we were informed that he was seriously ill and we were anxious a

13、nd restless, feeling like sitting on pins and needles. The next day, we rushed straight to the hospital to see his health condition. Weak as he was, he comforted us that it wasnt a big deal. It was from his family that we knew the truth. Old Man Donovan had fell from a tree while looking after the f

14、ruits and his head was seriously hurt and need an operation. The operation might not succeed and it was a gamble whether he would live or die.Paragraph 2The next winter, word got around that Old Man Donovan had died. Hearing the bad news, my sister and I just couldnt believe it until wc went back ho

15、me and saw his smiling face on the wall. I felt a lump in my throat, tears welling up in my eyes. The family approached and welcomed us. Im sorry fbr your loss., I gave them a big hug. On my way back home, the wind whistled through the trees, as if mourning for the death of Donovan. I realized gone

16、were the days when we sat together chatting with each other. I realized gone were the days when we were lucky enough to have a taste of the luscious fruit grown by him. However, he left us a hidden treasure- his kind heart, which shall never die away with the passage of time.|模拟训练02读后t卖写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Waking with MistyIn 2004, when my daught



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