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1、时态动词的时态 【铜仁】Where is M. Zao? He _ to ount Faji.Hellcme back _ a week. .haben; in B. asgone; ftr . hs gone; n D.has ee; fte 【答案】C 【河北】Im usy now. _to you aft scool thisafteroo A tal . talked C. will talk D ave taked 【答案】C 【黄冈】I suose yu aret let6 yeasld an you. Im glad you _ tat. y eal is 362. A. ay

2、B aid C r saying D. were ang 【答案】B 【连云港】BejingaZangjiakou _ applyingohost the 2022 nr OympicGames in . A bgin B. gan C. have begn . hadbgun【答案】B 【长沙】our bother is an xellent basketbll player. So heis. He _ to pla basll tr yrs ago. A h stated B.starts .started【答案】C 【长沙】Lil Tm _compue ame when is mter

3、gt he. A. ispayi pay C. was plying 【答案】C 【河北】. saw Ke nth meeting oom, he _ e for e coo magzne. A.iterviws B intervewed . has intervied D. was interiwi 【答案】D 【河北】42. Monica, yu_ thexa! Congratlatio! .ps B. havepased C. will pss D.ae ssing 【答案】B 【河北】me _at te dr Can yooen it? A. ks B.kncke C.isknc Dw

4、 knocing 【答案】C 【达州】Hae ve _ an ausment prk? e, have _ F imes Amusement ark las year. A.been o, ve oo B.oe to, have een t .g to, went to D ben to, we t 【答案】D 【河南】24Aeou gong anywhr? I_ abouvisting m ster, but Ihave chngdmy ind. A. hnk B. hve h C. wllhik D thought 【答案】D 【解析】考察时态的用法。本题句意为:你要去某些地方吗?我看望我

5、姐姐,但我变化了主意。根据答语后半句“Ichangd my mind”及逻辑推理可知,我原本考虑去看望我姐姐,但后来由变化了主意,因此答语前半句表达的是过去考虑好的事情,故应是一般过去时态。故选D项。 【河南】3.Does ebs go tothbach? N.You _ the wrong wa. ou ant heNumber 1 Ag B. ere oing C.ar going D. ould go 【答案】C 【解析】考察时态的用法。本题句意为:公交车去沙滩吗?不去。你错路了。你想乘11路车。根据句意及答语后句中的“wnt the Nbe 1”可推知,问路人还没有乘坐公交车,因此此处

6、应用一般将来时态体现。故选项。 【陕西】O ay 22, a an xi diver _ d lay o the sita as soon as h old in Xinjiang . sn . sens . i sending D.as ent 【答案】A 【黔西南州】I _ y hmeown fora lontim. rellmis t. . let Bwentaway fro C. aeleft D. haveen awy ro 【答案】D 【北京】What o ou ftndo a wekends? oft _ my grandarent. . si . sit C. vevisite

7、d . willvisit 【答案】A 【北京】What e ou doin when wre aing asetball yeerday aftrnon? I _ t cassroom. A. was leaningB. havelandC. will clean D. clen 【答案】 【北京】He_ in tisacry or 2yearareay. A wil wo Borks C.awoked is w 【答案】C 【南京】Li, whyare youllhre? Schol isover fr af an hor. Bcus _ my task yet. I till nedoe

8、 moreou A. wntfnih B. dn ns C.havinshd D. had inished 【答案】C 【鄂州】 A new shp_ fr ek erby. Les hae look thre. Good ideBut doesn _ onMondas A. opened; pned . ha be oened; open C hapend; opned D. hs ben open; pe 【答案】D 【扬州】 youfrend competehis deig? t yt. He _ onitlat niht. .woked B.a wok s woknDwas orkig

9、 【答案】 【扬州】Whre is Mr Wa? togetr withhi sudets _ uyuwaark. A. has gne B hae gone o C hasben to Dae ben to 【答案】A 【扬州】Wenwi A Biteof Chin IIbegi toght? I _ or ten minutes. A. wil begi as egun . ill be on D. as been n【答案】D 【湖北咸宁】o ou kno Diaoyu land? Sure. It _ Cin nce ancint tmes. A. egs o .beoned to C

10、. has beloned to D is lgg to 【答案】C 【重庆市】Wheres your athe? He _the World up inthivng rm A. is wacing B.watchs . wtchd .will ah 【答案】A 【重庆市A】nhonqig,yu can ften seeman peple anceoutsde ogeteri i _ the evenng. A rains B doesrai C. will in .ontrain 【答案】B 【安徽】Mr. Wang has lft fr Guangh. H _a spch thee twdays . ives B.ave willgive D. hasgiven 【答案】C 【


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