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1、翻译二级笔译综合能力分类模拟题 20总分: 100.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、 Reading Comprehension ( 总题数: 5 ,分数: 100.00 )The fact that most Americans live in urban areas does not mean that they reside in the center of large cities. In fact, more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas than in the cities themselv

2、es.The Bureau of the Census regards any area with more than 2,500 people as an urban area, and does not consider boundaries of cities and suburbs.According to the Bureau, the political boundaries are less significant than the social and economic relationships and the transportation and communication

3、 systems that integrate a locale. The term used by the Bureau for an integrated metropolis is an MSA, which stands for MetropolitanStatistical Area. In general, an MSAis any area that contains a city and its surrounding suburbs and has a total population of 50,000 or more.At the present time, the Bu

4、reau reports more than 280 MSAs, which together account for 75 percent of the US population. In addition, the Bureau recognizes 18 megapolises, that is, continuous adjacent metropolitan areas. One of the most obvious megapolises includes a chain of hundreds of cities and suburbs across 10 states on

5、the East Coast from Massachusetts to Virginia, including Boston, New York, and Washington, D. C. In the Eastern Corridor, as it is called, a population of 45 million inhabitants is concentrated. Another megapolis that is growing rapidly is theCalifornia coast from San Francisco through Los Angeles t

6、o San Diego. (分数: 20.00 )( 1 ) .Which of the following is the best title for the passage? (分数: 2.00 )A. Metropolitan Statistical Areasb. types of population centersVC. The Bureau of the CensusD. Megapolises解析:解析本题考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,A和D都是文章叙述的一部分,C是进行统计的机构,因而应选 B 。( 2 ).According to the passage, where do

7、mostAmericans live? (分数: 2.00 )A. In the center of cities.b. in the suburbs surrounding large cities.VC. In rural areas.D. In small towns.解析: 解析 本题考查细节理解。根据文章第一段第二句“ .more Americans live in the suburbs oflarge metropolitan areas than in the cities themselves. ”可知,更多的美国人生活在大都市的郊区, metropolitan 意为“大城市

8、的”。所以,答案是B 。( 3 ) .The underlined word reside inParagraph I is closest in meaning to . (分数: 2.00 )A. fillB. decideC. occupyd. live V解析: 解析 本题考查词义辨析。根据文章第一段第一句“ The fact that most Americans live in urban areas does not mean that they reside in the center of large cities. ”可知,大多数美国人生活在城区并不意味着他们都居住在市中心

9、。 分析句子结构可知, reside 应和 live 是同义词。 Reside 居住”;fill 填满”; decide 决定”; occupy 占据” ; live 生活”。所以,答案是D。(4).According to the Bureau of theCensus, what is an urban area? (分数: 2.00 )A. A chain of adjacent cities.B. An area with at least 50,000 people.an area with 2,500 people or more. VC. The 18 largest citie

10、s.D.解析: 解析 本题考查细节理解。根据文章第二段“ The Bureau of the Census regards any area withmore than 2,500 people as an urban area, and does not consider boundaries of cities and suburbs. ” 可知,答案是D。(5) .Which of the following are NOTconsidered important in defining an urban area? ( 分数: 2.00)a. political boundaries.

11、VB. Transportation networks.C. Social relationships.D. Economic systems.解析: 解析 本题考查细节理解。根据第三段第一句话“ According to the Bureau, the politicalboundaries are less significant than the social and economic relationships and the transportation and communication systems that integrate a locale. ”可知,统计局认为,与社会和

12、经济关系和交通 通信系统相比,政治界限不太重要。据此可知,答案是A 。(6) .The underlined word integrate in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to . (分数:2.00 )A. benefitB. definec. unite VD. restrict解析: 解析 本题考查词义理解。根据语境可知,社会和经济关系和交通通信系统可以将一个场所联系起来。 Integrate 使成整体,使一体化”; benefit “受益于”; define “下定义”; unite 联合,团结;restrict “限制,约束”。所以,答案是C

13、。(7) .Which of the following is NOT true?( 分数: 2.00 )A. An integrated metropolis is an MSA.B. MSA stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area.c. a metropolis includes at least a metropolitan.VD. An MSA refers to city and its suburbs, with over 50,000 people.解析: 解析 本题考查是非判断。 根据第三段第二、 三句“ The term used b

14、y the Bureau for an integrated metropolis is an MSA, which stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area. In general, an MSA is any area that contains a city and its surrounding suburbs and has a total population of 50,000 ormore.”可知,A B、D三项在文中一一提到,均正确。只有C项在文中没有相关支持信息,故不正确。所以,答案是C 。(8) .The underlined wo

15、rd adjacent in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_ .( 分数: 2.00 )a. beside each other VB. growing very fastC. the same sizeD. densely populatedmegapolises 是连续的毗邻的都市地区。growing very fast “发展迅速”; the same size “一A。.According to the passage, what is a megapolis? ( 分解VIn addition, the Bureau recognizes 18”可知,答案是D 。解析: 解析 本题考查词义理解。根据文章第四段第二句可知,Adjacent “邻近的,接近的”; beside each other “靠边”;样大”; densely populated “人口密集”。据此可知,答案是(9)数: 2.00)A. One of the 10 largest cities in the United States.B. One of the 18 largest cities in the United States.C. One of the 100 cities between B



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