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1、Book 6 Module 4 Reading and Speaking-高中英语研究课整体流程教案Teaching Content : Reading and Vocabulary是一篇采访报道,要求学生从采访中了解琵琶演奏家刘芳的成长过程和她在该领域取得的成就,并从中学习一些音乐方面的词汇.Teaching aims and teaching demands:1 Have the students know some Chinese and western instruments.2 Have the students know some knowledge about music.3 T

2、o train the students speaking skills through making dialogues.Important and difficult points:1 How to master the names of different instruments.2 How to make the students perform themselves in class and make dialogues with others in English.Teaching methods: elicitation and discussion.Teaching instr

3、uments: computer, blackboardTeaching procedures:Step I : Lead-in. (昨日重现英语视频歌曲出现在屏幕上)T: With the music on, how much do you know about the world of music? Appreciate some pieces of music, then guess what kinds of music have?(以花瓣的课件形式,让学生依次猜所属的音乐类型)Pop music Folk music Rock music Classical music Rap mu

4、sic Country musicT: (课件静止到刚才有各种音乐形式的页面之后跟学生们解释:)Referring to music, I think everyone must want to say something, because we all like it. When we listen to it, whats your feeling?(让学生说出听音乐之后的感受)S:guitarMusical instrumentspianoviolindrumsaxophoneerhuguzhenglutepipaharpmandolinyueqinT:yes,we feel very

5、peaceful and relaxed. Once I am in blue mood(板书并解释此短语的含义) or I am upset, Ill choose some lively pieces and they will quickly bring me back to normal state. We know any beautiful music is closely connected with all kinds of musical instruments, how many instruments have you heard?S:(让学生们说出中西方的乐器)T:Do

6、 you play instruments by yourself?What kinds of instruments can you play? When did you start?(这三个问题是为后面引出刘芳作为铺垫.同学们演奏乐器纯属是娱乐,爱好.而刘芳是一直以音乐作为自己毕生的事业)T:Different instruments and different types of music bring us different feelings.Indeed it is only your hobby.but there is one person.(打出刘芳的图片课件)she cons

7、idered music as her own career.she has become an international music star.do you want to know more about her?S:Step II: Fast reading:(这一环节就是练学生们的快速阅读能力,要求当堂找出老师设置的问题答案)T:Therer are 3 parts in this passage.Read part 1.Read it quickly, then fill in the blanks ,Year of birthHometown The place she is li

8、ving now The school she went toThe training she receivedThe person who taught her to play musical instrumentsThe musical instruments she playsT:are you ready?(下面逐一请学生说出答案,且下面出现Conservatory这个单词,一定要给学生们用英语诠释一下.)Year of birth1974Hometown KunmingThe place she is living now CanadaThe school she went toSh

9、anghai Conservatory (A school where musicians study)of MusicThe training she receivedpipa and guzhengThe person who taught her to play musical instrumentsher motherThe musical instruments she playspipa and guzhengT: According to Part 1, what is the biggest challenge for liufang?(打出课件出现刘芳)S: the bigg

10、est challenge is to respect the traditions but to add her own style.(学生通过阅读回答出相应的答案)T:and what is the biggest challenge for langlang?(马上出现朗朗的照片,教师向学生陈述朗朗遇到的挑战并如何应付以此来激励学生,”在生活中你也会遇到挑战,但是面对挑战你该怎么做?”这时希望同学们都应该向刘芳和朗朗学习,遇到挑战敢于面对,勇于承担.要有坚强的性格做为德育教育点)you know?In his childhood(youth).he was refused by his

11、first teacher, who said, you not only lack the gift for music, but also ability to go into the college of music . Im afraid you are hopeless, but with a strong will and perseverance(板书内容并解释该词的意思,让学生对性格品性的词汇有拓展)(if you want achieve sth. you work very hard.and never give up.) so Lang land with a stron

12、g will and perseverance spent much time on it.he has achieved his success. He is the first Chinese pianist who played the piano in the White House.He played the piano in the 2008 Olympics in China. We are all proud of him, because we are all Chinese.Most importantly, we respect his strong character.

13、(手划括号在黑板上指着几个单词,让学生再次了解朗朗具备的性格特征).Have you met challenge in your daily life?S yes. T:When you met challenge ,what kind of qualities should your have? (引导学生让学生再自主的想出其它的有关与人性格品质相关的词汇.)S:Lets read Part 2 and choose the correct answers. (同样以快速阅读的形式让学生速读找出相应的答案)1. Traditional singing is _.A .the most imp

14、ortant influence on liu fangs styleB not such an important influence2. when people listen to her playing_.A they also hear her singing.B they think they can hear singing3. liu fang thinks that_A chinese music is like the chinese languageB chinese music and language use the same tones4. chinese class

15、ical pieces often have poetic titles, A which is understandable待添加的隐藏文字内容2B which is very surprising5.empty spaces in chinese paintingsA are like the silent parts of chinese musicB mean the pictures have no lifeT:can you summarize the main idea of Part2? (此时,通过学生的快速阅读让学生自己总结本段的主要大意)S:It tells about Liu Fangs musical influences and characteristics of Chinese classical music.(总结这段的大意的目的就是让学生明白本段的中心词就是influences and characteristics.这时打出凤凰传奇组合图片和声音文件,这么做的目的是第二段突显的是刘芳的音乐特色和影响,而凤凰传奇把民族和流行的曲风相融合同样也具备了自己的音乐特色.这时对学生进行情感和理想教育,只要同学们用心,也会具备自己的特色.也


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