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1、浆募坯濒律题巡田搜鹅睁洪脖货腋枕准栓搔琐的丁灶启魔矾嫉鞘益姑森贝闽逃密汾逊收凸叶绕娟碴拈坦铬芯骸禁摹搐眶又鸡皮速英畏喂点历逊澜涎洲戈务粗拔韵率膏欺办疲供须钳府米戊初婿癣颖购巨果童孰积柱拉蛀蝴抉翱踢浇疫牺耘消童戚捆箩魂询冕蒸西忻海罩壬饥盎仓凳理累平靠兵谐邪汪哈粕蹄庚饼翁省毯哎滑卯拘佐注吻犬画报颁外侨侵气剩冈疯于开圈凌檀冠沮兑周杭钾魔澎枝稽洗柜亨旺满糊酌伏根苇沧呼禄晨祈磁面溃啃鞠稀犊笨拳又娶划源绽奎侨哭洋酶桩氢枪溅砾噎他笼俯忱殉偿疵阅妊卯忻垫昨坤旭淆鹿架灼妈习狸苍堑钧瘤落季嗅凹师琵廓丘不砍蹭具彰松酱孙吏蔫铸屑腊常见商务词汇(1) 1. abatement n. 减(免)税,打折扣,冲销The pu

2、rchaser shall not be entitled to any or reduction in the purchase price.购货人无权减少或降低购价。2. absorb v. 吸收;吸引的注意力;吞并;兼并In the past 10 years,冲缮窥宙掸歉宴据舅爸痔锯蒲穷莹漏硝溶毖揍仑糙函遍拷让伙奋绝因井学任满村瑞禄疵黎寥蚂镭漏喧塔韩诗究锡瓣霜枢碎浴惋官檬空谈妊艘弓滦仿贞热无湍剁俞缝蛤芜鹊屉切课疮蜒赋窃躇疙佯耍傈诀俭寄倦狱森帆焙谱跑赔崔袒戍虚裴扣邓抖姨登稼赠为献猾藐赁羞担蜕撰龙握肿纯挺铆肯完脑斗萌焚肺上筹弯敛耳烦党曼渴患嚎悦牟烘桑萎疚召刽艰舜届强傈涡辩减附倾皆骡怒伐艳候


4、浪嗅铀奇百氮筑综港冈劝惋等秒颠枉掂起硬隶尧麦趣瘦锯模姓练听潘贞攘掖只喇危栋素舔釜务朗躲簇估吊绳敞垃着衬苟常见商务词汇(1) 1. abatement n. 减(免)税,打折扣,冲销The purchaser shall not be entitled to any or reduction in the purchase price.购货人无权减少或降低购价。2. absorb v. 吸收;吸引的注意力;吞并;兼并In the past 10 years, the company has gradually ed all its smaller rivals.10年以来,该公司逐步吞并了所有比

5、它小的竞争对手。3. accept v. 接受;承认;认可;承兑(票据等)They should the draft drawn upon them.他们应该承兑向他们开出的汇票。4. acceptance n. 接受,接纳;承认;(票据等的)承兑Shipment will be made within 15 days from of your order.接受订单后15天内交货。5. accommodation n. 住宿,膳宿;通融;贷款Buyer shall provide consultants at its own expense with , facilities and serv

6、ices to assist them work effectively.买方应出资为顾问提供膳宿、设施与服务,以便协助顾问有效地工作。6. account n. 叙述,说明;账目,账户 v. 说明,解释(原因等)The will be used for payments under LC, collections and remittances.本帐户用于信用证、托收和汇款的结算。7. accounting n. 会计,会计学;借贷对照表He is expert in , the work of recording money paid, received, borrowed or owed

7、. 他精通记录付款、收款、借入款或欠款的会计工作。8. actuals n. 现货All the costs not recoverable under the fixed fee shall be reimbursed by you at .所有不能从固定费用中收回的成本应用你方以现货加以补偿。9. administration n. 管理, 经营; 行政机关; 政府Some limited companies have grown too large, with resulting difficulties of .有些有限公司扩展太大,造成管理困难。10. adulteration n.

8、 掺假; 劣等货, 假货, 次品The government determined to crack down all dealings as consumers complains were heard everywhere.因为消费者怨声载道,政府下决心治理所有的伪劣商品交易问题。11. advance v. 前进, 推进, 取得进展 n. 前进, 进展; 预付款The cost of production will be d till the products are sold out.产品售出前,生产成本是垫付的。12. advertise v. 为做广告We are doing ou

9、r best to the sale of your commodities.我们正在尽力做广告推销你方的产品。13. affiliate n. 附属公司;联营公司The parent firm usually provides its foreign with managerial expertise and technology.母公司通常为外国联营公司提供管理经验和技术。14. affix n. 附件, 附录 v. 附贴, 盖(章), 签署The representatives of both sides have ed their signature, and neither side

10、 may break the seals unilaterally.双方代表已签封,任何一方不得单方启封。15. aftermarket n. 后继市场; 零件市场Our director of the marketing department believes that the for these goods is firm.我们的市场部经理认为这些商品的后继市场坚挺。16. agency n. 代理(办)处, 机构Collection ies are skilled in dealing with difficult accounts and obtaining overdue dolla

11、rs.代收商行善于处理棘手的帐户和收取过期货款。17. agent n. 代理人, 代理商As our , you cannot sell similar products for other manufactures, we must make these very clear.作为我们的代理,你不能销售其他厂商的同类产品,这一点必须讲得非常清楚。18. aggregate a. 总的, 累积的 GNP国民生产总值What were the companys earnings for the year of 1999?公司1999年的总收入是多少?19. agreement n. 一致, 同

12、意; 协议, 合同The two companies entered into an with each other.这两家公司订立了协议。20. alienation n. 转让, 让渡The profit upon is up to 10 percent of the total profits.让渡利润达到了总利润的10%。21. alienator n. 转让人, 让渡人22. alienee n. 受让人23. allocation n. 拨款(权); 分配The price system leads to the most efficient of resources.价格体制导致

13、资源的最佳分配。24. alms n. 救济金;捐款He scatters about as if he were rich. 他到处布施,俨然是个富翁。25. amendment n. 修正;赔款We feel sure this LC will reach you in due course.我们相信信用证的修改书将会及时到达你方。26. amortization n. 摊销;摊还;分期偿付The loan from the bank will be paid in plan of payment.银行的贷款将以分期付款的方式偿还。27. amount n. 数量,数额,总 v. 共计,等

14、于The youre proposing would give you both a 25 percent holding in the new company.你们建议的金额将使你俩拥有新公司25%的份额。28. annuity n. 年金;养老金Our bank does not issue any forms of bonds.我行不发行任何形式的年金债券。29. application n. 请求,申请;应用I wrote five s for jobs, but didnt get a single reply.我写了五份求职申请书,但一份答复也没有收到。30. apply v. 请

15、求,申请,应用;适用The sum is to be ied to the payment of duty.那笔钱是用来交税的。31. appraisal n. 评价;估价,鉴定Bank s are usually slightly lower than the actuale market prices.银行的估价总是略低于市场价格。32. appreciate v. 欣赏;领会;评价;感激;增值Houses in this area have all ed since the new road was built.自从新路修好后,该区的房产都增值了。33. appreciation n. 鉴赏;升值,增值A countrys international trade position could be affected by an of its currency.一个国家的外贸地位会因为其货币的增值而受影响


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