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1、英语期末复习要点一、 重点专业词汇1睦邻运动 the settlement movement 2人际距离 3结构式访谈structured interview 4济贫法The Elizabeth Poor Law 5归属需要 6 文化惰性cultural inertia7弱势群体 Vulnerable groupsdisadvantaged groups 8抽样偏差 sampling bias 9刻板效应effect of stereotype10人在情境中Person in situation 11教育不平等 12 情绪失常emotional disorder 13社会政策Social Po

2、licy 14 归属感 15 攻击行为aggressive behavior 16单亲家庭 a single- parent family 17潜意识冲突 18情感交流 affective interaction 19农民工Migrant workers 20态度改变 attitude change 21职业发展制度career development program22社会排斥social exclusion 23威信型父母 authoritative parent 24就业辅导career guidance 25社会融合 social integration 26权力社会 authorit

3、ative society 27情感教育 affective education 28功能主义 functionalist perspective 29平均寿命 30职业认同career identity 31镜中我 looking-glass self 32正强化刺激 positive reinforcing stimulus 33情感纽带 affectional tie 34机械团结mechanical solidarity 35第一印象 primary impression 36知觉防卫机制perceptual defense mechanism37积累经验 gather experie

4、nce 38个人特征 individual characteristics 39情感性依附 affectional attachment 40能力发展 41质量保证 42 反社会行为antisocial behavior 43青少年危机 44相对剥夺理论 relative deprivation theory 45趋近行为 advent behavior 46样本观察sample observation47 行为社会化 behavior socialization 48行为塑behavior shaping 49被抽样总体 sampled population50身心问题 Body-mind

5、problem 51 样本显著性水平 sample significance level52随机抽样 sampling at random 53 犯罪人格 criminal personality 二、 问答题1、Please list at least three activities or three organizations in the development of social work.答;1.慈善组织协会:the Charity Organization Society2. 全美社会工作者协会:the National Association of Social Workers

6、3.汤恩比馆:Toybee Hall2、Based on the knowledge you have learned from this course, give a definition to social work.答:Social work is the professional activity of helping individuals, groups, or communities to enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and to create social conditions favorab

7、le to their goals;3、Illustrate at least four roles that social workers may play in helping people.答:1.ENABLER;2.BROKER;3.ADVOCATE;4.ACTIVIST;ENABLER:In this role a worker helps individuals or groups to articulate their needs, to clarify and identify their problems to explore resolution strategies, t

8、o select and apply a strategy, and to develop their capacities to deal with their own problems more effectively. This role model is perhaps the most frequently used approach in counseling individuals, groups, and families. The model is also used in community organization primarily when the objective

9、 is to help people to help themselves.BROKER:A broker links individuals and groups who need help with community services. For example, a wife who is frequently physically abused by her husband might be referred to a shelter home . Nowadays even moderate-sized communities have 200 or 300 social servi

10、ce agencies/organizations providing community services.Even human services professionals are often only partially aware of the total service network in their community.ADVOCATE:The role of an advocate has been borrowed from the law profession. It is an active directive role in which the social worke

11、r is an advocate for a client or for a citizens group.When a client or a citizens group is in need of help and existing institutions are uninterested in providing services, then the advocates role may be appropriate.ACTIVIST:An activist seeks basic institutional change;often the objective involves a

12、 shift in power and resources to a disadvantaged group. An activist is concerned about social injustice, inequity,and deprivation. Tactics involve conflict, confrontation, and negotiation. Social action is concerned with changing the social environment in order to better meet the recognized needs of

13、 individuals. 4、What are three levels of social work practice?答:Social workers practice at three levels:micro-working on a one to one based with an individual;(一对一的方式)mezzo-working with families and other small groups;(为家庭和其他小群体)macro: mkru -working with communities or seeking changes in statutes an

14、d social policies;(与各类组织和社区打交道,或寻求改变章程,法律和社会政策)5、What are the contents of basic knowledge of social work ?答:theory, models, wisdom, and specialized knowledge. 6、Describe the traditional focus of sociology.答:sociologyis the study of humansocial behaviorand its origins, development, organizations, andinstitutions. It is asocial science which uses various methods ofempirical investigation andcritical analysisto develop a body of knowledge about human


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